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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Baron John de Cherleton & Lady Hawise Gardarn

15212124. Baron John de Cherleton & 15212125. Lady Hawise Gardarn

By 1278, John born in Shropshire, England, s/o §§Robert de Charleton, of Cherlton in Wrockwardine, s/o §§William de Charleton.

7/25/1291, Hawise “the Hardy”, born in Wales, d/o 30424250. Owain de la Pole & 30424251. Joan Corbet.

~1300, John’s father died.

7/7/1307, Edward II, age 23, became king on the death of his father.

9/18/1307, Edward II, referring to John de Cherlton, lectus valettus noster [yoeman of our bed], gives him free warren in his demesne lands at Cherlton and Pontesbury, co. Salop.

2/25/1308, Edward II crowned king of England.

1309, Hawise heir to the barony of Upper Powys when her brother Gruffud ap Gwenwynwyn died without issue.

6/25/1309, IPM of Griffith son and heir of Owen de la Pole. Marches of Wales adjacent to the county of Salop: La Pole in the country of Powys. The castle and two parts of the town, together with the following members, places and lands … [multiple properties] … Hawis his sister, aged 18 on the feast of St. James the Apostle last, is his next heir. (S) CIsPM. [Disputed by family members that she could not inherit as a female.]

2/1309, Master John de Cherlton acting as attorney for Sir John de Cherlton of Powys, then a resident of Dublin, in the purchase of Haughton.

[––John & Hawise––]

8/26/1309, John, by gift of marriage by the king, licenced to marry Hawys, acquiring the feudal barony of la Pole.

9/15/1309 at Shrewsbury, John entailed his younger brother Alan with the manor of Haughton. (S) UKNA.

11/2/1309, Exemption for life, at the instance of John de Cherleton, … (S) CPRs.

1310, Hawise’s grandmother Hawise died; all of Owain’s lands being restored to the family.

3/16/1310 King Edward agreed “of his free will” [historically known to be “under duress”] to the formation of the Lords Ordainer, a group of 8 earls  11 bishops, and 13 barons, during the period of their authority, lasting 1 year. The Ordainers were to have full powers to reform the states both of the kingdom and of the king's household. (S) Parliament Rolls, 2005, Edward II.

1310, John an adherent of the King against Thomas of Lancaster, and locally against Lord Fulk le Straung and Gruffud Vaghan, youngest and only surviving brother of Owain.

6/18/1310, John ordered to raise 400 footsoldiers in the lordship of Powis. King Edward, invading Scotland for the first time, would spend a year on the expedition with no major conflicts, using Berwick as his base of operations.

1312, Commission of oyer and terminer: Hawise and John against her uncle Gruffud Vaghan. Gruffud laid siege to castle La Pole where Hawise and John resided. Roger de Mortimer of Chirk was sent by the King to break the siege.

6/19/1312, Piers Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall, King Edward’s favorite, was executed at Blacklow Hill, Warwickshire, by the earls of Lancaster, Hereford and Arundel. [Piers, apparently a good soldier and administrator, would be replaced by “favorites” who were vicious and power seekers – the law of unintended consequences. 7 Earls would be executed in a short 18 year span  – the last English earl having been executed 236 years before.]

9/20/1312, Licence, at the request of John de Cherleton, from the appropriation in mortmain by the abbot and convent of Shrewsbury … Grant to John de Cherleton of the manor of Isnebrigge, co. Salop, late of Roger son of John, deceased, … until the heir shall be of full age. (S) CPRs.

12/26/1312, Commission of oyer … to John de Grey, … on complaint by John de Cherleton and Hawisia his wife, that Griffin de la Pole, … with horse, arms, and banners displayed, approached their castle, which is in the Marches of Wales upon the confines of the counties of Hereford, Salop and Strafford, besieged it, burned the doors of the castle and their houses, broke their park, … and at Butyngton, Talgarth and Penpres, which are in the Marches … (S) CPRs. [Roger Trumwynne and his wife Joan made similar complaints.]

