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Friday, August 12, 2011

Lord Peter de Veel & Lady Katherine de Clyvedon

15210346. Lord Peter de Veel & 15210347. Lady Katherine de Clyvedon

~1300, Peter born in England, s/o §§Sir Bogo de Veel, s/o §§Sir Robert de Veel (fl.1265-79). (S) Hist. of Buckingham, V3, 1925, Swanbourne.

~1310, Katherine born in England, heir & d/o 30420694. Sir John de Clivedon & 30420695. Mary Drokensford.

1312, Peter’s father ‘Bevis’ died. (S) Hist. of Wiltshire, V15, 1995, Figheldean.

[––Peter & Katherine––]

Aft. 1327, Peter married 2nd Katherine.

2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

8/17/1327, To Roger de Mortuo Mari, keeper of the land of Gloumorgan. Order to cause Peter de Veel, son and heir of Bogo de Veel, to have seisin of the castles and lands of his inheritance, as the king has taken his fealty although he has not yet proved his age, because it is testified by H. bishop of Lincoln, the treasurer, and other magnates of the council that Peter is of full age. (S) CCRs.

6/26/1328, Protection, with clause volumus, for Peter le Veel going to Scotland on the king’s service. (S) CPRs.

5/12/1329, Protection, with clause volumus, for Peter le Veel going with the king beyond seas. (S) CPRs.

5/19/1329, King Edward about to cross over to the ports of France to do his homage to the French King. King Edward agreed to do simple homage for Acquitaine, but refused to do liege homage.

4/18/1330, Mandate to Peter de Veel to deliver the castle of Kerfilly and the land of Seynghenyth, and the forest there, with its issues and profits, now in his custody, to queen Philippa, the king having granted the same to her in dower. (S) CPRs.

1330, Peter le Veel sheriff of Glamorgan. (S) Cardiff Records, V5, 1905, List of Officials.

6/8/1330, Mandate to Peter le Veel and Edward de Stradlyng, … concerning goods late of Hugh le Despenser the younger … forfeited … the king is unwilling that the goods should be kept from him … to seize them and to arrest all person who shall oppose them, … (S) CPRs.

2/16/1331, Peter le Veel, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Wake of Lydel 2,000 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Gloucester, Somerset, and Wilts. (S) CCRs.

3/21/1332, Peter le Veel, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William le fitz Waryn, knight, £50; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. (S) CCRs.

4/6/1335 at York, Creditor: Peter de Veel, knight [of Devon] Amount: £300. (S) UKNA.

1335, King Edward going into Scotland in support of Edward Balliol. The Scots refused to meet the large force in open battle, and instead ravaged towns throughout Scotland.

4/9/1336, Commitment during pleasure to Peter de Veel of the county of Devon and the castle of Exeter, so that he answer at the Exchequer as other sheriffs and keepers hitherto. (S) CFRs.

2/13/1337 at Exeter, Debtor: Peter de Veel, knight, of Somerset [held fee in Norton Veel, Taunton Hundred, Somerset]. Amount: 22m. (S) UKNA.

1337, Peter alienated his estate at Swanbourne, Buck., to Sir John de Moleyns. (S) Hist. of Buckingham, V3, 1925, Swanbourne.

9/25/1337, Peter handed over the office of Keeper of Devon and castle of Exeter to John de Ralegh of Beaudeport. (S) CFRs.

10/4/1337, Protection, with clause volumus, for Peter le Veel going with Henry [Burghersh], bishop of Lincoln [Treasurer], beyond seas [as the head of a military contingent. (S) Edward III, Ormrod, 2011, P198.] (S) CPRs.

11/1337, King Edward, claiming the throne of France through his mother, began the 100 Years War with the battle of Cadzand, a Flemish island. An attack by sea. The locals and soldiers saw them coming. The French attached the ships with archers. The English landed with battle axes, sword and lances. Wryneck, Earl of Derby, s/o Henry of Lancaster, was wounded. The English archers then decimated the French. More than 3000 French soldiers were killed.

2/18/1338, Protection, with clause volumus, for Peter le Veel staying with Henry, bishop of Lincoln, beyond seas. (S) CPRs.

7/1338, King Edward, unable to provoke a battle with Philip VI of France by his various invasions of France, decided to attack Flanders, which was economically tied to England through the wool market.

4/19/1339, Peter de Veel, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Molyns, knight, 40 marks; to be levied etc. in co. Gloucester. (S) CCRs.

10/28/1340 at Bristol, Creditor: Peter de Veel, merchant [held fee in Norton Veel, Taunton Hundred, Somerset]. Amount: £4. (S) UKNA.

8/2/1342 at London, Debtor: Peter de Veel, knight, of Somerset [held fee in Norton Veel, Taunton Hundred]. Amount: £100. (S) UKNA.

1343, Peter of Tortworth, Gloucestershire, and Somerset died. [… he was drowned in the sea, …. Heir Peter his son, aged 16 years and more.] (S) CIsPM.

3/6/1343, Writ for IPM of Peter de Veel. Wilts.: Ablyngton. A messuage and 2 carucates of land held jointly with Katherine his wife … Alton. A messuage and 2 carucates of land held jointly … He was drowned in the sea and the day of his death is unknown. John his son, aged 6 years, is his next heir. Devon: Velehalle in Plymton Earls. A messuage, 3a. wood and £10 yearly rent held jointly … Gloucester: Torteworth. The manor … Peter his son, aged 16 years and more at the feast of St. Michael last, is his next heir. Somerset: Norton Veel by Taunton. The manor … (S) CIsPM.


