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Friday, July 4, 2014

Lord Bartholomew de Grenvile & Dame Amy Vyvyan

16777984. Lord Bartholomew de Grenvile & 16777985. Dame Amy Vyvyan

~1236, Bartholomew de Granville born in England, s/o 33555968. Richard de Grenvile & 33555969. Jane Trewint.

6/1241, Bartholomew’s father died; his older brother Richard the heir.

~1250, Amy/Anne born in Trevidren, Cornwall, England, d/o §§Sir Vyoll Vyvyan, & Margaret ?.

1256, Bartholomew’s older brother Richard summoned to become a knight.

11/16/1272, Edward I succeeded Henry III as King of England. [While on crusade.]

~1273, Bartholomew married Amy.

4/23/1307, Bartholomew de Grenvyle and Anne his wife; and William Giffard, concerning the manor of Compton Greynvyll and the chapel of the same manor, settled on Bartholomew and Anne and the heirs of Bartholomew. (S) BCM/A/220i.

7/7/1307, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

1310, Bartholomew succeeded his brother Richard as lord of Bideham and Kilkhampton.

1310, Amy’s paternal great-grandfather, William Brodrigan, died; leaving as his heir his nephew Henry de Bodrigan. (S) Baronia Anglica Concentrata, V2, Banks, 1843, P48.

1312, To Bartholomew and his wife Amy, bishop Stapeldon granted a license for the celebration of divine service in capelle sud de Bydyford.

1314, A fine levied between Bartholomew de Greynfield and Richard de Greynfield, parson of the church of Kilkhampton, of one messuage, …, in Kilkhampton near Pogewell.

12/5/1314, Order to deliver to the aforesaid Matilda the following of the said earl's knights' fees, assigned to her in dower … one and a half fees in Bydiford and Kilkampton, in the county of Devon, which Bartholomew de Grenevill holds, of the yearly value of £60 … (S) CCRs.

1317, A fine levied at Westminster: Sir Bartholomew Grenvile and his wife Amy plaintiffs, Margery, late the wife of John Dynham, deforciant; manor of Kildhampton to the use of the said Bartholomew and Amy his wife, for life, excepting one messuage, 4 carucates of land, 16 acres of meadow, 27 acres of wood, and £60 12s 3d in the same manor; remainder to Henry, son of the said Bartholomew, and to the heirs of his body. … Should Henry die without heir of his body then the manor, as is aforesaid, shall revert in their entirety to Joan and Isabella sisters of the said Henry. … For this Bartholomew and Amy gave to Margaret 100 marks of silver. (S) Feet of Fines for Cornwall.

1318, Bartholomew presented a priests to the parish at Bideford.

9/18/1318, Bartholomew presented Henry of Cornwall to the rectory of Alverdiscot church.

10/6/1318, William Hurward; and Bartholomew de Grenevill and Anne his wife, concerning the manor of Compton Grenevill and the advowson of the chapel of the same manor. Bartholomew and Anne have acknowledged the advowson and one-third and 2/3rds of 2/3rds of the manor to be the right of William, and they grant the reversion of one-third of 2/3rds of the manor, held by Richard de Thoverton and Katherine his wife in dower, to William, for 100 marks. (S) BCM/A/2/20/3/ii.

1320, Bartholomew granted the Rectory at Kilhampton to his younger son Richard, together with the estate of Hewode.

1323-4, Sir Bartholomew de Greynvile, Lord of Bideford, returned into chancery, as "one of the knights of Devonshire bearing ancient arms from their ancestors," certified to be "of great and almost decrepid age."

By 12/25/1324, Bartholomew died. [Walter Prodhome admitted to the Rectory of Alverdiscot Church, on the presentation of Henry, son and heir of Bartholomew de Grenville.]


1325, Dated at ‘Bydeford, Tuesday after St. Ambrose’s Day’. Widow Amy sold 3 acres of land that had been given to her by her husband. [To which is a seal appendant of the arms of Granville impaling the arms of Vyvyan, viz., six mullets, 3, 2, 1, circumscribed.]

1/24/1327, Edward III, age 14, succeeded Edward II as King of England. [1/20/1327, Edward II abdicated.]

1327, Amy’s son and heir Henry died.

1327, A precept from the king to his escheator in Cornwall directing him to deliver lands, woods, and rents, on the manor of Kilkhampton, with their appurtenances to Ann who was the wife of Bartholomew de Greynville; the manor aforesaid was holden of the Earl of Gloucester as of his honor of Wynkeleigh, being in the hands of the king by forfeiture of Hugh le Despencer, junior, holden by the service of one knight's fee. … further directs that sufficient security be taken of the aforesaid Ann to pay £20 annually for the same during the minority of the heir. [The heir being her grandson Theobald, son of Henry.]

By 1329, Amy died.

1329, IPM at Kilkhampton of son Henry: Dame Amy Grenvile held the manors of Kilkhampton and Bideford for life of the Earl of Gloucester, as of the honour of Winkleigh [chief seat of the honour of Gloucester in Devon], forfeited to the King by Hugh le Despencer the younger.

(S) History of the Granville Family, Granville, 1895, P49ff. (S) Peerage of England, Supplement, 1750, P69.

Family notes:

·         Vyoll Vyvyan s/o §§Ralph Vivian & Isabella Bodrugan, widow of William Boleigh (d/o §§William Bodrugan). (S) Visitations of Cornwall, Vivian, 1887, P542.

·         Bartholomew de Granville composed a work from the writings of Albert the Great and Vincent de Beauvais, entitled De Rerum Proprietate. (S) Mores Cathloici: Books I-IV, Digby, 1888, P597.

Children of Bartholomew and Amy:

i. Henry de Grenvile (8388992), born ~1275 in Devon, England. [Heir]

ii. Joanna de Grenvile, born ? in England.

iii. Isabel de Grenvile, born ? in England.

iv. Richard de Grenvile, born ? in England.

5/20/1307 at Woky, Master Richard de Greynvyle, ordained as subdeacon by Walter, Bishop of Bath and Wells.

10/14/1308, Master Richard de Greynvyle rector of Kylkamton.

9/19/1310, Master Richard de Greynvyle, ordained as deacon.          

3/1311, Master Richard de Greynvyle, ordained as priest.

1320, Bartholomew granted the Rectory at Kilhampton to his younger son Richard, together with the estate of Hewode.

Bef. 8/14/1324, Richard died.
