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Friday, August 28, 2020

Lord Nigel de Mowbray & Mabel de Clare

 94562560. Lord Nigel de Mowbray & 94562561. Mabel de Clare

~1142, Nele born in England, s/o 189125120. Roger de Mowbray & 189125121. Alice de Gaunt.

~1154, Mabel born in England, d/o 79958112. Count Roger de Clare & 79958113. Maud de St. Hillary.

1160, “Roger de Mobraio and Nigel his son” donated property to the abbey of Saint-Andre-en-Gouffern.

12/19/1154, Henry II crowned king of England.

1/1164, Constitutions of Clarendon … in the fourth year of the papacy of Alexander, in the tenth year of the most illustrious king of the English, Henry II., in the presence of that same king, … in the presence of the following: [10 counts], Richard de Luce, …, Roger Bigot, Reginald de Warren, …, William de Braiose, Richard de Camville, Nigel de Mowbray, … William Malduit-chamberlain, … and many other chiefs and nobles … (S) Yale Law School, The Avalon Project.

1155-65, Roger de Mowbray and his son “Nigellus fillius meus” confirmed a grant to the hospital of St Peter, York.

1164-71, Notification by Nigel de Mowbray to Henry of Blois, bishop of Winchester, of his gift to Southwark of the advowson of the church of Banstead, Surrey. (S) Charters of the Honour of Mowbray, Greenway, 1972, P180.

[––Nigel & Mabel––]

Bef. 11/1170, Nigel married Mabel.

Bef. 1172, Nigel de Moubray a witness to his father Roger de Moubray’s grant of timber for the building of Templar house at Penhill. (S) Romantic Richmondshire, Speight, P418.

4/1173, Roger and his son Nigel joined the rebellion of King Henry’s eldest 3 sons in rebellion.

1175-6, Confirmation by Nigel de Mowbray to Fountains of part of the forest of Nidderdale … given by Roger de Mowbray. (S) Charters of the Honour of Mowbray, Greenway, 1972, P93.

4/13/1176, Alice of Gaunt and her son “filiorum meorum Nigelli et Roberti” donated property to Fountains Abbey.

1186, Nigellus de Moubray gifted land near Brinklow to Combe.

1188, Nigel’s father died.

11/3/1189, Richard I crowned king of England. Nigellus de Mumbray attended the coronation. (S) Chronicle of the Reigns of Henry II and Richard I, 1867, P80.

12/12/1189, Nigel departed with King Richard on the 3rd Crusade. Richard commandeered ships and ordered them to Dover to move some of his forces to France. The fleet was then to move to Marsailles to meet up with the combined English and French troops.

7/1190, The English and French armies met at Lyons.

1191, Richard captured the city of Messina, Sicily, after they had refused to let the English ships land.

4/1191, Nigel died in the Greek sea when 24 ships sank in a storm on the way to Cyprus. (S) East Anglian, V2, 1866, P46.

1204, Mabel died.

Child of Nigel and Mabel:

i. William de Mowbray (47281280), born ~1170 in England.

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