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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Lord Edmund de Kemesek & Dame Petronila de Polstead

23640400. Lord Edmund de Kemesek & 23640401. Dame Petronila de Polstead

1247, Edmund de Kemesky born in England, s/o 47280800. Edmund de Kemesky & 47280801. Maud ?.

1247, Petronila born in England, coheir & d/o 47280802. Sir Hugh de Polstede & 47280803. Aubrey Fitz Auger.

Bef. 4/20/1253, Edmund’s father died. (S) CPRs.

6/22/1253, Grant, to John Maunsell and his assigns [for 300 marks], of the wardship of the lands late of Edmund de Kemesek, with the marriage of the heirs. (S) CPRs.

1257, Petronell and Rose, daughters and heirs of Hugh de Polsted, had a right of patronage of the church of Burnham All Saints, and in that of Polsted in Suffolk. (S) Essay … Co. of Norfolk, V3, 1769, P745.

1265, Petronila’s father Hugh died. “Grant to Robert Walerund for a fine of 40 marks of the marriage of Pernell and Rose, daughters and heirs of Hugh de Polested, who held in chief.”

[––Edmund & Petronilla––]

1265, Edmund married Petronilla.

1265, Petronille de Kemesek, age 18, coheir of her father.

2/20/1267, The king presented to All Saints, Burnham for the heirs [Petronilla] of Hugh de Polstede.

5/22/1267, Simple protection for 1 year, at the instance of Warin de Bassingburn, for Edmund de Kemesk. (S) CPRs.

1268, Edmund of age.

1268 in London, Edmund de Kemesek, by his attorney, vs. Benedict, son of Deulecres, touching a plea of account. (S) Cal. of Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, 1905, P186.

11/16/1272, Edward I ascended to the throne while on crusade.

7/18/1277, Protection with clause, until Michaelmas, for the following, going to Wales on the king’s service … Edmund de Kemesak. (S) CPRs.

1277, King Edward was in Chester where he cleared a road through a dense forest, and started construction on the castles of Flint and Rhuddlan. King Edward made forays into the Welsh lands of Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, prince of Wales, capturing Snowdonia and the isle of Anglesey.

10/18/1277, Edmund de Kemesek and Isaac le Evesk, a Jew, called before the king about a debt of the queen, the king’s mother, paid by Edmund to Isaac. (S) CCRs.

1282, Edmund, Quittance of 60m. fine for 2 Kt. fees for the army of Wales. (S) CCRs, 9/28/1299.

1284, Edmund de Kemesek and Petronella his wife, daughter and coheir above mentioned, grant to Emme, daughter of Robert le Moyne and Roesia his wife, sister of Petronella, the moiety of the church of All-Saints, in Burnham, for that turn. (S) An Essay towards a Topo. Hist. of the Co. of Norfolk, V7.

1284-86, Edmund de Kemesek v. William Prior of Sempingham of the advowson of the church of Fordham. (S) Pedes Finium, Cambridge.

1284-86, Mary la Noreyse holds 1 fee in Fordham in chief; Edmund de Kemeseke holds ½ fee there in chief. (S) Feudal Cambridgeshire, P139.

3/27/1287, “Edmund de Kemesek alias de Kemesyk: Essex, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire”, Lord of Farnham, Cambridgeshire, died; heir son Edmund age 19 and more. (S)  CIsPM, P413.

5/12/1288, Writ for IPM of Edmund de Kemesek. Essex: Felsted. A messuage, 106a. arable, … Tillebyri. 72a. arable, 16a. meadow, … He died on Thursday before SS. Philip and James [16 Edw. I.]. Edmund his son, aged 19 and more, is his next heir. … Great Samford. A messuage with garden, 413a. arable, … Suffolk: A capital messuage, 180a. arable, 3a. meadow, … 1,333 works of customers and cottars, and 4 cartloads of turf … Heir as above, aged 19 years and 12 weeks [dated on eve of Whitsunday] … Cambridge: Fordham. A messuage, 78a. arable, … (S) CIsPM.


6/2/1288, Order to the same to deliver to Pernell, late the wife of Edmund de Kemesek, tenant in chief, the manor of Ixelinge, co. Suffolk, extended at £13 8s l.25d, the manor of Fordeham, co. Cambridge, extended at 104s 3d, 21s. 2.5d of land and rent in the manor of Felstede, co. Essex, and pasture of the marsh of Tillebiry, extended at 66s 8d, all which the king has assigned to her in dower until the full age of the heir. (S) CFRs.

By 1/17/1300, Petronilla’s son Edmund died holding the lordship of Great Samford, Essex, out of which 30 shillings was payable to his mother Petronilla for part of her dower.

2/6/1303, The the sheriff of Essex and John de Bassingburn … [collection of aid for the marriage of the king’s daughter] … lands that belonged to Edmund de Kemesek in Great Saunford, … not to molest or agggrieve the executors in this behalf. (S) CCRs.

6/14/1305, Petronilla, overlord at Polstede, Suffolk. (S) IPM of William de Tendring, Suffolk.

2/25/1308, Edward II crowned king of England.

5/23/1308, Petronilla de Kemesek', sometime daughter and 1 of the heirs of Sir Hugh de Polstede. … For certain sum of money, … her share of manor of Polstede [Polstead], which share is called manor of La Newelond, with advowsons of churches of knight's fee; to hold of chief lords of fee. Warranty clause. … describes the seal as “very fair of red wax, with the figure of a woman holding in her right hand an escotcheon of the arms of Polsted... a frett... in her left a chief indented... and circumscrib'd Sigillu Petronille de Kemesek.” Petronilla de Kemesek to settle half the manor of Polstead on herself for life, remainder to Thomas her son for life, remainder to James de Lamburne, Joan his wife, and his heirs. Suffolk. (S) UKNA. [Son Edmund already deceased.] (S) The Manors of Suffolk, 1905, P179.

Child of Edmund and Petronila:

i. Edmund de Kemesky (11820200), born 3/1269 in England.
