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Monday, September 5, 2011

Baron Edmund de Ufford & Lady Sibyl de Pierrepoint

15211420. Baron Edmund de Ufford & Lady 15211421. Sibyl de Pierrepoint

6/24/1314, Edmund’s father Thomas slain at the battle of Bannockburn.

By 1315, Edmund born in England, 3rd s/o 30422840. Thomas de Ufford & 30422841. Eve de Clavering.

1/24/1327, Edward III, age 14, succeeded Edward II as King of England. [1/20/1327, Edward II abdicated.]

~1330, Sibyl born in England, heir & d/o 30422842. Simon de Pierpoint.

10/1/1337, Protection … for Robert de Ufford, earl of Suffolk, going beyond the seas on the king’s service … going with him … Edmund de Ufford, ‘le frere’, Robert de Ufford, ‘le cosyn,’ Edmund de Ufford, ‘le cosyn,’ … (S) CPRs. [Earl Robert had recently been created an earl and appointed as an admiral.]

2/18/1342, Order to pay … to Edmund de Ufford, ‘le cosyn,’ £80 … (S) CCRs.

1346, Edmund granted 40 marks yearly by Henry, Earl of Lancaster, from the manor of Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire.

6/1349, The Plague reached Dorset, and had spread across England by the end of 1349. [Usually 2-3 wills were executed in the town of Colchester, Essex, each year. In the 2 years 1349-50, 111 wills were executed.].

5/1356, Edmund, styled “le cousin” to distinguish him from Sir Edmund, brother of the Earl of Suffolk, granted a patent of protection to sail to Brittany in the retinue of Henry, duke of Lancaster.

9/19/1356, Battle of Poitiers in France. Edward, the Black Prince, defeated a larger French and allied army led by King John II of France, leading to the capture of the French king, his son, and much of the French nobility. By treaty, England was permitted to annex much of western France. In addition, France would pay a ransom of 4 million écus for the king.

1361, Edmund heir to his brother John, Lord Ufford, acquiring the manor of Great Belstead, West Lexham, Poswick, Burgh, Glemham and Chippenhale. [Edmund’s older brother Robert died before John.]

6/29/1368, Edmund a legatee in the will of his cousin Earl Robert de Ufford.

9/20/1369, Edmund succeeded to the Barony of Clavering on his mother’s death.

1371, Edmund presented as heir of his mother to the rectory of Blythburgh, Suffolk.

4/2/1372, IPM of John de Wylughby, knight. Norfolk: Eggefeld and Walcote. … The manors are held of Edmund de Ufford, ‘le cosyn,’ by knight’s service, as of his manor of Horsford. (S) CIsPM.

Sibyl died before Edmund. (S) Ess. Tow’s Topo. Hist. of Norfolk, V4, 1775, P563.

9/1/1374, Edmund de Ufford, ‘le cousin,’ knight, wrote his will; executors Reginald de Eccles and Thomas de Flycham. (S) CPRs, 5/20/1379.

Bef. 10/3/1374, “Edmund de Ufford ‘le cosyn,’ knight” died; buried at Langley Abbey, Norfolk.

7/14/1375, Writ for IPM of Edmund de Ufford, 'le cosyn ' in Norfolk and Suffolk. (S) CFRs.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P212. (S) Gen. Memoris of the Extinct Family of Chester of Chicheley, Waters, 1878.

Family notes:

·         8/21/1375, Grant to the king’s daughter Isabel, countess of Bedford, of the keeping of the lands late of Edmund de Ufford, ‘le cousyn,’ … until full age of the hier, together with the marriage … (S) CPRs.

Children of Edmund and Sibyl:

i. Ela de Ufford, born ? in England.

Bef. 1376, Ela married Sir Miles Stapleton of Ingham, Norfolk.

1417, Sir Miles died.

ii. Robert de Ufford (7605710), born ~1360 in England.
