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Monday, August 24, 2020

Lord John de Cobham & Maud Fitz Benedict

 243369104. Lord John de Cobham & 243369105. Maud Fitz Benedict

~1205, John born in England, s/o §§Sir Henry Cobham.

~1210, Maud born in England, d/o §§Warine Fitz Benedict.

10/28/1216, Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.

[––John & Maud––]

By 1229, John married Maud.

Aft. 2/22/1230, John succeeded his father. (S) FRsHIII.

Aft. 1232, Maud died.


John married 2nd Joan, d/o Hugh de Neville. [3 sons – Reginald ancestor of the Cobhams of Sterborough castle, Surrey.]

11/28/1236, Mandate to B. de Crioyl to deliver the castle of Rochester to John de Cobbeham. (S) CPRs.

6/19/1237, Exemption of John de Cobham, so long as he be constable of Rochester, from being put on assizes, juries or recognitions. (S) CPRs.

2/1241, John of Cobham will have £13 for the custody of the castle of Rochester and will answer for the remainder at the Exchequer. (S) FRsHIII.

11/4/1241, Mandate to John de Cobeham to deliver the castle of Rochester to Peter de Sabaudia. (S) CPRs.

3/28/1242, Exemption for life, of John son of Henry de Cobbeham, from being made justice of assizes, from being distrained to make any view of land, and from being put upon assizes, juries or recognitions. (S) CPRs.

1242, John undersheriff of Kent to Bertram de Cryall.

1243, John de Cobeham a justice of the common pleas of England. (S) History of England, V4, Pt2, 1747, P254.

4/1244, John de Cobeham held the office of J.C.P. (S) Judicial Chronicle, Gibbs, 1834, P1.

1245, Fine: Between Henry de Bathonia, Roger de Tharkelby, Robert de Nottingham, Allan de Nevill, Gilbert de Preston and John de Cobham. (S) UKNA.

10/20/1246, Eyre of Roger de Thirkelby, Gilbert de Preston, Master Simon de Wauton and John de Cobham. (S) Lancashire Assize Roll, V47, 1904, P-XIV. [Pleas taken at Lancaster.]

12/1/1246, John de Cobham, justice of the king of England; recognition of perambulation between kingdoms of England and Scotland.

1/22/1247, An agreement before judges including Sir John de Cobham: between Roger de Quincy, earl of Winton, and Roger de Somery … park of Bradgate, … (S) Cattle, Sheep and Deer, MacDonald, 1872, P565.

1248, An Assise of Mortdancestor, in which Sir John de Cobham is plaintiff and Sir John de Waltham deforciant. (S) Archaeologia Cantiana, V2, 1859, P33.

1249, John de Cobbeham an itinerant justice. (S) Judges of England, Foss, 1848, P300.

5/16/1250, Licence for the abbot and convent of St. Jean d’Angley to let to farm their manors of Modengeham and Wolewich to John de Cobeham. (S) CPRs.

7/20/1250, Kent. Hamo de Stok’ gives the king 1 mark for taking an assize before John of Cobham. (S) FRsHIII. [John is assigned to 5 cases in 1250.]

10/21/1251, Appointment  of … and John de Cobbeham as justices in eyre for common pleas … (S) CPRs. [John is assigned to 3 cases in 1251. (S) FRsHIII.]

1251, John died.

Family notes:

1248, John’s brother Reginald de Cobbeham was an itinerant justice in Essex and Surrey.

1249, Reginald de Cobbeham appointed sheriff of Kent, which he held the rest of his life.

12/14/1257, Reginald died. (S) Judges of England, Foss, 1848, P301.

Children of John and Maud:

i. John de Cobham (121684552), born 1230 in England.

ii. Henry de Cobham, born 1232 in England.

5/25/1253, Kent. Henry son of John of Cobham gives the king one mark for having a writ ad terminum. (S) FRsHIII.

10/13/1283, Roger Bigod, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, has granted to Otto de Granson, … Witnesses: John de Vescy, Reginald de Grey, Robert de Tibetot, …, John de Cobham, Henry de Cobham, his brother, … (S) The Bigod Earls of Norfolk, Morris, 2005, P223.

1316, Henry, of Roundall, age, 76, died at Stokle-sub-Hamdon while visiting John de Beauchamp. (S) Proceedings, Somerset, V44, 1898, P110.

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