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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Lord John de Wyke & Egelina de Hautville

8389010. Lord John de Wyke & 8389011. Egelina de Hautville

~1300, John de Wyke born in Somerset, England s/o 16778020. Philip de Wyke & 16778021. Maud de Wengham.

~1305, Egelina born in Chew Magna, Somerset, England, d/o 16778022. Sir Geoffrey de Hauteville.

2/25/1308, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

1320, Somerset. Philip de Wyke and Maud his wife plaintiffs; John de Bourbon and Joan his wife deforciants; a messuage and 80 acres of arable land … in Old Kyngston and Weston-Gordein … Kyngston to Walter de Wyke, son of the said Philip, … remainder to John de Wyke, brother to Walter, and his heirs …  Weston-Gordein to the said John de Wyke, son of Philip, … (S) House of Yvery, V1, Anderson, 1742, P385.

8/24/1324, Margery de Coventre, in mercy for not prosecuting suit against John de Wyk; pardoned because she is poor. (S) Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, V5, 2013, P42.

2/1/1327, Edward III succeeded Edward II and King of England.

12/22/1327, Commission of oyer … complaint by John, bishop of Winchester, … [many named] Walter Russel, John Wyke, … prevented the exercise of the bishop’s liberties … at his fair … (S) CPRs.

3/2/1329, William de Cheigni, going to the islands of Jerseye and Gernereye, has letters nominating John de Wyke his attorney for 1 year. (S) CPRs.

10/27/1331, Margaret, the wife of Hugh de Audele, puts in her place John de Wyk and Reginald atte More to prosecute a petition … concerning the manors of Thakstede, Cnok, Orcheston, and Heghtredebury. (S) CCRs.

1332, Geoffrey de Hauteville (father-in-law) deeds his manor of Norton Hauteville to John de Wyck.

Aft. 1332,Egelina’s father died.

1342, John de Wyke a member of parlaiment at Westminster for the Borough of Shaftesbury. (S) Notitia Parliamentaria, Willis, 1715, P479.

10/1/1343, Theobald Gorges [Russell] married John’s daughter Agnes. “Ut in oratorio seu capella infra curiam Johannis de Wyke infra parochiam de Yatton nostre diocesis inter Theobaldum Gorges et Agnetem filiam dicti Johannis de Wyke, bannis editis, pront moris est, primitus inter eos Ucite valeas solempnizare matrimonium citra Natale Domini, dum tamen aliud canonicum non obsistat, tibi licenciam concedimus. Woky. Id. Oct., a.d. 1343.” (S) Register of Ralph de Salopia, Bishop of Bath and Wells.

12/5/1344, Andrew de Canterton and John de Wygan acknowledge that they owe to Gilbert de Wygeton, clerk, and to Thomas Worthship £20; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Southampton. (S) CCRs.

7/12/1346, Edward landed an invasion force of 10000 in Normandy, which marched north plundering the countryside. King Philip VI, with 8000 horsemen and 4000 Genoese crossbowmen pursued. (S) Crecy and Calais, Wrottesley, 1898, P33.

9/4/1346, King Edward started the siege of Calais, France.

1346, John de Wyke, of Nynhyde-Flory manor, of Court de Wyck, Claverham, co. Somerset, died at the siege of Calais. IPM: John held half a knight’s fee in Norton, which Geoffrey de Hautevile formerly held of the bishop of Bath.


Egelina married 2nd Robert Guyen, mayor of Bristol [1345, 1346, 1349.]

1352, Somerset and Dorset: Writs and indentures for the possessions of Robert Gyene (Guyne), Burgess of Bristol, felon, Lucy his wife and Egelina wife of Rob”john dert Guyen and her manucaptors in Manors of Chelworth, Kingsdon, Clotton, Wyke, Norton Hautville, and tenements in Long Sutton (Abbelake), Knowle and Gorewell. (S) UKNA.

10/1/1352, Grant to Egelina, wife of Robert de Guyen, who {qui) … of the manors of Wyk and Norton Hautevyll, co. Somerset, which she holds in dower … in aid of her sustenance for the life of the said Robert. (S) CFRs. [Egelina bought the goods of the manors for £76 12s 6d.]

4/10/1353, Robert Guyen, executor of th will of Everard le Frenshe of Bristol. (S) CCRs.

Bef. 10/6/1353, Robert Guyen died. (S) CPRs, 11/6/1399.

Bef. 3/10/1356, Egelina died holding in dower lands in Norton, Chiew, Dondray, Prikeswyk and Staunton Dru of the inheritance of John de Wyke. (S) CCRs.

(S) Collections for a Parochial History of Wraxall, Master, 1900, P14. (S) Let the Stones Talk, Steed, 2011, P77. (S) Collections of a Parochial History of Chew Magna, Wood, 1903, P77ff.

Children of John and Egelina:

i. John de Wyke, born ~1325 in Court de Wyk, parish Yatton, England.

1347, John de Wyke a member of parlaiment at Westminster for the Borough of Shaftesbury. (S) Notitia Parliamentaria, Willis, 1715, P479.

3/10/1356, Enrollment … between John de Edyndon the elder and John de Wyke of Milton, … John de Wyke has granted the reversion of the manor of Wyke in the parish of Yatton, … which Egelyna his mother lately held in dower in Cleware … [other properties held by Egelyna mentioned] … [John de Wyke received 100 marks] (S) CCRs.

John married Alice ?.

1/27/1360, William, Thomas and John Aunsel have granted to Alexander [Ansell] the manors [Esthall and South’hall in Horblyng] … after the decease of Alexander the manor of South'hall', excepting 3 messuages and 4 bovates of land in the same manor, shall remain to John de Wyke and Alice and the heirs of their bodies, to hold of the chief lords for ever. In default of such heirs, remainder to the right heirs of Alice. (S) Feet of Fines, Lincolnshire.

ii. Agnes de Wyke (4194505), born ~1328 in Court de Wyk, parish Yatton, England.
