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Monday, September 12, 2011

Lord Walter de Beauchamp & Alice de Tony

15212120. Lord Walter de Beauchamp & 15212121. Alice de Tony

Bef. 1242, Walter born in England, s/o 30424240. William de Beauchamp & 30424241. Isabel Mauduit.

~1260, Alice born in England, d/o 4997468. Roger de Tony & 4997469. Alice de Bohun.

1263, Walter of age, had a plea against him by Sir Reynold Fitz Peter for Alcester manor.

[––Alice & Richard––]

8/8/1265, Alice married to Sir Richard de Brus, s/o Sir Robert. (S) CPRs.

1266, Walter sought recovery of the moiety of the manor of Alcester.

1/1268, William [de Beauchamp] of Elmley and Salwarpe, Worcestershire wrote his will: … to Walter, my son, “a crusader in aid of his pilgrimage to the Holy land for me and his mother,” the 200 marks, in which Ralph le Botiler (30424224) and Matilda his wife are bound. … (S) Register of Godfrey Giffard, V1, 1902, P8.

[––Walter & Alice––]

1269, Walter married to Alice.

8/19/1270 from Dover, Lord Edward and consort Eleanor left on the 8th crusade.

9/1172, King Edward left Acre to return to England.

1272, Walter bought half the manor of Alcester for £100.

11/16/1272, Edward I ascended to the throne while on crusade. [King Edward returned after most of his knights, spending time in France.]

1274, Walter de Beauchamp granted his free burgesses and tenants [of Alcester] the right to hold a Tues market. (S) Gaz. of Markets and Fairs.

7/27/1276, Commission … touching a complaint by Alice de Bello Campo, … delivery of her goods, which Henry de Audeley had detained from her at the manor of Blore, co. Stafford, late in her custody, … (S) CPRs.

1277, Walter served his brother, William, 9th Earl of Warwick, in Wales.

1277, King Edward was in Chester where he cleared a road through a dense forest, and started construction on the castles of Flint and Rhuddlan. King Edward made forays into the Welsh lands of Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, prince of Wales, capturing Snowdonia and the isle of Anglesey.

[––Walter & Alice––]

10/9/1289, Commission to the bishop of Worcester to grant a dispensation to Walter de Bello Campo and Alice, daughter of Ralph de Touny, of his diocese, to remain in the marriage they contracted in ignorance that they were related in the 4th degree of kindred, declaring their offspring legitimate. (S) Cal. of Papal Reg.’s, V1, 1893, Regesta 44, f.225d.

3/9/1290, Pernel de Tony, paternal grandmother of Alice, examined by the Bishop of Worcester regarding the marriage of her granddaughter, Alice de Tony, to Walter de Beauchamp. Register of Bishop Godfrey Giffard, Part 3, 1900, P367.

1290, Walter and Alice received a dispensation to remain in marriage. [The bishop found them to be within the 4th degree, and as they were ignorant at the time of contract ..., he decreed the marriage and the issue thereof to be lawful.]

1/1/1292, Licence, after appointment of Walter de Bello Campo, steward of the household, Walter de Langeton, keeper of the wardrobe, and … William de Valencia, the king’s uncle … to enclose his stew … (S) CPRs. [The steward of the household also held a banneret title for which they received £24 a year.]

7/18/1292, Walter received a grant for an annual fair at Alcester. (S) Gaz. of Markets and Fairs.

1293, “Gift from Ralph de Tony, knight, to Sir Walter de Beauchamp, knight, Alice, his wife, and Walter, their son, of the manor of Coueleston [Cowsden in Upton Snodsbury] in exchange for the manor of Cressingham. With appointment by Ralph de Thony of William Le Botiler as attorney to deliver possession of the above manor.” (S) UKNA. [Alice and Ralph are siblings.]

1294, Walter ordered to relieve Bere castle in Wales.

9/2/1294, Order to cause Alice, wife of Walter de Bello Campo, steward of the king’s household, to have in that forest [Feckenham] 8 bucks of the king’s gift. (S) CCRs.

1294, The Gascon War began between England and France, lasting 9 years.

10/9/1294, English forces left Portsmouth for France, arriving and going up the Gironde estuary seizing the towns of Castillon, then Macau, then Bourg and Balye.

