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Saturday, August 8, 2020

Baron William Briwere & Beatrice de Vaux

 189118346. Baron William Briwere & 189118347. Beatrice de Vaux

12/19/1154, Henry II succeeded King Stephen of England.

~1155, William born in Devonshire, England, s/o §§Henry Briwere. [William’s mother a Devonshire lady, d/o Geoffrey and sister of Reginald de Albamarle, of Woodbury. (S) Reports and Transactions, V38, 1906, P348. [By timeline, (b.~1135), she would be an aunt of §§Geoffrey d’Albamarle (b.~1170), married to Mabil Carbonel.]

Aft. 1155, William’s father died.

~1158, Beatrice born in Stoke, Devonshire, England, d/o §§Baron Hubert de Vaux of Gilesland & Lady Grecia ?.

1179, William appointed high sheriff of Devon.

10/1180, William Briwere purchased half a knight’s fee in Ilesham, Devon, from his own tenants.

1187, William Briwere an assessor of tallage in Sussex, Kent, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and other counties.

1188, William Briwere held pleas in Surrey, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Somersetshire, Dorsetshire, Devonshire and Hampshire.

1189, William Briwere held Pleas and sanctioned Conventions in various counties.

9/3/1189, Richard I succeeded King Henry II of England.

1189, William Bruere appointed by King Richard I as a chancellor and Sheriff of Devonshire [until 1209.]

12/1189, King Richard named William Brewer as 1 of 4 justices to whom he committed the charge of the kingdom. (S) Report and Transactions, V18, 1886, P352. [The others: Geoffrey fitz Peter, William Marshall, Hugh Bardolf.]

12/12/1189, King Richard departed on the 3rd Crusade.

1189-90, William Brewer given 600 marks by Geoffrey fitz Peter for the king’s use. (S) Haskins Society, Patterson, 2003, P143.

9/1190, William Brewer, high sheriff of Oxfordshire. (S) Lord Lieutenants and High Sheriffs of Oxfordshire, Peters, 1995, P33.

1191, Henry de Vallibus [Vaux, relative of Beatrice], by the consent and assent of Roger, his brother, granted to William Brewer the service of half a knight’s fee of land in Collaton [Devon], which the ancestors of Beatrix the wife of said William, made to his ancestors [for 40 marks to William and 1 gelding to Roger.] (S) Chorographical Description – Devon, Risdon, 1811, P50.

1191, William Briwerre and William de Brueria witnessed a charter. (S) Reports and Transactions, V38, 1906, P348.

10/8/1191 at St. Pauls, The Archbishop of Rouen produced a letter for the king appointing him justiciar in place of William Longchamp, bishop of Ely, and naming William Brewer and others as his assisstants. [For which these individuals were threatened with excommunication by the Pope.] (S) Report and Transactions, V18, 1886, P352.

2/16/1192, [John, count of Mortain, had joined with King Philip of France against his brother King Richard] Letter commanding Hugh, bishop of Lincoln, to impose excommunication against … William Marshall, Geoffrey fitz Peter, William Brewer, Hugh Bardulf, … Gerard de Camville, the earl of Salisbury, … Henry de Vere, …. (S) English Episcopal Acta, Karn, 2006, P211.

6/1193 in Worms, Germany, William attended the 2nd court requested by King Richard in captivity, to finalize his release terms. (S) The Troubadours Song, Boyle, 2005, P202.

7/9/1193, William Brewer and William Longchamp traveled to Paris to negotiate a truce between King Philip and King Richard.

3/12/1194, Queen Eleanor and King Richard, released from imprisonment and having once more evaded capture, landed at Sandwich, England.

4/1194, William was reasigned as sheriff of Notting and Derby instead of Oxford and Berks.

8/1194, 7 royal justices, including William Brewer, traveled to York to investigate charges of heavy exactions and unjust siezure against Bishop Geoffrey. (S) Archbishop Geoffrey Plantagenet, Is18, Douie, 1960, P7.

1195, William Brewer, sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, a justice holding pleas in the counties.

1196, William granted the manor of Wolborough to the abbey of Torre. (S) Ecclesiastical Antiquities, Oliver, 1828, P72.

1196 at Oxford before the king, Margaret de Pilland for 15 marks quitclaimed to William Briwerre her right in Foston, Leics., and Luncombe and Goodleigh, Devon, held in dower.

1197, William Brewer, sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, a justice holding pleas in the counties.

1198, William Brewer, sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, a justice holding pleas in the counties.

5/27/1199 at Westminster, King John succeeded King Richard I as King of England.

1199, King John confirmed the grant of Blisworth from William, earl of Derby, to William Briwerre.

1200, William granted licence to build 3 castles at Bridgewater, and one in each of Hampshire and Devonshire.

4/3/1200, William de Percy, a minor, assigned as a ward to William. [William purchased 5 wardships this year including that of Roger de Bertrum, heir of William de Bertram.]

6/26/1200, William Briwerr granted a market and fair at Bridgewater, Somerset.

