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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Earl Roger de Montgomery & Countess Mabel Talvas de Alencon

 639664140. Earl Roger de Montgomery & 639664141. Countess Mabel Talvas de Alencon

1022, Roger born in France, s/o 1279328280. Roger de Montgomery & 1279328281. Josceline ?. (S) FMG.

~1030, Mabel born in France, d/o §§William Talvas of Beleme, Alencon, and Seez.

By 1048, Roger’s father died; Roger succeeding as Seigneur de Montgommery and Vicomte de l'Hiémois.

1050, Roger expelled the 12 canons from Torarn and granted the church of St. Martin there to Gislebert, abbot of Chatillon [his brother.] (S) Collectanea Archaeologica, 1862, P71.

[–––Roger & Mabel–––]

By 1050, Roger marrried Mabel and became viscount of L’Heimois.

By 1050, Mabel was criticized by several chroniclers as a domineering woman.

1050, Roger de Montgomery and Mabel his wife founded the Benedictine abbey of St. Martin in Seez. (S) General Introduction to Domesday Book, V2, 1833, P386.

1051, Duke William, laying siege to Domfront, left Roger de Montgomery in charge as he attacked Alencon. (S) God-Kings of Europe, Montgomery, 2006, P105.

12/25/1054, Roger with Duke William at Rouen.

1055, ‘Rogerii de Monte Gomerici’ witnessed the charter by which Guillaume II, Duke of Normandy donated property to the abbey of Marmoutier. (S) FMG.

1055-56, ‘Willelmi filii Osberti, Rotgerii de Monte Golmerii, Richardis vicecomitis Abrinchensis’ witnessed the charter by which Guillaume II, Duke of Normandy donated to Saint-Florent de Saumur. (S) FMG.

1056, Roger Montgomery founded Saint-Martin, Sees. (S) Cult of Saint Katherine, Walsh, 2007, P68.

1057, Roger and Mabel were aligned with Duke William of Normandy [his cousin, future William the Conqueror] against King Henry I of France.

By 1058, Roger de Montgomery; with Hugh, bishop of Lisieux; Richard, vicomte of the Avranchin; and William fitz Osbern, subscribed a charter of Duke William. (S) William the Conqueror, Douglas, 1999.

1059 at Cleville, Roger de Montgomery [to establish a memory for the local inhabitants] threw his son Robert of Belleme, ‘clad in a fur coat of gris’, into the water at the point to which the lordship of the abbot of Troarn extended. (S) Medieval Village, Coulton, 1989, P73.

1060, ‘Rogerus de Monte Gomeri … Robertus filius Rogeri de Monte Gomeri’ witnessed the charter by which Guillaume II, Duke of Normandy, granted Brenerias to the abbey of Bayeux. (S) FMG.

1060, Roger de Montgomery identified himself as ‘a Norman descended from Normans’. (S) The Normans, Crouch, 2006, P75.

1061, Due to accusations by Mabel of Belleme, wife of Roger de Montgomery, of association with the rebellion of Robert fitz Giroie, brothers Hugh and Robert de Grentemaisnil were exiled. (S) Domesday People, Keates-Rohan, 1999, P262.

By 1062, ‘Rogerii, Mabiliæ … Rogeri pueri filii Rogerii, Roberti fratris eius’ witnessed a charter for Saint Martin de Sées.

1062 at La Hougue, Roger of Montgomery at the ducal court of William of Normandy, witness a charter of William in favor of the monastery of Marmoutier. (S) Battle Conference, 1993, P110.

1063, Roger de Montgomery and Mabil his wife gained favors from Duke William during his conflicts with his nobles. [Mabil suppossedly attempted to poison Ernald de Escalfoio; but accidentally caused the death of Gislebert, brother of Roger.] (S) History of Shrewsbury, Owen, 1825, P41.

1065, Roger de Montgomery 2nd among the trusted friends and councillors of William, duke of Normandy. (S) Collectanea Archaeologica, 1862, P71.

1066, Roger pardoned the abbey of Sainte-Trinité de Rouen for a ‘calumny’. (S) FMG.

1066, Roger present at the Council of Lillebonne and agreed to contribute 60 ships to aid the invasion plans of England.

