7605202. Lord John de Cornwall & 7605203.
Margery Trejage
~1310, John de Cornwaill born in England, s/o 15210404. Sir William de Cornwall &
15210405. Isolda ?.
~1310, Margery born in England, d/o 15210406. Sir John Treiagu.
4/25/1320, Licence for William de Cornubia to enfeoff
Isabella de Bouleye of his manor of Branel, and for her to regrant it to the
said William and John his son and the heirs of the said John. (S) CPRs.
[Possibly a marriage settlement.]
2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of
7/6/1332, Commission of oyer to John de Stonore, … on
complaint by John de Trevaignon, king’s serjeant, and Joan his wife that John
de Treiagy, … assembling a great mob attacked the manor … Guthfos Muer, co.
Cornwall, … took the said Joan … imprisoned her … that John de Treiagu, John de
Cornewaille and the rest … forced and entry, then, broke the doors of his
houses … (S) CPRs.
~1334, John married Margery.
6/1/1343 at Lostwithiel, Debtor: John de Trejage (15210406),
knight, … John de Cornwall, … [of Cornwall]. Creditor: Richard de Causton,
citizen and mercer [merchant] of London. Amount: £66 13s. 4d. (S) UKNA
By 1343, Margery’s father and her brother died.
7/8/1343, Between David Hendour 1 & Isabella his wife,
claimants, by William de Medewill [guardian] in Isabella's place, and John son
of William de Cornewaille 2 & Margery his wife, deforciants ; as to 1
messuage, 50 acres of land, 3 acres of meadow in Talkarn. 3 Pica of covenant
was summoned. David acknowledged the tenements to be the right of John. For
this John & Margery granted to David & Isabella the said tenements
& gave them up to them at the Court. To have & to hold to David &
Isabella & the heirs of their bodies of the said John & Margery &
the heirs of John for ever. Rendering therefor yearly 1 rose at the feast of
the Nativity of St John Baptist … Should David & Isabella die without heir
of their bodies then the tenements shall revert in their entirety to John &
Margery & the heirs of John quit of the other heirs of David &
Isabella. (S) Devon & Cornwall Record Soc., Feet of Fines, V1, 1904.
1343, John, son of William de Cornwall, and Margery his wife
giving the manor of Brannel and the advowson of the church (St. Stephen's) to
Ralph de Treiagu and, after his death, to David Hendour (son-in-law) and
1345, John de Cornwall presented Sir William Robert to the
1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of
England [likely entering through Bristol].
6/1349, The Plague reached Dorset, and had spread across
England by the end of 1349.
1349, John de Cornwall presented Sir Reginald Trevelyan to
the rectory of St. Stephen.
By 1357, Margery [Margaret de Cornubia] died before [maybe
after] John. (S) CFRs, 6/24/1357.
By 1361, John died. (S) Daughter Isabella presented to St.
Family notes:
There are multiple persons named “John de
Cornwall” contemporary.
1359, A petition of Mary de Maubuge, who’s
husband “served with John de Cornwaill in all of the prince’s wars.” (S) UKNA.
[There is some evidence that this ‘John de Cornwaill’ is related to, but not
the same as this John.]
(S) Wadham College, Oxford, Jackson, 1893. (S) Journal of
the Royal Institution of Cornwall, 1907, P417.
Child of John and Margery:
i. Isabella de
Cornwall (3802601), born ~1335 in England.