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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lord John Bardolf & Elizabeth d’Amorie

15211384. Lord John Bardolf & 15211385. Elizabeth d’Amorie

1315, John born in England, s/o 30422768. Sir Thomas Bardolf & 30422769. Agnes ?.

7/1/1316, Licence for Thomas Bardolf to grant his manor of Rungeton and £20 of land in the manor of Stowe, co. Norfolk, held in chief, to John Bardolf, for life, in exchange for the manor of Halughton, co. Leicester … which the said John holds for his life of the inheritance of the said Thomas. (S) CPRs.

5/1318, Elizabeth d’Amorie born in England, d/o 30422770. Roger de Amory & 2498691. Elizabeth de Clare.

5/23/1318, The valet of “Sir Roger Dammori” notified the king of the birth of Elizabeth.

1322, Elizabeth de Burgo (2498691, king’s niece) captured at her castle of Usk; imprisoned at Barking abbey with her children. [William de Burgh (30421182), Isabel de Verdun (1249345), Elizabeth d’Amory (15211385).] (S) CCRs.

3/12/1322, Elizabeth, heir to her father, received little property because of his forfeiture to the crown. [She was still well connected to noble families, including being 1st cousin once removed to Edward III, and half-sister to the earl of Ulster.]

3/16/1322, To the abbess of Berkyngg'. Order to cause the body of Elizabeth de Burgo, late the wife of Roger Damory, within her abbey, to be kept safely, and not to permit her to go out of the abbey gates in any wise until further orders. (S) CCRs.

2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

[––John & Elizabeth––]

1327, John married to Elizabeth.

12/25/1327, Licence for Thomas Bardolf of Wyrmegeye to enfeoff Simon de Asshlel and … manor of Stronshagh, … for the feoffees to grant the same to the said Thomas, John, his son, and Elizabeth, the wife of John, and the heirs of Thomas. (S) CPRs.

1328, The King granted to John Bardolf, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heiress of Roger Damery, the manor of Ilketshall in fee. [Rex concessit Joh: Bardolfe et Eliz: ux: ejus, filiæ et heredi Rogeri Damery, in feodo maneriā de Ilkelleshall, et de Clopton, in Com: Suff: per servitium ¼ unius feodi militis, necnon 40s. annui.] (S) Hist. of Suffolk, V1, 1846, Ilkestshall.

12/15/1329, John succeeded his father.

12/30/1329, Writ for IPM of Thomas Bardolf. Nottingham: Stokebardolf. The manor … John his son, aged 17 years and more, is his next heir. … Sussex: … Plumpton. The manor … held jointly by the said Thomas, John his son, and Elizabeth the said John’s wife, … by service of 11 knights’ fees, … Norfolk: Scrowteby. The manor, held jointly with John his son, and Elizabeth the said John’s wife … He died on 15 December in the said year. … Strumpsh[aw]. The manor, held jointly with John his son and Elizabeth the said John’s wife … (S) CIsPM.

6/1/1330, John de Warenne, Earl of Surrey … has Bardolf's lands until the heir is of full age, but Bardolf's widow has successfully sued him for a third of them … John [Bardolf], son and heir of Thomas Bardolf; Agnes [Bardolf], widow of Thomas Bardolf. (S) UKNA.

1/1334, John attended the tournament at Dunstable.

7/3/1335, Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John Bardolf of Wyrmgeye to the prior and canons of Wyrmgeye of 10 marks rent … (S) CPRs.

1/22/1336–6/1/1363, John summoned to parliament as Johanni Bardolf de Wumegey.

1336, John Bardolf lord of Wyrmegeye; proof of age. (S) UKNA.

6/17/1336, Indenture. John Bardolf lord of Wyrmegeye and … Mees builded in Dounhamhithe and land and a tenement called le Bacsterestede. [Norfolk] (S) UKNA.

8/13/1337, Release to Elizabeth de Burgo, the king’s kinswoman, late the wife of Roger Dammory, … manor of Ilketleshale, co. Suffolk, … remainder to John Bardolf, Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir of the said Roger and Elizabeth, in exchange for the manors of … which she holds for life with remainder to her said daughter in fee, … (S) CPRs. [Elizabeth de Burgo, widow of John de Burgh, her 1st husband, is the named used by Elizabeth’s mother Elizabeth de Clare.]

7/6/1338, Commission to John Bardolf, Robert de Morle, Constantine de Mortuo Mari, John de Hedersete and Robert de Clere to array the men of the county of Norfolk. (S) CPRs, 8/12/1338.

7/30/1338, Confirmation of a grant for life by John Bardolf of Wyrngeye to Eleanor de Mounpynzoun of 10 marks rent … (S) CPRs.

3/15/1339, Simon Montacute, Bishop of Ely, states that he is charged with guarding the Isle of Ely for the King, and that he has also lately had a commission to array all the men at arms in Cambridgeshire; and he requests a writ to John Bardolf and his companions, arrayers of men at arms in Norfolk and Suffolk, to discharge them from making their array in those parts. (S) UKNA.

4/8/1340, Licence for John Bardolf and Elizabeth his wife to grant for life to Nicholas Dammary the manor of Halghton, co. Oxford. (S) CPRs.

8/16/1340, Licence for John Bardolf to grant for life to his brother Edmund Bardolf the manor of Crobbergh, co. Hertford. (S) CPRs.