1200, William and his uncle Peganus de Walton exchanged knight fees with Reginald de Albamarl. (S) Pedes Finium – Somerset, 1892, P5.

4/1201, William Brewer, high sheriff of Oxfordshire. (S) Lord Lieutenants and High Sheriffs of Oxfordshire, Peters, 1995, P35.

1201, William endowed Monttisfont abbey in Hampshire, and Dunkeswell abbey in Devon.

3/21/1202, William, now sheriff of Cornwall; gave the shrievalty of Oxfordshire to Thomas Basset, who gave that of Dover to Hubert de Burgh. (S) Viator, V5, 1975, P240.

4/2/1203 at Molineaux near Rouen, France, William [as a Justiciar of England] and others including King John heard William de Braose disclaim any further responsibility for prisoner Arthur of Brittany.

5/5/1203 at Porchester, “William Brewer” a witness of King John’s charter of Queen Isabel’s dower lands in England and Normandy. (S) Epistolæ.

5/5/1204, Charter of the Lady the Queen I. on her Dower. John, by the grace of God, … Attesting, the Lords … Earl Roger le Bigot; W. Earl of Arundel; …; William Briwerr, … Robert de Veteriponte, … (S) King John of England, Chadwick, 1865, P192.

1204, William Briwerre offered £80 for the wardship and marriage of the heirs of Roese’s 1st marriage, and custody of her dower. ‘Willelmus Briwer’ paid a fine for ‘custodia terre et heredum Fobti de Dovr … et … custodia dotis Roes de Dovr’ (S) FMG.

1204, William granted lordship of Chesterfield by gift of King John. (S) The Old Halls, Manors and Families of Derbyshire, V4, 1899, P258. [And earlier the same year the barony of Buron except the castle of Horsley.]

8/15/1204, The King’s Bailiff in Sussex had orders to give to William all Roger La Zouche’s lands in the Honour of Petworth.

9/27/1204, William Brewer granted a market at the royal manor of Axminster, Devon.

1/6/1206, William Briwer purchased for £80 wardship of the lands and heirs of Fobertus de Dover. (S) Report and Transactions of Devonshire, V50, 1918, P96.

1206, The wardship and marriage of Roger Bertram, a minor at his father’s death, given to Peter de Brus for 1300 marks in exchange against the debts of William Briwerre.

1207, William obtained from King John a grant in fee farm of the manor of Chesterfield. (S) The Northern Star, Jewitt, 1817, P267.

11/30/1207, William attested a royal charter between the King and Loretta, countess of Leicester. (S) Historical Essays, Tait, P259.

1208, King John committed Sussex to William Brewer, specifying that Robert Camerarius was to be ‘subvicecomes.’

1210, William Brewer a witness to the official account written by King John of his quarrel with William de Briouse.

1210, The men of Dorset and Somerset, for 1200 marks, purchased a guarantee from the crown that William Brewer would never again be their sheriff. (S) Place of War in English History, Prestwich, 2004, P60.

1211, William Brewer a ‘consilarii iniquissimi’ of King John who aided him against the church.

1212, William granted timber from the forest of Leicestershire to build a cellar and chamber at Blisworth.

8/2/1212, Thomas de Erdington, William, and Alan Basset, part of a council acting on King John’s behalf, approved the taking of 4 castles by Robert de Vipont. (S) History of the Princes, Lloyd, 1881, P160.

11/12/1212, King John gave Rohese de Lucy half of the Lucy lands; and on the same day Rohese gave William Brewer 5 manors in Cornwall, 1 in Devon, and 1 in Kent to hold of her. [William had pledged for her fines to acquire the lands.] (S) Reign of King John, Painter, 1949, P75.

5/15/1213, William Brewer a witness of the document in which King John resigned his crown to the Pope.

5/24/1213, From: Geoffrey Fitz Piers (189118338), earl of Essex, justiciar; Reginald, count of Boulogne; Ranulf de Blundeville, earl of Chester; William, earl of Warenne (and Surrey); William the Marshall, earl of Pembroke. To: William d'Aubigny, earl of Arundel (and Sussex); William de Ferrers (19989504), earl of Ferrers; William Bruwere; Robert de Ros; Gilbert son of Renfed; Roger de Mortuo Mari; Peter son of Herbert. They will ensure that King John will observe the terms of the settlement made between him and the Church in England. (S) UKNA.

1214, William de Percy to Sir William Briwerre: release of his right in the land of Chedderley which the said William Briwerre had given to his daughter Joan and the said William de Percy in exchange for land in the vill of Foston (Fotestone): (Leic.). (S) UKNA.

1214, William de Ainesford sold the custody of William and the lands to William Brewer.

7/27/1214, Grant to William Briwere of the custody of the land and heir of Baldwin Wake with the marriage of Isabella, daughter of the same William, widow of the said Baldwin. (S) History of the Borough of Chesterfield, Yeatman, 1890, P237.

6/19/1215 at Runnymede near Windsor, King John forced to agree to the terms of the Magna Carta.