1295, Walter military paymaster for Edmund, earl of Lancaster, in Gascony.

10/3/1295, Writ of aid … for Walter de Bello Campo, steward of the household, sent by the king to those parts [Gascony] to cause ships to be prepared for the passage of the said Edmund [the king’s brother] to Gascony. (S) CPRs.

4/8/1296, Order to cause William le Butiller (7606056), brother and heir of Gawain le Butiller of Wemme, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the lands that belonged to Gawain, as Walter de Langeton, the treasurer, and Walter de Bello Campo, steward of the king's household, who have the custody of the said lands. (S) CCRs.

8/23/1297, Walter attended King Edward as he left England with 500 ships to attack France and assert his rights. Because of the refusal of many barons, Edward only had a small contingent of knights. The army sailed for Flanders to seek additional support.

9/30/1297 at Gaunt in Flanders, … Agreement between John de Hastingges and William Martyn … Witnesses: … Sir William de Brewuse, Sir Walter de Beauchamp, steward of the household, … (S) CPRs, 11/3/1297.

3/29/1298, The English army arrived back in England.

7/22/1298, Walter, with 25 lances, fought at the battle of Falkirk.

7/22/1298, King Edward defeated Sir William Wallace (Braveheart) at the battle of Falkirk, Scotland. The Scots defensive position was strong, but based on spearmen with support of some cavalry and archers. Edward’s armored knights were repulsed by the amassed spear points. King Edward brought up his Welsh longbowmen. They cut gaps into the Scottish ranks through which the mounted English knights could charge. The Scots were routed, but Wallace escaped.

2/15/1300, Power, during pleasure, to Walter de Bello Campo, steward of the household, to arrest all malefactors throughout the realm. (S) CPRs.

3/28/1300, “Royal letters patent: inspeximus and confirmation of Magna Carta … Witnesses: … Walter de Bello Campo [Beauchamp], Steward of the King’s Household, …” (S) UKNA.

7/9/1300, Siege of Caerlaverock castle in Scotland began.

1300, Walter at the siege of Carlaverock, Scotland. [“… a knight who would have been one of the best of all …”] (S) Edward I, Prestwich, 1988, P146.

2/12/1301 in Lincoln, Walter was a signer of the baron’s letter to Pope Boniface VIII.

7/9/1301, Grant to Margaret, queen of England, the king’s consort, of the marriage of Robert son and heir of Warin de Insula, tenant in chief, to the use of Margaret daughter of Walter de Bello Campo, steward of the household. (S) CPRs.

7/18/1302, Walter granted a fair at his manor. (S) Land to the Rear of 8 Church Street, Alcester, Warwickshire, Archaeological Evaluation, 2010, P-ALC09.

9/15/1302, John son of Thomas de Hunteleye acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Bello Campo and Alice, his wife, £200. (S) CCRs.

2/16/1303, Walter died at Chafont, Buckinghamshire; buried at Grey Friars in Smithfield. Surviving mentioned: wife Alice, daughters Margaret and Eleanor, sons Walter and Humphrey.


7/12/1304, Letters for Alice late the wife of Walter de Bello Campo, nominating … (S) CPRs.

2/6/1307, Notification that the king has granted to Alice late the wife of Walter de Bello Campo and executrix of his will, … (S) CCRs.

7/7/1307, Edward II, on crusade, became king on the death of his father.

4/23/1309, Protection for Alice going on pilgrimage beyond the seas. (S) CPRs.

4/1310, Alice, wife that was of Walter de Bello Campo, was summoned to answer Edward Burnel of a plea … (S) Year Books of Edward II, V3, 1905, P91.

1313, Widow Hawise (15212123) was in a dispute with Alice, widow of Walter de Beauchamp, over Kemerton.

2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

1332, Alice presented to the church of Kemerton.

1334, Alice called by the Pope as a witness of the kindredship of her kinsman Earl John de Bohn and his wife Margaret Basset.

Alice died.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P674.

Children of Walter and Alice: [6 sons, 4 daughters]

i. Giles de Beauchamp (7606060), born ~1290 in England.

ii. Margaret de Beauchamp (60844717), born ~1295 in England.
