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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Seigneur John de La Fleche & Paula du Maine & Seigneur Lancelin Ier de Beaugency

 756441092. Seigneur John de La Fleche & 756441093. Paula du Maine & 25586887246. Seigneur Lancelin Ier de Beaugency

~1023, Lancelin born in France.

~1028, Paula born in Maine, France, §§Comte Herbert du Maine, s/o §§Herbert ‘Watchdog’. [See 1062-64.]

~1035, John born in France.

4/15/1036, Paula’s grandfather died.

[––Lanceline & Paula––]

~1046, Lanceline married Paula. (S) Atlas Universel d'Histoire et de Géographie, Bouillet, 1872, P420.

4/7/1051, Paula’s father died, her brother Hugh succeeding.

~1055, Lancelin died.

[––John & Paula––]

~1057, John married Paula. [John the most powerful lord in Anjou.]

1062-64, Count Hugh of Maine died without heirs. Hugh’s heirs were sisters Garsinde (639677061), 2nd wife of Azzo II of Este; Paula, wife of John of Le Fleche; and Margaret, unmarried. There was also his aunt Biote, d/o Herbert Wake-the-Dog, married to Walter of Mantes, count of Pontoise.

1072, The citizens of Le Mans rebelled against Geoffrey of Mayenne. Count Fulk of Anjou (378220544) entered Maine and expelled Geoffrey.

1073, Count Fulk le Rechin (378220544) attacked La Fleche, a castle on the right bank of the Loir. King William I, at the request of John de la Flèche sent William de Moulins [nephew of Harleve of Falaise (756441097)] and William de Vieuxpont. Fulk was flanked by this force and had to retreat to protect his own lands. The opposing forces met at Blanchlande, but a peace was negotiated. [Later Fulk burned John of La Fleche’s castle.] (S) The Conqueror and His Companions, V2, Planché, 1874, P107.

1078, Fulk of Anjou attacked John of La Fleche. King William came to their support and Fulk was wounded and withdrew.

1081, Fulk of Anjou attacked La Fleche, assisted by Hoel, duke of Brittany, taking the city. King William I of England, also duke of Normandy, made a peace agreement by which Fulk became overlord of Maine.

By 1084, John died.

(S) Ecclesiastical History of England, Ordericus Vitalis: V2, 1854, P73, 74, 76, P483; V3, 1854, P222, 273. [Bohn’s Antiquarian Library.]

Family notes:

By 1015, Herbert ‘Watchdog’ Eveille-chien succeeded his father Hugh.

Hubert ‘Watchdog’ frequently attacked at night.

Child of Lanceline & Paula:

i. Hildegarde de Beaugency (12793443623), born ~1048 in France.

(S) Les Origines de l'ancienne France: Xe et XIe siècles, Flach, 1904, P412.

ii. Ralph de Beaugenci, born ? in France.

Renaud, count of Clermont en Beauvois, married Adele of Vermandois (636464187), widow of Herbert VI of Vermandois.

Children of John and Paula:

i. Gosbert le Fleche, born ? in France.

Became a monk.

ii. Helias le Fleche (378220546), born ~1060 in France.

iii. Enoch le Flech, born ? in France.

Became a monk.

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