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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Baron Randolph de Dacre & Lady Margaret de Multon

30422816. Baron Randolph de Dacre & 30422817. Lady Margaret de Multon

1289, Ranulf de Dacre born at Castle Naworth, Yorkshire, England; s/o 5908576. Sir William de Dacre & 5908577. Joan Gernet.

7/20/1300, Margaret, Baroness Multon, born in Mulgrave castle, Yorkshire, England, heir & d/o 60845634. Baron Thomas de Multon & 60845635. Nicole de Mauley. [Mulgrave the castle of Sir Peter de Malo Lacu.]

7/24/1300, Margaret baptised in the parish church of Lythe by Sir William de Whiteby; Geoffrey Maucovenaunt, knight, her godfather, and Margaret Thweng, wife of Richard de Thwenge, knight and Joan de Mortayn were her godmothers.

2/25/1308, Edward II crowned king of England.

1312, Randolph [apparently] involved in the murder King Edward II’s homosexual lover and favorite, Piers Gaveston of Gascony.

6/19/1312, Piers Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall, King Edward’s favorite, was executed at Blacklow Hill, Warwickshire, by the earls of Lancaster, Hereford and Arundel. [Piers, apparently a good soldier and administrator, would be replaced by “favorites” who were vicious and power seekers – the law of unintended consequences. 7 Earls would be executed in 18 years  – the last English earl having been executed 236 years before.]

1313, Thomas de Multon arranged a marriage of Margaret [age 13] to Robert de Clifford, age 7.

1/1314, Margaret’s father died leaving her as heir. King Edward II claimed wardship, and Margaret was entrusted to Guy de Beauchamp, earl of Warwick.

10/16/1313, Pardon to Randolph de Dacre, adherent of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, … whether on account of the capture, detention, or death of Peter de Gavaston, … (S) CPRs. [Randolph’s father and brother Edmund also pardoned.]

[––Ralph & Margaret––]

Bef. 2/20/1316, Randolph kidnapped Margaret from Warwick castle and married her, bringing him considerable wealth.

2/20/1316, Margaret made proof of age [over 14.]

10/28/1317, Ranulph de Dacre pardoned for stealing awai in the nighte out of the king’s custody from his Castell of Warwick of Margaret, daughter and heir of Thomas of Molton of Gilsland, whoe helde of ye Kinge in capite, and was within age, whearof the sayd Ranulphe standeth indighted in Curis Regis. (S) Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian, V4, P470.

10/30/1317, Order to cause Ranulph de Dacre and Margaret his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas de Multon of Gillesland, to have seisin of her father’s lands, as she has proved her age before the king and he taken Ranulph’s fealty. (S) CCRs.

1318, Randolph age 28 at the death of his father.

9/25/1318, Order to the eseheator on this side Trent to deliver to Randolf de Dacre, son and heir of William de Dacre, tenant in chief, the lands late of his said father, he having done homage ; saving to Joan late the wife of William her dower. (S) CFRs.

5/15/1321, Baron Randolph summoned to Parliament as first Lord Dacre of Gillesland.

3/24/1324, Licence for Ranulph de Dacre and Margaret his wife to enfeoff William de Burgh, parson of the church of Dacre, … (S) CPRs.

2/10/1325, Joan late the wife of William de Dacre held on the day of her death the manors of Halton, Fysshewyk and Eccleston in Leylandshire, co. Lancaster, … by the service of £6 6s. … and that Randolf de Dacre is her son and nearest heir and of full age,—to deliver to him the said manors and all lands late of his said mother, he having done fealty. (S) CFRs.

11/29/1326, Commitment during pleasure to Randolf de Dacre of the keeping of the peel of Hegheved, co. Cumberland. (S) CFRs.

2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

2/26/1328, Ranulph de Dacre, knight, acknowledges he owes to Peter de Middleton, knight, 200 marks. (S) CCRs.

1328, Randolph of Halton had messuages in Poulton.

11/24/1329, IPM of Isabel (121691269, paternal grandmother) late the wife of John de Castre, knight. Cumberland: Kirkosewald. The manor … which manor Thomas de Multon of Gillesland gave to Thomas his son, deceased, and to the aforesaid Isabel, and to the heirs of their bodies; … Margaret (30422817, gd), daughter of Thomas de Multon (30422817), son of the aforesaid Thomas son of Thomas and Isabel, aged 26 years and more, whom Ranulph de Dacre married, is next heir in tail … (S) CIsPM.

Bef. 1330, Ralph married Margaret.

3/8/1330, Order pursuant to an inquisition shewing that Isabel late the wife of John de Castre held the manor of Kirkosewald, co. Cumberland, which Thomas de Multon of Gilleslond gave to Thomas his son and the said Isabel his wife and the heirs of their bodies, and that the manor is held of the king … and that Margaret daughter of Thomas dee Multon son of the said Thomas the son and Isabel, whom Randolf de Dacre has taken to wife, is the next heir of the said Thomas the son and Isabel, and of full age,—to deliver to the said Randolf and Margaret the said manor. Randolf having done homage. (S) CFRs.

1330, Randolph, Sheriff of Cumberland and Governor of Carlisle castle.

1330, Ranulph de Dacre held the manor of Burgh-on-Sands. (S) Lists and Indexes, Is17, P285.

1332, Randolph hosted Baliol, fugitive king of Scotland, at his estates.

3/25/1333, Randolph commanded an English force of 800 in the battle of Dornock, Scotland against 50 Scottish defenders. The English forces captured Sir William Douglas, Lord of Liddesdale.

1333, Lord Archibald Douglas, with 3000 men of Scotland, desolated Gilsland.