5/3/1313, Protection for John de Cherleton, going beyond seas on the king’s service [with 2 others in his retinue] … (S) CPRs. [They left May 23rd from Dover.]

6/5/1313, John with King Edward and Queen Isabella in Paris where Isabella’s 3 brothers were knighted.

7/15/1313, The king’s retinue arrived back in England.

7/26/1313, John summoned to parlaiment.

8/2/1313, Licence for John de Cherleton and Hawaisia his wife to grant their castle and manor of la Pole, held in chief, to Master John de Cherleton [Eventual king’s merchant and mayor of the merchants of the staple of wools], … (S) CPRs.

11/6/1313, King Edward II declared a general amnesty for all antagonists in the Powys war, including Fulk le Strange, Griffin de la Pole, who had besieged John de Cherleton at de la Pole castle. [This escalated attacks between both sides.]

3/20/1314, Exemption, for life, … By K. on the information of John de Chereleton. (S) CPRs.

1314, John as for a commission of oyer and terminer against Philip de Middleton and Hugh de Audeley who had attacked his properties in Shropshire.

[––John & Hawys––]

1315, John married Hawys, acquiring the feudal barony of la Pole.

5/4/1315, Grant, for 3 years, to the baliffs and good men of the town of Brugge Northe of murage upon all wares for sale brought into their town. By the Great Council at the instance of John de Cherleton. (S) CPRs.

2/26/1316, Mandate, directed to Hugh de Audele, justice of Chester, … rebels in Wales have risen … enjoined on John de Cherleton to do all in power to quell their wickedness; … to march with John de Cherleton against the rebels. (S) CPRs.

3/10/1316, Writ of aid for John de Crumbewelle, steward of the king’s Household, … appointed to enforce the maintenance of the peace between John de Cherleton and Hawysia his wife … and Griffin de la Pole [relative of Hawise] … concerning the castle and lands of la Pole. (S) CPRs.

7/16/1316, John de Cherleton and Giffin de la Pole  summoned to be before the king to receive judgement. (S) CPRs. [They had been at war with each other.]

11/17/1316, Licence to John de Cherleton to crenellate his dwelling-place of Cherleton, co. Salop. (S) CPRs.

12/20/1316, Licence for Thomas son of Adam de Monte Gomeri [and his wife Sibyl] to enfeoff John de Cherleton of him manor of Lydom, co. Salop, … (S) CPRs.

6/28/1317, Grant to John de Cherleton … 2 parts of the manor of Egemundon and Forde and the township of Neuport, co. Salop, … in consideration of his good service … for the great expenses he has incurred by remaining with the king and also for a sum or money which he paid into the king’s chamber, that he may hold quit of rent. (S) CPRs.

1318, John was listed among the “major baronies”.

4/13/1319, John de Cherleton and Hawise his wife … They request the manor of Penprys and other lands in free marriage to John their son and Maud his wife, and to the heirs of their body. … 2/3rds of certain lands, held in dower of the inheritance of Hawise, [to Thomas de Cherleton], and that he might re-grant this to John and Hawise for term of their lives, … John de [Cherleton], son of John and Hawise de Cherleton; Maud de [Cherleton], wife of John de Cherleton the younger and daughter of Roger de Mortemer; Roger de Mortemer (Mortimer); Thomas de Cherleton; Ella [Hawise’s widowed sister]; Sibyl de la Pole. (S) UKNA.

4/13/1319, Licence for John de Cherleton and Hawisia, his wife, to grant to Master Thomas de Cherleton, king’s clerk, … in the Marches of Wales … which Peter Giffard and Ela his wife hold in dower of the said Ela of the inheritianc of the said Hawisia, … Sybil, late the wie of Louis de la Pole, holds in dower of the same inheritance ; … remainder to John son of John de Cherleton and Matilda his wife, and the heirs … failing such issue … to Owen son of John de Cherleton … to Edward … to Humphrey … finally to the right heirs of the said Hawisia. (S) CPRs.

