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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Duke Matthias I of Lorraine & Duchess Bertha von Hohenstaufen

 756501362. Duke Matthias I of Lorraine & 756501363. Duchess Bertha von Hohenstaufen

1119, Mattheu born in Lorraine, s/o 1513002724. Simon I de Lorraine & 1513002725. Adelaide de Louvain.

8/30/1125, Matthew’s paternal half-uncle became Lothair III Supplinburger, King of Germany.

1122-23, Bertha born in Germany, d/o 378236600. Frederick II Hohenstaufen & 378236601. Judith of Bavaria.

8/5/1122, Mathieu named as the son of his father in a charter.

8/1/1137, Louis VII succeeded as king of France. [Matthew had more French relatives, but was more closely associated with the Germans.]

12/4/1137, King Lothair of Germany died; succeeded [1138] by Conrad III Hohenstaufen, King of Germany.

By 1138, ‘Simon ... Lotharingorum dux’ renounced claims over property of ‘ecclesia de Sancti-Remigii-Monte’, brought by ‘patris mei beatæ memoriæ ducis Theodorici’, with the support of ‘uxore mea ... ducissa Adelide ... cum Matthæo ... unico  nostro filio.’

1/1139, Mathieu succeeded his father.

[––Matthias & Bertha––]

Bef. 3/25/1139, Mathieu married to Bertha.

1142, ‘Matheus … Lotharingorum Dux et marchio’ donated property to Tart abbey, with the consent of ‘uxoris mee Berthe ... fratris mei Balduini et Agathe sororis mee.’

1/13/1143, ‘Matheus Lotharingorum dux et marchio’ donated property ‘loco predium de Wulvelingen’ to Kloster Stürtzelbronn, with the consent of ‘coniugis mee Berthe et Balduini fratris mei’, for the soul of ‘progenitoris mei Symonis’, which names ‘Theodericus … comes … cum uxore sua Adelheide et filio suo Gotefrido.’

1148, Mathieu founded the abbey of l’Etange.

1149, Duke Matthew of Lotharingia, Duke Henry of Limburg, with 8 counts, plus clergy and nobles attended the court of King Conrad at Frankfurt. (S) Warrior Bishop – Albero of Trier, Balderich, 2008, P70.

3/9/1152 at Aachen [Aix-la-Chapelle], Frederick Barbarossa [Hohenstaufen] crowned King of Germany. [Matthew’s brother-in-law, who was married to Matthew’s niece Beatrice, daughter of his sister Agatha.]

8/1152, Duke Matthew of Lorraine attended the synod at Trier. At the synod, a tribunal was held about a dispute between Matthew and the nuns’ cloister of Remiremont. (S) German Episcopacy, Pixton, 1995, P38.

2/28/1153 at Froidmont, Matthew, duke of Lorraine, battled Stephen, bishop of Metz. More than 2000 of the Bishop’s men were killed. (S) Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, P358.

7/8/1153, Pope Eugene III died; succeeded by Pope Anastasius IV.

10/1154, Matthew, a member of the retinue of King Frederick. Frederick assembled an army near Augsburg; then crossed the Alps, camping near Verona.

11/30/1154, King Frederick stopped for 5 days on the plain of Roncaglia, on the Po river, near Piacenza.

12/3/1154, Pope Anastasius IV died; succeeded by Pope Hadrian IV.

12/25/1154, King Frederick celebrated Christmas near Milan.

1154-55, King Frederick burned the fortress of Rosate; and then destroyed 3 other fortresses around the city; then marched through Vercelli and Turin [cities west of Milan.]

1155, King Frederick attacked Chieri and Asti, which was burnt [the populace had abandoned the town on his approach].

2/1155, King Frederick then laid siege to Tortona [southwest of Milan ]. The fortress fell in 4 days.

4/10/1155, The city of Tottona surrendered. King Frederick set the city in flames.

4/17/1155 at Pavia [half way between Tortona and Milan], Federick crowned King of Italy [they celebrated for 3 days.]

1155, King Frederick proceeded through Lombardy, to Romagna and Tuscany, to Rome.

