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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lord Thomas Bowet & Margaret Pervyng

7605708. Lord Thomas Bowet & 7605709. Margaret Pervyng

~1350, Thomas born in Cumberland, England.

~1355, Margaret born in England, d/o §Adam Pervyng alias Pacok. (S) See 9/28/1405.

10/24/1382, Clement de Skelton knight and Thomas Bowet to be paid £14 16s. for 37 days at parliament at Westminster, representing Cumberland. (S) CCRs.

11/2/1382, Licence for Robert Parnyng, knight, to enfeoff Henry Bowet, clerk, and John de Corkeby of the manors of …  Cumberland, held in chief, …, to re-enfeoff him in tail male, with remainder to Thomas Bowet the elder, and Margaret his wife, and final remainder to lawful heirs of the said Robert.

3/1387, A fine between Henry Bowet, clerk, archdeacon of Lincoln, …  manors of Blackhall, Staynton, and Bocardby in Cumberland … remainder to Thomas Bowet, sen. and Margaret his wife in tail. (S) Ess. Tow.s’ Topo Hist. of Norfolk, Blomefield, 1809, P495.

3/23/1387, Thomas Bowet and John Corkeby of Cumberland to John de Scardeburgh clerk. Recognisance for 50 marks, to be levied etc. in Cumberland. (S) CCRs.

Bef. 7/30/1388, John de Wathewyk died. Since his death Robert de Parvyng, knight, and Thomas Bowet have had possession of the manor of Warhtwik and taken the issues thereof. (S) IPM of John de Wathewyk.

2/12/1397, Order by mainprise of Thomas Bowet of Cumberland, … to set free Nicholas de Wynyngton … (S) CCRs.

12/23/1398, IPM of Maud wife of Henry earl of Northumberland. Cumberland: … Bothill. The manor, held by Nicholas de Harington, knight, William Culwen, knight, and Thomas Bowet by 8s. 10d. for cornage and 2s. for watch of the sea. (S) CIsPM.

10/13/1399, Henry IV crowned king of England.

11/20/1401, In the chamber of bishop Henry’s house, … Present: Master William Byllesdon, Bachelor of Laws and
the said reverend father’s Chancellor. Thomas Bowet, esquire.

2/28/1404, Appointment of Peter de Courtenay, ‘chivaler,’ John Wadham, ‘chivaler,’ … Thomas Bowet and John Stourton as justices for the supervision of the river of the water Avene between the city of Bath and the town of Bristol … concerning the erection of weirs, mills, stanks, pales and kiddles. (S) CPRs.

4/10/1405, Margaret a co-heiress of Robert Pervyng, knight.

7/2/1405, Commitment to Henry bishop of Bath and Wells, and Thomas Bowet, the elder, … (S) CFRs.

9/28/1405, IPM of Robert Pervyng, knight. Cumberland: … Isabel his wife … John and Thomas, brothers of Adam Pacok, died without heirs male of their bodies. Adam Pacok held the manors in virtue of the fines, and had issue Robert Pervyng, knight, and Margaret wife of Thomas Bowet, senior. Robert Pervyng, knight, died without heirs of his body. Margaret (I) wife of Thomas Bowet, Maud (II) formerly wife of John Walker of Cockermouth, and Thomas Qwytlokman (III) are heirs of Robert Pervyng, junior.  Margaret Bowet [sister of Robert] is one heir of Robert Pervyng, junior, namely daughter of Adam Pervyng alias Adam Pacok, father of Robert Pervyng, knight. Adam was son of Joan, sometime wife of John Pacok, sister and heir of Robert Pervyng, junior. Maud formerly wife of John Walker of Cockermouth is another heir, being the daughter of Alice de Wode, daughter of Emma de Skateby [sister of Robert], another sister and heir of Robert Pervyng, junior. She is aged 30 years and more.  Thomas Qwytlokman is son and heir of Margaret Pape, another daughter of Alice, daughter of Emma de Skateby; also aged 30 years and more. He died on 10 April last. To the messuage in Carlisle Margaret wife of Thomas Bowet is next heir and of full age, being 30 years and more. (S) CIsPM.

10/18/1405, Order to take of Isabel who was wife of Robert Pervynge knight an oath etc., and in presence of Thomas Bowet the elder and Margaret his wife, daughter of Adam Pervynge otherwise Pacoke son of Joan sometime wife of John Pacoke one of the sisters of the said Robert the younger, … (S) CCRs.

1/29/1407, The lands of Robert Pervyng partitioned … to take the fealty of Thomas Bowet and cause him and the said Margery (Margaret) to have full seisin of Margery's pourparty thus retained in the king's hand, as the king for 20s. paid in the hanaper has respited the homage due from Thomas by reason of his having issue by Margery. (S) CFRs.

1407, Thomas Bowet the elder, and Thomas Bowet the younger, executors of the will of Gilbert Bowet.

10/7/1407, Henry Bowet appointed archbishop of York, brother of Thomas [Henry died 10/20/1423.]

1408, Thomas Bowet the elder, and Thomas Bowet the younger executors of Gibert Bowet. (S) Reg. of Walter Giffard, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1899, P25.

Thomas died.


5/22/1422, Whereas … a writ of convention … against Margaret late the wife of Thomas Bowet the elder and William Bowet of Wrentham (not her son), knight, concerning the manor of Blakhalle, Staynton and Bochardby, co. Cumberland, … Margaret and William Bowet acknowledged … the said moiety to the the right of Oliver … granted the moiety to Margaret for life … for 12 marks … pardons the trespasses. (S) CPRs.

(S) The Paston Family, Richmond, P215. (S) Peerage of England, Collins, 1812, P561. (S) The Registers of Walter Giffard, Bishop of Bath and Wales, 1265-6, and of Henry Bowett, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1401-7.

Family notes:

·         “Thomas Bowet” appears in records back to the time of King Richard I.

Children of Thomas and Margaret:

i. Richard Bowet, born ? in England.

Richard married Ela de Ufford, d/o Lord Robert de Ufford & Eleanor de Felton. [Sister of William’s wife.]

ii. William Bowet (3802854), born ~1375 in England.

iii. Sir Thomas Bowet Esq., born ? in England.

2/11//1405, Grant to the king’s esquire Thomas Bowet of the custody of all the part of the forest of Exmore … Devon … (S) CPRs.

1415-16, Indentures between the king and the following for service in his invasion of France: Nicholas Bowet and Thomas Bowet. (S) UKNA.

10/25/1415, Thomas at the Battle of Agincourt in northern France. (S) Henry V, New Intpretations, 2013, P70.

iv. Nicholas Bowet, born ? in England.

Sir Nicholas Bowet of Rippingdale, Lincolnshire.

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