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Monday, September 7, 2020

Lord Griffith ap Madoc & Emma de Audley

 30424226. Lord Griffith ap Madoc & 30424227. Emma de Audley

~1210, Griffith born in Wales, s/o 60848452. Madoc ap Griffith.

10/28/1216, Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.

~1230, Emma born in England, d/o 94567456. Lord Henry de Audley & 94567457. Bertrade de Mainwaring. (S) The Thomas Book, Thomas, 1896, P197.

1236, Griffith’s father died.

1236, Griffith obtained Chirkland as part of Northern Powys, his inheritance from his  father.

1236, Griffin, son of Madoc, and Sir Howel, his brother, witnessed a charter of the Abbot of Salop. (S) Antiquities of Shropshire, V9, 1859, P204.

8/1241, Griffith, and English supporter, opposed the Welsh Prince David, s/o Llewelyn the Great.

12/8/1241, Grant, during pleasure, to Griffin son of Maddok de Brumfeld of £20 a year. (S) CPRs.

5/1244, Giffith suffered from attacks of David after he did not join David’s call to arms against the English.

1244, Senena, wife of Griffin, son of Llewellyn, late prince of North Wales, bound herself in the name of her husband to the king of England … persons as pledges … Ralph de Mortimer, Walter de Clifford, Roger de Monthaut, seneschal of Chester, … Griffin son of Maddoc de Brunfeld, … (S) Matthew Paris’s English History, 1852, P506.

7/1/1244, Exemption of Griffin son of Maddog de Brumfeld, so long as he holds the lands which he has in the counties of Derby, Stafford and Salop of the dower and free marriage of his wife, from suits of hundreds and counties … (S) CPRs.

11/8/1245, Mandate to Fulk son of Warin, John Lestrange and Henry de Aldithele, upon whom Griffin son of Maddoc and Griffin son of Wenunwen have agreed as arbitrators touching certain lands in Dendowver, … (S) CPRs.

5/5/1249, The king has pardoned to Gruffydd ap Madoc of Bromfield the 24s. at which his men of Little Saredon were amerced before the justices last itinerant to take the pleas of the forest in Staffordshire. (S) FRsHIII.

1249-66, Griffin conveyed all the country called Maylor Seysnek to Emma for life.

1256, Griffith’s lands attacked by Llewelyn ap Griffith, gs/o Llewelyn the Great.

5/10/1257, Mandate to Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, …, Reynold son of Peter, Roger de Mortuo Mari, … Walter de Clifford, … Thomas Corbet, John Lestrange, John son of Alan, Fulk son of Warin, Griffin son of Maddoc and Ralph le Botiller, to be of counsel and aid to John de Grey, appointed by Edward the king’s son to keep the march of Wales … and to be captain of his army … (S) CPRs.

5/1257, James de Audley attended when Pope Alexander IV crowned Richard of Cornwall as King of the Romans at Aachen. James left Kenardesley in the care of his uncle Griffith ap Madoc, but Griffith held it barely a month before the Welsh drove him out. As soon as James was back, he mustered his men, and put the Welsh out. Soon after the Welsh came back and burned Kenardesley.

1257, Lacking English support, Griffith joined the Welsh cause.

1259, Lord Edward (I) led King Henry III’s campaign against Welsh prince Llywelyn ap Gruffydd.

1260, Prince Llywelyn of Wales invaded the Marches of Wales.

8/4/1263, The castle of Disserth, besieged by Llewelyn son of Griffin and Griffin son of Madoc for 5 weeks, was captured and razed to the ground. (S) Annales Cestriensis, Copley, 1886.

1/5/1265, Henry de Montfort, son of Simon de Montfort, met Llewellyn son of Griffin, and Griffin son of Madoc, at Hawarden, exchanging the kiss of peace, and ending a war that had lasted 8 years between Cheshire and Wales. (S) Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Vs26028, 1874, P2. [Henry married Griffin’s sister Isaballa.]

1267, Griffin, son of Wenonwen, joint commissioner with Griffin, son of Madoc (Lord of Bromfeld), and 3 others to arbitrate between Llewelyn Prince of Wales and his brother David concerning restitution of the said David’s lands. (S) Collectanea Archaeologica, 1862, P189.

1269, Griffith, Lord of Dinas Bran, Joint Prince of Powys, died; leaving several sons under age.


1/4/1270, Emma, late the wife of Griffin son of Madoc, claims to have right in the manor of Eyton … assigned to her in dower, … (S) Cal. of Various Chancery Rolls, 1912, P170.

1270, Inquisition concerning the seizure by Prince Llewelyn of lands held in dower by a widow, and charters of Griffin, son of Madoc, lord of Bromfeld, granting the villae of Hengemere, Lanerpanna, and Cnolton, and the manor of Eytune, in Maelor Seysnek, to Emma, his wife, for her life; and confirmation by his sons Madoc, Llywely, Owen, and Giffin. (S) The Tribal System in Wales, Seebohm, 1895, P101.

11/16/1272, Edward I succeeded Henry III as King of England.

7/1277, An inquest made by Gunclas de Ludlesmere, justice of Chester, into the land holdings of Emma. “The jurors say that Griffin de Bromfeld when he married Emma, daughter of Henry de Aldetheley, gaer her the manor of Overton and Mailor Saysnek for the term of her life, and that the same Emma took the profits thereof … after the death of the same Griffin, the same Emma was in seizin of all the lands …”

1278-82, Petition of Emma ap Madok (Madoc), widow of Gruffudd ap Madok (Madoc), lord of Bromfield. Emma, widow of Gruffudd ap Madok, lord of Bromfield, states that she was enfeoffed with certain lands and rents by her husband, and that her son Llywelyn held the land and rent, paying her £7 annually for term of life, on condition that if he predeceased her, the land and rent would revert to her. Llywelyn died in the war in Wales, and Roger de Mortuemer has taken the land and rent into his hand: she asks the King, as chief lord who can do justice to all, to give her seisin of this land and rent. (S) UKNA.

1282, Robert de Standon sued the widow of Griffin son of Madoc de Bromfeld for a messauge and a carcuate of land in Boerdardun in which Emma had no entry except by Henry de Audedeleye, … Emma called to warranty William de Audedeleye, … jury to be summoned. (S) Collections for a History of Staffordshire, V6, 1885, P121.

Emma died.

(S) A History of Chirk Castle and Chirkland, Mahler, 1912, P29. (S) Bye-gones, V.III, 1893-4, P444.

Family notes:

·         12/1278, Roger l’Estrange, keeper of the lands and tenements of the late Griffin ap Madoc of Bromfeld, … guardian of Griffin’s sons, … (S) Y Cymmrodor, Vs9-10, 1888, P192.

Child of Griffith and Emma:

i. Ankaret ap Madoc (15212113), born ~1255 in England.

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