6/1319, John ordered to raise 500 footsoldiers “de terris suis de Powys.”

9/7/1319, King Edward besieged Berwick-upon-Tweed. Soon learning of the invasion of York and the defeat at Myton, Edward abandoned the siege and returned to England.

7/8/1320, Fines before John de Cherleton and Adam Brom, justices in eyre. (S) UKNA.

1/18/1322, Writ of aid … appointed to receive in the king’s name at the king’s will John de Cherleton, and all who are present in the castle of la Pole against the king, and to bring the said John to the king. (S) CPRs.

3/16/1322, John fought against the king at the battle of Boroughbridge, northwest of York.

3/16/1322, Battle of Boroughbridge in Yorkshire. Thomas, Earl of Lancaster and the Marcher Lords, against King Edward II and the Dispensers. The rebel forces of about 700 knights and men-at-arms, against about 4,000 in the royal forces. An effective use of longbow against calvary. [Rebeling barons lost and retreated to Tutbury castle. King Edward executed Earl Thomas of Lancaster for treason.]

1322, John and Hawise gave sureties to the King of their loyality.

9/11/1322, Pardon to John de Cherleton, knight, a rebel ; with restitution to him of his castles, lands and goods. (S) CPRs.

7/2/1323, Mandate to the knights and other tenants of the castle of la Pole and land of Powys for John de Cherleton, knight, as their lord. (S) CPRs.

11/14/1323, Mandate, after recital of the rebellion of Roger de Mortimer of Wygemore, … to make procalmation … who ever adheres to him will be punished as a rebel … John de Cherleton, lord of Powys. (S) CPRs.

5/20/1324, Commission … Griffin de la Pole lately took … the land of the Powys … John de Cherleton, lord of Powys, took into his hands … to do justice therein. (S) CPRs.

8/1324, King Edward began the War of Saint-Sardos with his brother-in-law King Charles of France.

8/21/1325, Protection for John and 3 others going with him beyond seas on the king’s service. (S) CPRs.

9/12/1325, Sailing from Dover, Edward III, age 12, sent by his father to do homage to King Charles IV for his French lands.

9/14/1325, John licence to crennellate his manor at Shrewsbury with battlements and a stone wall.

9/24/1326, Queen Isabella and her lover Roger de Mortimer invaded England, landing at Ipswich, joined up with Henry, Earl of Lancaster and other opponents of the Despensers.

11/16/1326, Edmund, earl of Arundel, loyal to King Edward II, captured in Shropshire by John de Cherleton. He was then taken to the Queen at Hereford, where he was beheaded the next day.

1/20/1327, Edward II abdicated in favor of his son.

2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

4/12/1327, … John son of John son of Richard de Sutton, and Isabella, his wife, daughter of John de Cherleton, … (S) CPRs.

5/10/1328, Licence for John son of Richard de Sutton … to grant to John de Cherleton, for life, with remainder to John son of John son of Richard de Sutton and Isabella, daughter of John de Cherleton, … (S) CPRs.

1329-30, The Bishop of St Asaph's states that he is the defendant against John de Cherleton and Hawise his wife, a protracted dispute over the advowsons in the barony of de la Pole. (S) UKNA.

1330, Gruffud Vaghan awarded lands held by John and Hawise. They refused to release them and proved Gruffud’s calim to be false.

10/18/1330 at Nottingham castle, King Edward III, along with his courtiers John, Humphrey and William de Bohun [sons of Humphrey (5909948)] captured his mother Queen Isabella and Roger Mortimer [who was soon executed.]

1/25/1331, Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Wylughby … touching the persons who besieged the castle of John de Cherleton at Dudley, co. Stafford. (S) CPRs.

3/23/1333, Pardon to Ebulo Lestraunge and Alice his wife … of a disseisin of John de Cherleton. (S) CPRs.