9/1066, Duke William on the eve of the invasion had his son Robert confirm to the abbey of Marmoutier all the property which he himself had given. Witnesses: Roger de Montgomery, William fitz Osbern, William his son, Roger de Beaumont, Hugh de Grandmesnil, … (S) Norman Conquest: Sources and Documents, Brown, 1984, P143. [Roger’s participation in the Battle of Hastings is debated, but this supports his attending.]

10/14/1066 at the Battle of Hastings, Roger in command on the right, distinguished himself by killing an English ‘giant.’

10/25/1066, William I crowned King of England

12/1066, Roger attended the Christmas court at Gloucester. [Likely, Roger was given Chichester at this time.]

2/1067, Roger returned to Normandy where he acted as an advisor to Queen Matilda.

1067, Roger was given all of the “Beleme lands” in France by William the Conqueror.

12/6/1067, Returning to England, King William took with him ‘Rogerium de Monte-Gomerici’ whom he had appointed as ‘tutorem Normanniæ ... cum sua conjuge’ when he had left for England, and granted ‘primo Cicestram et Arundellum ... post aliquot tempus Scrobesburiensem’ to Roger. (S) FMG. [Roger Earl of Arundel and Earl of Chester.]

1067, In Sussex, Roger assigned castleries to guard the south coast.

5/1068 at Winchester, Matilda crowned Queen of England. ‘Count’ Roger of Montgomery attested a royal charter at the coronation. (S) English and the Norman Conquest, Williams, 1997, P24.

1069, ‘Eric the Wild’ attacked Shrewsbury. [King William then motivated to enforce Norman authority in the area.]

1070, Roger, Viscount of Oximin, succeeded to Belesme and Alencon in right of his wife. (S) Collectanea Archaeologica, 1862, P71.

1070-81, Roger de Montgomery a witness to an agreement, at Bayeux, before Queen Matilda, between William Paynel and the abbot of Mont S. Michel concerning terms of military service. (S) Early Yorkshire Charters, V6, 2013, P1.

11/1071, Roger created the 1st Earl of Shrewsbury; receiving most of Shropshire. (S) Decoding Domesday, Roffe, 2007, P166.

1072, Roger de Montgomery built Hen Domen castle [motte-and-bailey, a mile northwest of Montgomery] as he began his advance into Powys. (S) Welsh Castles, Pettifer, 2000, P148.

1073-4, Earl Roger raided West Wales, attempting to make a path to the coast.

12/24/1074 at Rouen, ‘Rogerus comes Salosberiensis’ witnessed a charter of King William I giving the barony of Plessis to the church of Bayeux. (S) FMG.

1077, Roger made a charter to the abbey of St. Stephen, Caen, witnessed by William Paynel. (S) Early Yorkshire Charters, V6, 2013, P1.

1077, Arundell castle on the river Arun in West Sussex granted by King William to Roger de Montgomery. (S) Judah Scepter, Arundell, 2010, P104.

1078, Roger involved in the peace of Blanchelande between King William and Fulk Rechin of Anjou.

1078, Raoul de Mortimer and Roger de Montgomery making incursions into Wales. (S) Historical Memoirs of the House of Russell, Wiffen, 1833, P30.

By 1079, ‘Rogerius comes … et sua uxor Mabilia atque suus filius Rotbertus’ donated property to Notre-Dame de Bellême. (S) FMG.

1/1079, Aymer of Villerai, in rebellion, was killed at castle Remalard. His body was taken to Earl Roger of Montgomery, against whom he had fought for many years. (S) Robert Curthose, Aird, 2011, P87.

1079, Roger involved in the reconcilation of King William with his son Robert.

1079-82, King William confirmed grants by Roger of Montgomery to St. Stephen of Caen. (S) Regesta Willelmi Conquistoris, Davis, 1913, P46.

1079-80, ‘Roger ex Northmannis Northmannus son of Roger’ donated property to St Martin, Troarn for the soul of his wife Mabel lately deceased. (S) FMG.

1080, Roger de Montgomery, earl of Shrewsbury, besieged [unsuccessfully] the city of Worcester. (S) Tour – Island of Great Britain, Defoe, 1748, P332.

1080, Roger de Montgomery built the church at Wenlock. (S) Montgomery Manuscripts, Hill, 1869, P453.

Bef. 1081, Roger built Arundel castle in Sussex, the key pathway to Wales. It later became known as Hen Domen castle “the old mound”.