6/18/1155, Matthias, duke of Lorainne, in Rome at St. Peter’s Basilica, when Frederick Barbarossa crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Adrian IV.

6/1155, Emperor Frederick moved his army to Albano.

7/27/1155, Emperor Frederick captured Spoleto [NNE of Rome, which had failed to pay their tribute], destroying the city.

9/1155, Emperor Frederick captured Verona [half way between Milan and Venice] with an army of 1800.

10/1155, Emperor Frederick returned his army to Germany.

10/1155, ‘Judit Romaricensis ecclesie abbatissa’ donated property at the request of ‘Aledis mater ducis Mathei.’ [Aldeis, Matthew’s mother.]

3/21/1156, ‘Matthæus ... dux Lotharingiæ et marchio’ confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Bouxières-aux-Dames donated by ‘pater meus Simon et avus meus Theodericus’ … in the presence of ‘uxore mea Bertha.’

1158, Mathieu founded the abbey of Clairlieu.

1158, Emperor Frederick with an army of 7 divisions began a siege of Milan.

1158-62, Emperor Frederick campaigned in northern Italy.

9/1/1159, Pope Adrian IV [Hadrian] died; Pope Alexander III and Antipope Victor IV both elected by rival factions [and who later excommunicated each other].

1163-64, Emperor Frederick campaigned in northeastern Italy.

1165, Mathew’s uncle, Henry, bishop of Toul, died.

10/14/1166, ‘Matthæus Lotharingiæ dux et marchio’ granted toll exemptions at Neuf-château to the abbey of Saint-Bénigne de Dijon, with the consent of ‘dominæ Berthæ sucissæ uxoris meæ et Roberti fratris mei et filiorum meorum Simonis et Friderici.’

[10/1166, Emperor Frederick invaded Italy, returning to Germany in 1168.]

1170, ‘Matthæus Lotharingorum dux et marchio’ donated ‘ductu aquæ molendini … Farros-Moulin’ to Saint-Dié, in the presence of ‘uxore mea Bertha et filiis meis Matthæo et Judith comitissa Burgundiæ.’

1172, ‘Matthæus Lotharingiæ dux et marchio’ confirmed rights to Clairlieu abbey.

1175-6, Duke Matthew of Lorraine exempted the Cistercian house of La Crete from paying tolls. (S) Sword, Miter and Cloister, Bouchard, 2009, P159.

5/13/1176, Matthias, duke of Lorainne died; buried at Abbaye de Clairlieu [France].


1176, ‘Simon … dux Lotharingiæ et marchio’ donated property to Bouxières-aux-Dames, at the request of ‘matris meæ dominæ Berthæ filiæ Friderici imperatoris et fratrum meorum Theoderici electi Metensi episcopi, Frederici et Mathæi ac sororis meæ Alidis ducissæ Burgundiæ’, for the soul of ‘patris mei domini Mathæi.’

1177, ‘Bertha … Lotharingorum ducissa … et filii mei Theodericus, Simon Dux et Marchio, Fredericus, et junior eorum Matthæus, soror quoque ipsorum Aleidis Ducissa Burgundiæ [Alix]’ donated property to Mont Saint-Trinité, for the soul of ‘viri mei nobilis ducis Matthæi.’

1194-5, Bertha died; buried at the Abbaye de Clairlieu.

(S) Foundation for Medieval Genealogy. (S) Le Duc de Lorraine Mathieu 1, Emile Duvernoy, 1904. (S) The Deeds of Frederick Barbarossa, Mierow, 1953.

Children of Matthias and Bertha:

i. Simon II of Lorraine, born aft. 1139 in Lorraine.

1176, Simon succeeded his father.

ii. Thierry de Lorraine, born ? in Loraine.

Thierry, still a minor, archdeacon of Mauvages.

1165, Thierry succeeded his grand uncle Henry of Toul as grand-provost of Saint-Die.

1173, Thierry, Bishop of Metz.

iii. Judith de Lorraine (39979493), born ~1143 in Lorraine.

iv. Alix of Lorainne (378250681), born 1145 in Lorainne.

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