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Friday, July 4, 2014

Sir Hugh de Beauchamp & Lady Idonea de Lisle

8389012. Sir Hugh de Beauchamp & 8389013. Lady Idonea de Lisle

~1288, Hugh de Bello Campo born in Ryme, Dorset, England, s/o 16778024. Sir Humphrey de Beauchamp & 16778025. Sybil Oliver. (S) Magna Carta Surities, Weis, 1999, P186.

~1293, Idonea de Insula born in Chaffcombe, co. Somerset, England, d/o §William de Lisle. (S) Magna Carta Surities, Weis, 1999, P186. [Idonea a distant cousin of Joan Stocklinch (2494561).]

3/6/1294, Writ for IPM of William de Insula, deceased, tenant in chief. (S) CFRs.

5/14/1299, Confirmation of a sale made by Walter de Gloucestre, escheator this side of Trent, in pursuance of a power to him to sell wardships and marriages … to Humphrey de Bello Campo, knight, for £20, of the marriage of Idonia, daughter and heir of William de Insula, tenant in chief. (S) CPRs.

10/18/1303,  Grant to Humphrey de Bello Campo, by reason of his service in Scotland, of the custody, during the minority of Amidonia the daughter and heir of the lands in the Isle of Wight, late of William de Insula, tenant in chief. (S) CPRs.

7/7/1307, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

2/25/1308, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

[––Hugh & Idonea––]

7/16/1308, Order to deliver to Hugh de Bello Campo and Anndonia his wife, daughter and heiress of William de Insula, tenant in chief of the late king, seisin of the lands of the said William, she having proved her age and her husband, who was a minor when she married him, having done fealty for the same. This marriage occurred in consequence of the grant of her marriage by the late king to Humphrey de Bello Campo, father of Hugh. (S) CCRs.

By 1310, Hugh married to Idonea.

7/28/1310, Agreement between John de Godelee dean of Wells and the chapter on the one part and Sir John de Acton, Sir Nicholas Braunch, Sir John Clivedon knights, Hugh de Bello Campo and Idonea his wife, John de Berklee and Walter le Bole on the other part, … (S) Cal. of Manu’s of the Dean and Chapter of Wells, V1, 1907, f.213d.

1311, Accord between Hugh de Bello Campo and Idonea his wife on the one part and John de Godlee dean of Wells and the chapter on the other, in a dispute touching a chantry in the chapel of St. Martin at Lillesdon …

1312-13, At Westminster … between John de Kyngesbury, querent; and Hugh de Bello Campo and Anndonia his wife, diforciants ; … 3 messuages … in Chafcombe, Wondestrowe, and Stathe, … (S) Somerset Record Society, V12, 1898, P114.

10/15/1314, IPM of Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford. Somerset: … Chefcombe. A moiety held by Hugh de Bello Campo by service of 1/3 knight’s fee. (S) CIsPM.

8/1/1315, Memorandum that the dean and chapter kept a love day on the vigil of St. Peter ad vincula at Wells, between themselves on the one part and Hugh de Bello Campo and Robert de Pudele on the other, touching a schedule between the parties. (S) Cal. of Manu’s of the Dean and Chapter of Wells, V1, 1907, f.149.

1316, Hugh’s father died.

1316, Hugh  de Beauchamp and his wife Aundrina in possession of a quarter fee of Beauchamp. (S) [Previously held by William s/o Walter de Lisle.] (S) Hist. of Hampshire, V5, 1912, Niton.

1317, The manor of Lillesdon Court and Slough, [the most important house in] parish of North Curry, Somerset, owned by Hugh de Bello Campo. (S) North Curry, Olivey, 1901, P113.

1317, Settlement of questions … between the D. and C. and Hugh de Bello Campo and Idonea his wife, about a chantry of 3 days … S. Matrin’s Chapel in Lillesdon, … water rights … D. and C. will build 2 bridges. (S) Manuscripts of Wells Cathedral, V10, Pt3., 1885, P182.

12/2/1318, Hugh de Bello Campo acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Alresford, clerk, 5 marks … Somerset. (S) CCRs.

11/3/1325, Accord between Hugh de Bello Campo and Idonea his wife on the one part and John de Godlee dean of Wells and the chapter on the other, in a dispute touching a chantry in the chapel of St. Martin at Lillesdon … (S) Cal. of Manu’s of the Dean and Chapter of Wells, V1, 1907, f.217.

2/1/1327, Edward III succeeded Edward II as King of England.

1332-3, At Westminster …; between Richard Pyke, junior, and Alianore, daughter of Hugh de Bello Campo, querents, by John de Coliford as guardian of Richard and Alianore; and Richard Pyke, senior, and Margaret his wife, deforciants; … (S) Feet of Fines, Somerset.

Hugh died.


2/1346 at Northcory, Quitclaim indented, by Idoigne late the wife of Hugh de Beauchamp knight, lady of Lillesdon, to the dean and chapter of Welles and their successors, of all right to common with her beasts, as appurtenant to her free tenement of Lillesdon, upon a piece of moor called Botirlake. Witnesses: Sir John de Clyvedon, … (S) CCRs.

1346, Idonea Beauchamp in possession of a quarter fee of Beauchamp. [See 1316] (S) Hist. of Hampshire, V5, 1912, Niton.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

1349, Idony, wife of Hugh Beauchamp, presented to the rectory at Chaffcombe. (S) Hist. of the Co. of Somerset, V4, 1978, Chaffcombe.

1355, Indenture of accord, made at Northcory, St. Swithin's day, between the dean and chapter of Wells on the one part and Dame Idoygne de Beauchamp (lady and heir of Lillesdon) on the other, concerning her claim to have a chantry in her chapel of Lillesdon; …

(S) Somerset Record Society, V15, 1900, P143. (S) History of Parliament, British Political Society.  (S) Manuscripts of the Dean & Chapter of Wells, V1, 1907.

Family notes:

·         William de Insula (d.1294) s/o §§Walter de Insula [(d.by1269), s/o §§Jordan de Insula & Emme Avenel (d.~1253)]. (S) Hist. of Somerset, V4, 1978, Chaffcombe. [Jordan held lands in Chaffcombe in 1235.] Emme d/o §§Oliver Avenel (d.~1226). Emme had a sister Margaret that married wife of Warin de Noneton, and then Philip de Cauntelo (in possession by 1267.)

·         1277-84, Money for William de Lisle, returning home by the king's licence. (S) UKNA.

·         1294, The demesne lands held with one half of the manor of Chaffcombe by William de Lisle comprised a house and garden, 30 a. of arable land, 4 a. meadow and pasture, and 20 a. of underwood.

(S) Hist. of the Co. of Somerset, V4, 1978.

Child of Hugh and Idonea:

i. John Beauchamp (4194506), born ~1330 in Lillesdon, Someset, England.