1342-43, John Bardolf made a journey to parts beyond sea. (S) UKNA. [Recorded by his executors, which likely had to do with rquired military service.]

12/5/1342, The Earl of Arundel lead the English siege (4th of the year, others were by opposing French forces) of Vannes in Brittany. The siege ended with a truce on 1/19/1343.

1/13/1344, Licence for John Bardolf, ‘chivaler,’ to grant to William de Northwode … (S) CPRs.

10/12/1344 at Norwich, John de Stratford Archbishop of Canterbury,…, Sir Robert de Ufford Earlof Suffolk, Sir John Bardolf Lord of Wormgeye, Sir John de Norwich,…, Knights, were witnesses to an agreement of Richard Spynk, citizen of Norwich, to complete some work. (S) Essay towards a Topo. Hist. of the Co. of Norfolk, V3, 1806.

1345, John Bardolf of Wormegay to grant wood in Watton to Nicholas Hotot, William de Hoo, Roger Bedel, and John atte Newehalle, to be felled, retaining the rest of the manor. Herts. (S) UKNA.

9/4/1346, The English began the year-long siege of the port of Calais.

12/8/1346, John Bardolf of Wyrmegaye sent a writ to hasten to the king at the siege of Calais with 20 men-at-arms and 20 archers. (S) Crecy andCalais, Wrottesley.

8/1347, Calais fell when King Philip failed to support their siege and retreated.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

12/12/1351, Licence for £10 to be paid to the king by Elizabeth de Burgo, for her and John Bardolf and Elizabeth, his wife, to grant for life to John de Lenne the manor of Ilketlesale, co. Suffolk, … (S) CPRs.

1352, John with Robert Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, selected for the defense of the Norfolk coast.

8/23/1352, Agnes late the wife of Thomas Bardolf to release to John Bardolf, son and heir of the said Thomas, her estate … in Riskyngton … she holds in dower … (S) CPRs.

5/5/1354 at London, An Indenture by which John Bardolf, lord of Wyrmegeye, [and others] are severally bound to John de Wyngefeld in 266 marks. (S) CCRs.

9/25/1355, Elizabeth, “ma joefne fille” [my young daughter] given a carriage and other items in the will of her mother.

2/10/1356, Commission de walliis et fossatis to John Bardolf of Wermegeye, Richard de Wylughby, … coast of the sea and marsh in Suthclenchewarton and Wygenhale … co. Norfolk. (S) CPRs.

1357, John’s mother died.

5/16/1359, Robert de Insula of Rougemont acknowledges that he owes to John Bardolf of Wirmegeye 1,000 marks [and vice-versa. Usually associated with a marriage agreement.] (S) CCRs.

6/4/1359, John Bardolf of Wormegay, knight, to grant the manor of Caistor by Yarmouth (except rent and the advowsons of the churches) to Simon Noreys. (S) UKNA.

11/4/1360, Elizabeth’s mother died.

11/6/1360, IPM of Elizabeth de Burgo (2498691). Lincoln: Cathorp. The manor … She died on 4 November, 34 Edward III. Elizabeth (15211385), daughter of the said Roger [de Amory] and Elizabeth, married to John Bardolf, knight, aged 30 years and more, is the said Roger’s heir to the said manor. … (S) CIsPM.

1/31/1361, Order to escheator in the county of Lincoln … Elizabeth de Burgo (2498691) … Gilbert de Aton lately with the king's licence enfeoffed Roger Dammori, now deceased … Elizabeth, then his wife, of the manor of Cathorp … Elizabeth, daughter of the said Roger and Elizabeth, whom John Bardolf, ' chivaler,' has taken to wife, is Roger's next heir, and of full age, … to deliver the manor to the said John and Elizabeth, as the king has taken the homage and fealty due from John by reason of his having offspring by Elizabeth. (S) CFRs.

10/28/1361, Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John Bardolf of Wyrmegeye to the prior and convent of the house of Sholdhan and the nuns there, in aid of the sustenance of Margaret de Monte Forti, daughter of Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, Katherine daughter of Guy de Warrewyk, deceased, and Elizabeth sister of the said John, nuns of the house … (S) CPRs.

1362, Sir John Bardolf witnessed a deed of the manor of Northtudenham at Pentney, Norfolk. (S) UKNA.

6/10/1363, John Bardolf of Wyrmegeye, going beyond seas, has letters … (S) CPRs. [Sir John went to Italy .]

7/29/1363, John, 3rd Lord Bardolf died in Assisi, Italy.

10/13/1363, Writ for IPM of John Bardolf of Wyrmegeye (Wormegay), knight, in Suffolk, Norfolk, Hertfordshire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Dorset, Buckinghamshire, Gloucestershire, Surrey, Sussex. (S) CFRs.

Elizabeth died.

(S) A Gen. and Heral. Dic., Burke, 1831, P25.

Family notes:

·         John “a Knight Banneret, who served Edward III in the field all his life”. (S) The Battle Abbey Roll,  Abbey, P60

Child of John and Elizabeth:

i. William Bardolf (7605692), born 10/21/1349 in England.

1366, Michael de Poynings gave a 1000 marks to Queen Philippa for the wardship and marriage of William, son and heir of John Lord Bardolf, to take Agnes his daughter to wife.