8/4/1333, Commission to Ralph de Nevill and Geoffrey le Scrope in the county of Cumberland, to hear the complaints of J. bishop of Carlisle and Anthony de Lucy of the one part and Ranulph de Dacre of the other part touching dissensions which have arisen … (S) CPRs.

1335, Randolph crenellated Naworth castle.

1/27/1336, Siege of Dunbar castle by William Montagu, earl of Salisbury. [After 5 months the English withdrew.].

5/21/1336, Scottish campaign: Captain … Sir Ranulph de Dacre, banneret, pay commencing for 15 men-at-arms. (S) Knights and Warhorses, Ayton, 1999, P257.

1337, Ranulph granted the castle of Eustace de Maxwell in Galloway [where another set of skirmishes with the Scots occurred.]

1337, Randolph and Bishop Kirkby, of Rose, with forces raised in Cumberland and Westmorland, ended the Scot’s siege of Edinburgh castle, held by the English.

1338, Randle de Dacre obtained a royal licence to impark his wood at Eccleston. (S) Eccleston, A Hist. of the Co. of Lancaster, V6, 1911.

11/15/1338, Baron Randolph summoned to Parliament as Lord Dacre of Gillesland.

3/20/1339, Randolph died.

4/20/1339, Writ for IPM of Randolf de Dacre. Westmoreland: Barton. The said Ranulph and Margaret his wife, who still survives … Hoff. The manor held jointly … William his son, aged 20 years and more, is his next heir. Cumberland: Irthyngton and Burgh on Sands. The manors, and 1,000a. wood in the manor of Laysyngby, and the advowsons of the priory of Lanercost and of the church of Ayketon, held jointly with Margaret … Kyrkosewald. The manor, … Dacre. The manor, with the advowson … (S) CIsPM.


1/26/1341, Exemplification … visitation of the king’s hospital … St. Nicholas, Carlisle, … Alice le Norice, Joan Herice and Laurence de Bruscogh, who although non-resident but dwelling in the company of Margaret late the wife of Ranulph de Dacre, and not living according to the said rules … (S) CPRs.

4/22/1341, Order to the escheator in the counties of York etc. to take into the king's hand the lands held in chief which William de Multon, deceased, held for life of the inheritance of Margaret late the wife of Randolf de Dacre. (S) CFRs.

2/1/1343, To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to deliver to Margaret late the wife of Ranulph de Dacre all the issues received by John e Wodehous and Hugh de Moriceby, a former and the present escbeator. (S) CCRs.

9/1345, Assise … county of Cumberland by Margaret late wife of Ranulph de Dacre, against Richard de Salkeld, and Matilda his wife, … common pasture in Corby, … (S) Rerum Britannicarum Medii, Is31, V17, 1905, P157.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

9/29/1348, Agreement between Lady Margaret de Dacre, Lady of Gillisland, and Richard de Salkeld, Lord of the manor of Great Corby: that Corby is in the Barony of Gilsland. (S) UKNA.

10/20/1358, Commitment to Margaret late the wife of Randolf de Dacre, touching the keeping of her manor of Barton, co. Westmoreland. (S) CFRs.

12/8/1358, Whereas Randolf de Dacre, deceased, and Margaret his wife, acquired in fee … without the king’s licence … the king, for 100s which Margaret will pay him, has pardone the said trespass … (S) CPRs.

4/30/1360, Pardon to Robert de Louthre … to answer Margaret de Dacre touching a plea of debt of £9 … (S) CPRs.

12/10/1361, Margaret died.

1/2/1362, Writ for IPM of Margaret Dacre. Lincoln: Holbech. The manor … Ranulph de Dacre, parson of the church of Prestcotes, her son, aged 30 years and more, is her heir. Lancaster: Overkelet. Lands &c. held jointly with Ranulph de Dacre, her late husband, … She died on 10 December last. Heir as above, aged 36 years and more … Eccleston. A moiety of the manor … Westmoreland: Barton. The manor … Hoff. The manor … Overton. A moiety of the town … Cumberland: Naward. The castle, and the undermentioned manors [Brampton, Burgh over Sands, Kirkeoswald and Laisyngby] … [many smaller properties listed] … (S) CIsPM.

(S) A Hist. of the Co. of Lancaster, V8, 1914. (S) A Gen. and Heraldic Dic., Burke, P380. (S) Abbeys, Castles and Ancient Halls, Timbs, 2008, P319-20. (S) Final Concords for Lancashire, Part 2: 1307-77, 1902. (S) Record Series, Yorkshire, V37, P151-2.

Children of Randolph and Margaret:

i. Mary Dacre, born ? in England.

Mary married Ralph de Vernon, Baron of Shipbrook.

ii. William de Dacre, born ? in England.

William married Katherine de Nevill, d/o Ralph de Neville & Alice de Audley.

1360, William died without male heirs; succeeded by his brother Ranulph.

iii. Ranulph de Dacre, born ? in England.

10/22/1361, Order to escheator in the counties of Westmoreland, Cumberland and Lancaster, to deliver to Randolf de Dacre, parson of the church of Prestcotes, brother and heir of Wlliam de Dacre, the lands late of his said brother. (S) CFRs.

3/10/1362, Randolf de Dacre, parson of the church of Prestecotes, is son and heir of the said Randolf and Margaret, and is of full age. (S) CFRs. [Included properties in Scotland. (S) CFRs, 10/24/1361.]

8/1375, Ranulph died without male heirs; succeeded by his brother Hugh. (S) Hist. of Lancaster, V8, 1914, fn.27.

iv. Hugh de Dacre (15211408), born 1335 in England.
