Search for New Garden Monthly Meeting
4/25/1706, Thomas born in Ballyredman, Co. Carlow, Ireland; s/o 1224. James Lindley & 1225. Eleanor Parke.
2/6/1711, Ruth born in West Meath, Ireland; d/o 1226. Simon Hadley Jr & 1227. Ruth Miller.
10/21/1731, Thomas married Ruth in the New Garden MM, Chester Co., PA.
1753, Thomas named as a member of the Cane Creek MM, NC.
Thomas’ neighbor was 614. Col. John Pyle.
John Pyle and Thomas became related by the marriage of their children, and they also became compatriots in the Regulator Movement; organized by local North Carolinians to oppose the British oppression caused by the Stamp Act.
9/4/1765, Thomas Lindley Sr witnessed the will of Samuel Reed in Orange Co., NC.
3/15/1780, Thomas, “far advanced in years”, wrote his will: wife – Ruth, sons: William, Jonathan, Thomas, John; daughters: Katherine Whire, Ruth Hadley, Elinor Marriss, Deborah Newlin. Grandson Thomas, s/o James deceased. Other grandsons. To “friends of Spring Meeting two acres of land whereon the Meeting House now stands.”
9/13/1781, the “Battle of Lindley’s Mill” of the Revolutionary War occurred at Thomas’ mill.
9/14/1781, Thomas died in Spring MM, Orange Co., NC. [It is not known if Thomas’ death was associated with the battle.]
12/4/1785, Ruth died.
Family notes:
• In 1928 a memorial was erected in the Spring MM cemetery to Thomas and Ruth.
Children of James and Ruth:
i. Catherine Lindley, born 9/22/1732 in London Grove, Chester Co., PA.
4/22/1756 at Cane Creek MM, Catherine married William White.
5/1/1811, Catherine died in Orange Co., NC.
ii. James Lindley, born 9/22/1735 in London Grove, Chester Co., PA. [Twin]
5/5/1753 at Kenneth MM, Chester Co., PA,, James married Mary Cox; d/o William Cox.
4/1779, James died in 96th Dist., SC.
iii. Simon Lindley, born 9/22/1735 in London Grove, Chester Co., PA. [Twin]
iv. Simon Lindley, born 1/5/1737 in London Grove, Chester Co., PA.
v. Thomas Lindley, born 8/7/1740 in London Grove, Chester Co., PA.
1759, Thomas disowned by Cane Creek for marrying Sarah Evans outside the Friends.
Thomas married 2nd widow Margery Piggott [Buckingham].
2/28/1833, Thomas died in Orange Co., NC.
vi. William Lindley, born 12/29/1742 in London Grove, Chester Co., PA.
11/5/1766, William married Mary Morton.
1767, William a member of Cane Creek MM.
9/28/1784, William died in Orange Co., NC.
vii. Ruth Lindley, born 3/25/1745 in London Grove, Chester Co., PA.
9/28/1761, Ruth married her 1st cousin, Joshua Hadley; s/o Joshua & Patience Brown.
1762, Ruth reported to Cane Creek MM for her marriage.
7/15/1798, Ruth died in Orange Co., NC.
viii. John Lindley (306), born 10/13/1747 in London Grove, Chester Co., PA.
ix. Eleanor Lindley, born 9/15/1750 in London Grove, Chester Co., PA.
4/18/1770, Eleanor married George Maris.
1/12/1783, Eleanor died in Orange Co., NC.
x. Deborah Lindley, born 6/28/1753 in Orange Co., NC.
1/22/1772 in Cane Creek MM, Deborah married James Newlin.
12/15/1813, Deboran died in Orange Co., NC.
xi. Jonathan Lindley, born 6/15/1756 in Orange Co., NC.
1777, Jonathan disowned for marrying Deborah Dicks.
1786-88, Jonathan a representative to the County Members of the General Assembly for Orange Co.
1781, Deborah joined the Friends.
Jonathan led the Friends Expedition to the Indiana Terr. and was a founder of the Lick Creek MM in Orange Co., IN.
8/10/1811, Johnathan died in Orange Co., IN.
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