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Friday, June 13, 2014

Hugh Fountayne & Margery Sture

65540. Hugh Fountayne & 65541. Margery Sture

~1500, Hugh born in Bawcombe, Devon, England, s/o 131080. William Fountaine & 131081. Eleanor Hutchyn.

~1505, Margery born in Devon, England, d/o §Henry Sture of Bradeligh, Devon. [Likely d/o Henry Sture & Elizabeth – d/o Edmund Fortescue, who’s son Edmund Sture was born 1509-10. (S) Hist. of Parliament.]

1519-35, Margery’s father died. [See 3 IPM’s listed in Family Notes.]

~1525, Hugh married Margery.

1530-31, Hugh’s father died.

1533-38, Plaintiffs: Nicholas Hyngeston and Alice, his wife, late the wife of Robert Bable. Defendants: Hugh, son and heir of William Fountayn. Subject: Annuity in Ugborough granted to the said Alice on her marriage with Edward, younger brother of defendant. Devon. (S) UKNA, C 1/815/31.

By 1547, Plaintiff: Hugh Founteyn. Defendant: Thomas Foughell, John Manadon, and others Place Or Subject: Assault at Ugborough and acts of violence to prevent plaintiff from using the parish church. County: Devon. (S) UKNA, STAC 2/15, Folio 233-37.

1/28/1547, Edward VI succeeded Henry VIII as King of England.

11/2/1548, Lease for further terms of 2 years in trust. 1. Roger Veale. 2. Philip Sture gent. Reciting deed of 9/18/1547. Consideration £28 13s. 4d. Premises as in 123M/TB40, to be held for terms of 8 years beginning on expiration of former terms, by Hugh Fountayn and John Alexander to the use of Philip Sture. (S) Devon Record Office, 123M/TB44.

7/10/1553, Lady Jane Grey became the [disputed] Queen of England [for 9 days.]

7/19/1553, Mary I, sister of Edward VI, became Queen of England.

1556-58, Plaintiffs: Humphrey Boneville, gentleman. Defendants: William, son of Hugh Fountayn of Ugborough, gentleman. Subject: Right of way from a messuage, mill and land of complainant in Ivybridge to Ermington church. Devon. (S) UKNA, C 1/1406/59-62.

2/2/1558, Hugh buried at Ugborough.

7/1558-11/1558, IPM of Hugh. (S) UKNA, C 142/116/19.

5/24/1577, Margery buried at Ugborough.

(S) Visitations of the County of Devon, Fountayne of Bawcombe, P368. (S) 1564 Visitation of Devon, P103. (S) The Registers of the Parish of St. Columb Major, Cornwall, P209.

Family notes:

·         The arms of Hugh Fountayne of East Bawcombe are impaled with those of his wife Margery Sture on a wooden screen in Ughborough Church. (S) The Antiquary, V15, 1887, P116.

·         1519-20, Henry Sture of Devon died. (S) UKNA, C 142/34/60. 1526-27, Henry Sture of Devon died. (S) UKNA, E 150/165/18. 1534-35, Henry Sture of Devon died. (S) UKNA, C 142/56/73.

·         1520-27, Plaintiffs: Robert Fortescue, esquire. Defendants: Henry Sture. Subject: Detention of deeds relating to a messuage and land in Woodleigh. Devon. (S) UKNA, C 1/504/11.

Children of Hugh and Margery:

i. Margaret Fountayne, born ~1536 in East Bawcombe, Devon, England.

Margaret married Nicholas Ford of Blackawton, Devon.

ii. William Fountaine (32770), born 1537 in East Bawcombe, Devon, England.

iii. Thomas Fountayne, born ~1539 in East Bawcombe, Devon, England.

Thomas married Joan Pole of Compton.

iv. Richard Fountayne, born ~1539 in East Bawcombe, Devon, England.