10/1/1334, … Ralph Basset of Drayton, John de Cherleton, John de Stoner, William de Shareshull … justices to inquire … counties of Berks and Oxford … (S) CPRs.

7/28/1337, Appointment of John de Cherleton the elder to the office of the justicary of Ireland and of keeping of the land of Ireland with its castles and other … yearly £500 … 20 man men-at-arms … (S) CPRs.

10/14/1337, John and his brother Thomas, bishop of Hereford, arrived in Ireland.

5/15/1338, John ordered to surrender Ireland to Thomas, bishop of Hereford. (S) CPRs.

1339, Request for remedy in the delays in the holding of an assize of novel dissesin relating to lands in the Welsh marches brought against John Charlton and others, resulting from John's appointment as justiciar of Ireland … John de Cherleton (Charlton), Justiciar of Ireland; Hawise [de Cherleton (Charlton)], wife of John de Cherleton; John de Cherleton (Charlton), son of John de Cherleton. (S) UKNA.

7/28/1339, Commission to John de Cherleton, lord of the lands of Pouwys and la Pole, in South Wales, … (S) CPRs.

6/4/1341, Licence … John de Cherleton, the elder, … manor of Dynas … remainder in tail to the said John and Hawisia his wife, … right heirs of Hawaisia. (S) CPRs.

10/29/1341, Sir John de Cherlton obtained a licence to cause devine services to be celebrated in chapel of his manor of Cherlton.

7/1/1343, Licence for the alienation in frank almoin by John de Cherleton … for the souls of Edmund, late earl of Arundel, … (S) CPRs.

11/8/1343, Commission … to receive from John de Cherleton the elder Matilda wife of Griffin de la Pole, now detained by the said John in his castle … (S) CPRs.

1/11/1344, John’s brother Thomas died, buried in Hereford cathedral.

1345-6, Hawise, Lady of Powis, died; buried at the House of Grey Friars, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.


1346, John, now elderly, sent his son John on the invasion of France, where his son displayed his banner.

6/10/1346, Licence for John de Cherleton ‘le piere’ to enfoeff Owan de Cherleton his son of the manor of Lydham … (S) CPRs.

6/26/1347, Patrick Lax to … 2 selions of land and appurts. in the vill of Malpas …  between the land of Sir John de Cherleton, kt., and … (S) UKNA.

3/12/1351, Commission to John de Cherleton and Roger le Straunge of Knokyn to make inquisition touching those who make conterfeit money in the town of Shrewsbury, co. Salop, … (S) CPRs.

7/25/1353, John summoned to parliament.

12/21/1353, John, Lord Cherleton of Powis, died.

12/24/1353, Writ for IPM of John de Cherleton, the elder. Salop and the adjacent March of Wales: Pontesbury. The manor … Chorleton. Certain lands … [March of Wales] La Pole. The castle and manor and the manors of Boteton, Talgarth, Mathrawel and Wallewern and the commotes of Suthstradmarghel, Suthlannerchudol, Kereignon, Keveylloc, Megheinughcoid, Meghein Iscoid, Trefwern, Teirtref, Moghenant and a moiety of the cantred of Arwistly … held of the king in chief by barony … the manor of la Pole includes certain granges annexed to the castle, a watermill, a pond with fishery, a park, and a borough where there are yearly fairs … The pasture of the wood at Mathrawel cannot be extended because, since the pestilence, no one will buy it … He died on Saturday the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle last. John de Cherleton, his son, aged 37 years at Michaelmas last, is his heir. (S) CIsPM.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P181. (S) Portraits of Medieval Women, Mitchell, 2003, P69. (S) Antiquities of Shropshire, V9, 1859.

Children of John and Maud: [3 sons, 2 daughters]

i. John de Cherleton (7606062), born 9/29/1316 in England.

ii. Isabella de Cherleton, born ~? in England. [Eldest daughter.]

Isabella married John de Sutton, s/o 11820438. Baron John de Sutton & 11820439. Lady Margaret de Somery.