9/18/1216, The sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk directed to give William Birwerre full seisin of the land of the honor of Lavendon, late of Henry de Clinton, who was with the king’s enemies.

10/28/1216, Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.

1216, William Brewer the father, and William Brewer the son both named in the re-issuance of the Magna Carta. (S) Reading in Medieval History, Geary, 2010, P739.

3/24/1217, Beatrice died.

1217, The sheriff of leicester directed to given William Briwerre, the elder, full seisin of his land in Foston.

11/1217, William Brewer, William Cantilupe, Thomas of Erdington, … barons of the exchequer.

1218, William sued by Alan Basset, custodian of William de Montague, s/o Drugo. (S) The Genealogist, 1904, P168.

11/1218, William Brewer imposed extortionate terms on some Lincolnshire gentry who owed debts to the Jews.

1219, William assessed a scutage of 60+ knights’ fees.

12/1219, William Brewer asked Hubert de Burgh whether he should preambulate the forest in Hampshire, or sit with him at the exchequer.

1220, William granted 24 trunks for posts and squared beams and 2 crooks from Salcey Forest for rebuilding his houses at Blisworth.

1220, William granted a market at the manor of Deppinge [Deeping].

4/12/1221, William Brewer a councillor of the king named in a papal letter stating that the king was under papal protection.

6/9/1221, William held a market at Great Torrington, Devon.

1222, William received the manor of Horsley, Derby, on the death of John de Reigni.

1223, ‘terre … Newetona’ disputed between Henricum de Cobbeham and Wilhelmus Briwere, which found that Roheysia of Dover (19989671, wife of his nephew Fulbert de Dover), held the land which, after confiscation, was restored to the aformentioned Roeysia who with Nicholas her husband gave it to Willelmo Briwere. (S) FMG.

1223, William Brewer a pledge for a loan to the Earl of Salisbury.

4/1224, William Brewer wrote to Ralph de Neville requesting that he intervene with the King so that he might present his clerk to a benefice.

8/18/1224, The King at Bedford in the presence of Hubert de Burg Justiciary, William Earl of Salisbury, William Earl Warren, Gilbert Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, …, Hugh Earl Bigod, Humphrey Earl of Hereford, … William Briwer, P. fitz Herebert, William de Albini, Thomas de Multon, … Relaxation of the subsidy granted to the king by the clergy, for the siege of Bedford. (S) Manuscripts of the Duke of Beaufort, 1891, P556.

1224-25, William retired as a monk to the abbey of Dunkeswell.

1226-27, William of Horsley, Derby, died; buried in the Abbey of Dunkeswell, Devonshire; son William his heir. [William held the wardship of his grandson Reynold de Mohun.]


Beatrice died; buried at Montesfonte. (S) History of the County of Derby, V2, 1829, P263.

(S) History of County of Northampton, V4, 1937. (S) The Reign of King John, Painter, 1949, P194. (S) Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs in England and Wales to 1516. (S) Honors and Knights’ Fees, Farrer, V2, 1925. (S) Court, Household, and Itinerary of King Henry II, Eyton, 1878. (S) Minority of Henry III, Carpenter, 1990. (S) Medieval English Sheriff, Morris, 1968.

Family notes:

3/1155, Royal charter to the Bishop of Winchester, confirming to William Briewerr the lands and tenures which he had in time of K. Henry, the King’s grandfather.

William’s seal is one of the earliest examples to incorporate a mermaid.

Children of William and Beatrice:

i. Richard Brewer, born ? in England.

Aft. 1200, Richard died fighting the Welsh.

ii. Alicia Brewer (973512769), born ~1179 in England.

iii. Margaret Briwere (94559155), born ~1180 in England. [2nd daughter]

iv. William Briwerre, born ? in England.

By 1197, William married Joan, d/o William de Vernon, earl of Devon.

1220, William the younger pardoned of various debts including 11 marks for 5.5 fees of Bidun.

1224, William constituted governor of the castle of Newcastle upon Tyne.

~1226, William married Joan, d/o William de Percy.

1232, William died; Joan received Blisworth in dower.

1265, Joan died; Blisworth descended to Baldwin Wake, grandson of William’s sister Isabel.

v. Grace Briwere (94559173), born ~1184 in England.

vi. Joan Briwere (486765191), born ~1188 in England.

vii. Isabel Briwere (19989617), born ~1190 in England.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

According to our well known American genealogist Douglas Richardson, William was the son of Thomas & Miss albemarle.
Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial & Medieval Families,Douglas Richardson (2013):
THOMAS BRIWERRE, son and heir. He married ___ DE ALBEMARLE, daughter of Geoffrey de Albemarle, of Woodbury, Devon. They had two sons, William and John, and three daughters, (wife of Osbert de Gladfen), Englesia (wife of William de la Brueria) and (wife of John de Torrington). In the period, 1154-89, the king granted license to Thomas Briwerre to have his dogs for catching hares and foxes, as had his father in the reign of King Henry I.
Annual Rpt. of the Depug Keeper 31 (1870): 4. Franklin English Episcopal Acta 8 (1993): 21.