3/28/1343, Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and 2 carucates of land in Ablyngdon, restoring the issues thereof to Katherine, late the wife of Peter le Veel, … he held the said messuage and land jointly with Katherine. (S) CCRs.

5/12/1343, To William Pipard, escheator in co. Devon. Like order, 'mutatis mutandis,' to assign dower to Katherine late the wife of Peter de Veel, tenant in chief. (S) CCRs.

4/28/1344, Katherine late the wife of Peter de Veel has shown the king that whereas she seeks before those justices against Joan late the wife of Henry de Veel a third part of the manor of Hunterford near Kyngeswod and Oldebury near Thornbury as her dower of the lands which belonged to her husband and Joan … (S) CCRs.

12/4/1346, Catherine de Veel, relict of Peter de Veel, of the diocese of Salisbury given an indult to choose confessors, who shall give them, being penitent, plenary remission at the hour of death. (S) Cal. of Papal Reg’s, V3, 1897, Reg. 174.

5/30/1347 at Charfield, Gloucestershire, Katherine married 2nd Baron Thomas de Berkeley (2954872). [4 sons]

1348-50, Katharine, widow of Peter le Veel and wife of Thomas, son of Maurice de Berkeley, kt., claimed against Sir John de Moleyns, kt., for half the manor of Littlecote settled on her and Peter and their issue. (S) Hist. of Buckingham, V3, 1925, Stewkley.

1350, Sir Adam de Shareshull and Alice his wife conveyed Penleigh for life to Sir Thomas, son of Maurice Berkeley, and his wife Katharine, with remainder to John de Veel and his sister Joan, children of Katharine by her first husband Sir Peter de Veel. (S) A Hist. of the Co. of Wiltshire, V8, 1965.

10/27/1361, Thomas, “the Rich”, 3rd Lord Berkeley of Gloucestershire died; buried in Berkeley Church.

1383, Katherine, Lady Berkeley, obtained the king’s license and confirmation from the Bishop of Worcester to found a chantry.

1384, Katherine, Lady Berkeley, found a Chantry in the parish for a Chaplain and his successor perpetually to pray at the altar of St. Andrew for the good estate of herself and of Thomas, Lord Berkeley and the Lady Margaret his wife.

5/18/1384, Memorandum of acknowledgment in chancery. Peter de Veel knight, to Katherine de Berkleie (15210347) lady of Wotton, sometime wife of Sir Peter de Veel knight his father. Confirmation with warranty of the manor of Ablynton and 20s. of rent in Fighelden co. Wiltesir, the manor of Aleton in that county, 20 messuages, 5 ferlings of land, 5 acres of meadow, 2 acres of wood and £16 of rent in Plumpton co. Devon, which she holds, according to fines to them levied in the late king's court, to her and the heirs of her body by Peter the father … and likewise of all the lands in Hamme within the lordship of Berkleie co. Gloucester sometime of Peter the father which she holds by gift of Richard Colewyche … Peter and Katherine had issue Joan (now deceased) wife of Henry de Moigne (7605172), who had issue John de Moigne, Henry, William, Elizabeth wife of Alan Cheine knight, Agnes and Edith, all now living, so that Peter the son and his heirs may make no claim or demand in all the premises until the issue of Peter the father and Katherine shall fail; also of the manor of Penlegh, and one acre of land in Aleton with the advowson of Aleton church, which the said Katherine holds for life with reversion to the heirs of the said Joan's body. (S) CCRs.

3/13/1386, Katherine died; buried next to her 2nd husband at Berkeley church.

3/24/1386, IPM of Katharine late the wife of Thomas de Berkeleye, knight. Worcester: Clyvelode. A carucate of land, … She died on 13 March, 9 Richard II. John de Berkeley, knight, her son, aged 32 years and more, is her heir. Devon: … held jointly with Peter de Veel, knight, her late husband, now deceased … Plympton Earls. 20 messuages, … John Moigne, knight, aged 32 years and more, is kinsman and next heir of the said Peter and Katherine in the entail aforesaid, to wit, son of Joan their daughter. Wilts.: … manor of Ablyngton … Somerset: … Gloucester: … (S) CIsPM.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P72.

Children of Peter and ?:

i. Peter de Veel, born 1327 in England.

3/20/1343, Appointment … to arrest Peter son and heir of Peter de Veel, tenant in chief, a minor, whose marriage pertains to the king. (S) CPRs.

Peter married Eleanor ?.

2/17/1370, Grant, for life, to Peter de Veel of the constableship of the castle of Gloucestre, … (S) CPRs.

Children of Peter and Katherine:

ii. Joan de Veel (7605163), born ~1329 in England.

iii. John de Veel, born 1337 in England.

By 1386, John died “without heir of his body”, leaving Joan’s son as his heir. (S) IPM of Katherien.

4/19/1386, To escheator in Wiltesir. Order to remove the king's hand … manor of Abblynton … delivering to John Moigne knight any issues thereof taken … at her death Katherine who was wife of Thomas de Berkeley of Berkeley knight, late the wife of Peter de Veel knight, held the said manor of Abblynton … remainder to John de Veel, now deceased, son of the said Peter and Katherine … remainder to Joan his sister … the said John Moigne son of Joan daughter of the said Peter and Katherine is her cousin and next heir and of full age. (S) CCRs.

Children of Thomas and Katherine:

iv. John de Berkeley, born 1353 in England.