1081, Under a ruse, Earl Roger of Montgomery took Gruffydd ap Cynan (159917840), ruler of north Wales, captive at Rhug in Edeyrnion and confined him at Chester. [Apparently escaping about a year later, going to Ireland.] Earl Roger Montgomery of Shrewsbury, and earl Hugh, “the fat” of Chester continued the Norman conquest of Wales.

12/1082, Mabel killed by Hugh de la Roched d’Inge at Bures-sur-Dives; son Robert inheriting her property as Robert de Belleme. Mabel buried at the convent of Troarne. [NW France.]

 [–––Roger & Adelaide–––]

Roger married 2nd Adelaide, d/o Ebrard de le Puiset. [1 son, Everard]

1083, Robert founded the Abbey of Shrewsbury. (S) Shropshire Walks, Nicolle, 2003, P44.

1085, Roger built Ludlow castle of red sandstone, towering above the River Teme. (S) Shropshire, Pevsner, 1958, P181.

By 1086, Roger had made significant acquisitions of lands in mid Wales. [The 10 wealthiest landowners, not prelates, included Roger of Montgomery, William of Warren, and Richard of Clare.]

1086, Earl Roger de Montgonery founded Quatford abbey. (S) Pastoral Care, Tinti, 2005, P23.

Bef. 1087, Roger de Montgomery, the son, attested 40 charters of King William I of England.

9/1087, William the Conqueror died.

9/26/1087, William Rufus crowned King of England; succeeding William the Conqueror. His elder brother Robert became Duke of Normandy.

1087, Roger, initially an opponent King William Rufus, supported William’s brother Robert. Roger was assigned to organize a revolt in Arundel.

6/1088, Roger, now an ally of King William Rufus, attended William’s court in south England with his son Hugh.

1088, Roger in the army of King William at the siege of Rochester castle, where his 3 sons defended the castle.

5/1089, Roger gained the release of his son Robert who had been imprisoned in Normandy by Robert, duke of Normandy. Roger crossed to Normandy, captured the Belleme castle of Saint-Ceneri, and then negotiated the release of his son.

1089, Roger returned to England.

1090, Roger, earl of Shrewsbury and Arundell, began construction of Westminster Hall. (S) Wagstaff’s Standard Masonry 1922, 2003, P17.

1091-2, Roger entered Powis, and won the town and castle of Baldwyn; lieutenant of William the Conqueror. Roger fortified it and called it Montgomery. [The Welsh called it Tre Faldwyn.] (S) Gentleman’s Magazine, V1, 1834, P514.

1093, Rhys ap Tewdwr killed in battle. [Florence of Worcester wrote: From that day kings ceased to rule in Wales.]

7/1093, Roger of Mongomery sent an army across to the sea which occupied Ceredigion, then raided Dyfed.

7/27/1094, Roger died; buried at his abbey at Shrewsbury; his son Hugh succeeding.

(S) A History of Wales from the Earliest Times, V2, Lloyd, 1912. (S) Conqueror’s Son, Lack, 2007. (S) The Capetians, Bradbury, 2007, P106ff. (S) DNB, V49, 1897, P101. (S) William Rufus, Barlow, 1983.

Children of Roger and Mabel:

i. Hugh de Beleme, born ? in France.

4/1088, King William Rufus sent Eustace III, count of Bologne; and brothers Robert of Belleme (756472972), Hugh of Montgomery, and Roger of Poitou (319832070) with a force of knights and Flemings as an advanced party into southeast England, suppressing a rebellion of barons expecting the invasion of his brother Duke Robert. [Robert did not invade.] (S) William Rufus, Barlow, 1983, P75.

1093, Hugh succeeded his father.

1095, Hugh complicit in the conspiracy of the Earl of Mowbray, paying a fine of £3000 for the King’s forgiveness.

7/31/1098, Hugh killed in battle by Norsemen; buried at Shrewsbury abbey; his brother Robert his heir.

ii. Robert de Beleme (756472972), born ~1051 in France.

iii. Roger Montgomery (319832070), born ~1053 in France. [3rd son]

iv. Emma de Montgomery, born ? in France.

1074, Emma became an abbess of Almenesches.

3/4/1113, Emma died.

v. Matilda de Montgomery, born ? in France.

Matilda married Robert, comte de Mortain and earl of Cornwall [half-brother to William the Conqueror.]

vi. Sibyl de Montgomery (319832087), born ~1065 in France.

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