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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lord Baldwin de Drayton & Idonia de Gimeges

16886888. Lord Baldwin de Drayton & 16886889. Idonia de Gimeges

1223, Baldwin born in England, s/o 33773776. Sir Henry de Drayton & 33773777. Ivetta de Bourdon.

~1235, Idonia born in England, d/o §§Robert de Gimeges.

1253, Baldwin’s father died.

8/26/1253, Baldwin son and heir of Henry de Drayton’ has done fealty to the king for all the lands and tenements that the same Henry held of the king in chief. Order to the abbot of Pershore and James Fresell’, king’s escheators, that having accepted security from the aforesaid Baldwin for rendering 50s. for his relief, to cause him to have full seisin of all the lands and tenements. (S) FRsHIII.

[––Baldwin & Idonia––]

By 1254, Baldwin married Idonia.

8/4/1258, Mandate … ordinance … parliament of Oxford … to 4 knights of each county … Baldwin de Drayton } Huntingdon … (S) CPRs.

1/6/1259, Lady Sibyl de Gyming, late lady of Caroby, and Sir Baldwin de Drayton, knight. Grant by Sibyl to Baldwin, in free marriage with her daughter Idonia, of all her land in Overton de Lungewill and in Botilbrigg. (S) UKNA.

1259, Baldwin de Drayton married Idonia de Gimiles, acquiring Botolph Bridge manor. (S) UKNA.

4/6/1264, Baldwin at the battle of Northampton fighting against King Henry III; the garrison surrendering the next day. (S) Family & Dynasty in Late Medieval England, Eales, 2003, P50.

5/14/1264, Baldwin captured at the Battle of Lewes.

5/14/1264, Lord Edward (I) and his father King Henry III captured by Montfort at the battle of Lewes, Sussex, “at the Mill of the Hide”. An estimated 2700 died. Lord Edward and his knights penetrated the center of Montfort’s army, but was flanked on both sides by armored calvary.

6/4/1264, Whereas peace has been made … all prisoners taken in the conflict at Northampton, … shall be brought to the king in London, … to come without horses and arms to treat with the king … in order that exchange may be made of the said prisoners for prisoners taken at Lewes or the prisoners released on sufficient mainprise … Roger de Clifford to bring [prisoners] William de Eyvill, Henry de Penebreg, Baldwin de Drayton. (S) CPRs.

12/18/1264, John fitz Alan, Reginald de Waterville, Simon de Waterville, Baldwin de Drayton’ and John de Vere … lately remained in the vill of Northampton in hostile manner, the king, by the counsel of his magnates staying with him, orders, firmly enjoining him, to take into the king’s hand without delay all lands and tenements and all goods of the king’s aforesaid adversaries … (S) FRsHIII.

1264-65, Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester, effectively ruled England.

8/4/1265, Lord Edward (I) defeated Montfort’s army at the battle of Evesham, Worcester, ending the Baron’s Revolt and freeing his father, who was wounded. Montfort and 2 of his sons were killed. [Queen Eleanor had sent archers from her mother’s county of Ponthieu in France.] The town of Henley and the castle were burned down by Royalists.

8/6/1266, Safe conduct until Nativity of the Blessed Mary, for Baldwin de Drayton coming to the king’s court to treat for peace; provided that he stand his trial … (S) CPRs.

Bef. 8/27/1266, Idonia’s father died; her brother Robert the heir.

11/22/1266 at Kenilworth, Pardon to … Baldwin de Drayton … and their proper households, whom Warin de Bassingburn has received into the king’s peace, … condition that they stand to his award by twelve prelates or other magnates, … behave faithfully henceforward. (S) CPRs.

6/24/1269, Baldwin de Drayton, knight, and Emma widow of William de Waldis. Baldwin has demised to Emma the capital messuage with a dovecot and all other buildings in the vill of Overton Longevile and … for a term of 10 years  beginning at the nativity of St. John the Baptist, 53 Hen. III. (S) UKNA.

9/13/1270, Baldwin de Drayton’ gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before Gilbert of Preston. Order to the sheriff of Northamptonshire. (S) FRsHIII.

11/16/1272, Edward I succeeded Henry III as King of England. [While on crusade.]

1275, Bridgnorth ; commission of gaol delivery … Baldwin de Drayton, … (S) Ann. Rpt. Dep. Keeper, V44, P43.

1276, Irthingborough, Northt. ; … assise arrainged by Roger de Fecamp against Baldwin de Drayton, … (S) Ann. Rpt. Dep. Keeper, V44, P215. [Same year an assize in Marham, Notts.]

Idonia died before Baldwin.

1278, Baldwin died, seized of Drayton, and of Botolph Bridge in Huntingdonshire in right of his wife, son John, age 24 and more, his heir. (S) CIsPM. [Botilbruge, Huntingdon, held of Robert de Gymeles.]

6/10/1278, Writ for IPM of Baldwin de Drayton. Northampton: Drayton. A capital messuage, fishpond, two dovecotes and a mill, 6 virgates land and £5 4s 7d rent of freemen there and at Islep, perquisites of court, and 19a. land at Lufwyk, held of the king in chief by service of finding a serjeant for 40 days at his own cost. John his son, aged 24 [or 22] and more, is his next heir. Huntingdon: Botilbruge. A messuage, 80a. land, 7a. meadow, a fishery, toll, 6s 6d rent of freemen, and perquisites of the court of Botilbruge, worth 2s yearly, held of Robert de Gymeles. Overton Lungevile. A messuage, dovecot, 80a. land, 7a. meadow, and 46s 6d rent and customs of freemen. (S) CIsPM.

(S) A Hist. of the Co. of Northampton, V3, 1930, P237. (S) Hist. of Huntingdon, V3, 1936, Orton Longueville with Botolphbridge.

Family notes:

·         Botolphbridge given by Henry II (d.1189) to his serjeant Hugh de Lizures.

·         Hugh’s daughter and heir Sybil given in marriage to Robert de Gimeges.

·         1194, Rogert de Gimeges paid scutage for Botolphbridge.


·         Another “Robert de Gimeles and Sybil” granted a moiety of the of manor Botolphbridge to Hugh de Boyeby on his marriage with their daughter Emma. [Creating Paynels or Deens Manor.] This Robert died by 1212, his wife holding lands in right of their son William, and does not fit [although possible by the timeline] as the father of the Sibyl of record. [This family line continues for multiple generations.]

Child of Baldwin and Idonia:

i. John de Drayton (8443444), born 1255 in England.
