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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Lord William de Lindsay & Alicia de Limesi

 67547148. Lord William de Lindsay & 67547149. Alicia de Limesi

~1150, William born in Scotland.

Alicia born in

12/9/1165, William the Lion, age 22, succeeded King Malcom IV of Scotland

1172-2/2/1194, William of Lindsey has granted to the church of St Giles of Binny a half ploughgate of land which his ancestor ‘Durandus’ (Thorald son of Swain, sheriff of Edinburgh) gave, with meadow and toft in Thorald’s court and with common pasture, in pure and perpetual alms. (S) POMS.

12/8/1174, Agreement between William, king of Scots, and Henry [II], king of England. Treaty of Falaise. William de Lindsay identified as a Scottish hostage in the agreement. (S) POMS, FMG.

1198-1190, William of Lindsey has given, granted, and by this his charter established, to Newbattle Abbey in free and perpetual alms a certain part of his land of Crawford (LAN) by stated bounds, saving the beasts and birds of that land to him and his heirs, and saving the service of the lord king and the service pertaining to Swain son of Thor and his heirs. (S) POMS.

1185-1200, King William to Newbattle Abbey; he has granted and by this charter established the donation which William of Lindsay made of land in Crawford. (S) POMS.

1187-88, William de Lindeseia owes 40 marks for having the right in the K’s court against Henry the clerk of Appelby, the Countess of Albemarle, and Nicholas de Stuteville in Uckemanebi and Blendherseta, and Wuering, and Leventona, and Laweswater, and Bekyrmet and Stapelthein in Cumberland. (S) FMG.

[Undated] "Willelmus de Lyndessay" donated "terre mee de Cruford" to Newbattle priory. (S) FMG. [Affirmed by his son  and grandson.]

~1205, William, of Luffness, Scotland, died.

Child of William and Alicia:

i. David de Lindsay (33773574), born ~1175 in England.

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