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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Lord William Banastre

 1477358. Lord William Banastre

1347, William Banastre born in Somerset, England, s/o 2954716. William Banastre & 2954717. Elizabeth de Wellesley.

6/1349, The Plague reached Dorset, and had spread across England by the end of 1349.

Bef. 1350, William’s parents, William and Elizabeth died. [Likely in the plague.]

11/25/1350, Writ for IPM of Philip de Welislegh or Wileslegh. Wilts.: La Frithe. A toft, 30a. land … Langthiam. (fn. 1) A water-mill, 3a. land, 3a. meadow … He died on 4 October, 22 Edward III. Joan, his daughter, wife of Ralph de Tudyrleye, of full age, and William, son of William Banastre and Elizabeth, his wife, who was the other heir of the said Philip, aged 3 years, are his heirs. (S) CIsPM.

5/23/1376, To John atte Hale escheator in Somerset. Order to deliver in dower to Elizabeth who was wife of Edward le Despenser knight … one knight's fee in Radestoke now held by William Banastre at £20, … (S) CCRs.

6/21/1377, Richard II, age 10, son of the Black Prince, succeeded Edward III as King of England.

2/1377, Will of John Gy of Wells …  William Banastre and John Knyth, executors. (S) Cal. of Manuscripts of the Dean and Chapter of Wells, V2, 1914, No.403.

1388, William Banastre and the 3 daughters of William and Elizabeth Reigny began suits to recover the manor of East Lydford, Somerset, which had been committed to John of Windsor in 1386. (S) Hist. of Somerset, V3, 1974, East Lydford.

5/23/1391 at Wells, Grant by Hugh Plomer, burgess of Bristol … Witn. James FitzJames, William Banastre, … (S) UKNA.

1394-95, Court rolls for the third of the manor of East Lydford, held of William Banastre. (S) Hist. of Somerset, V3, 1974, East Lydford.

1395, Release by William Banastre and John Knyght of Chiwton, … of all right to a messuage in Chamberleynstrete, Wells, … (S) Cal. of Manuscripts of the Dean and Chapter of Wells, V2, 1914, No.478.

7/1395, Grant by John Alampton … made in triplicate … the third in the treasury of the cathedral church of Wells. Witnesses:—William Banastre, … (S) Cal. of Manuscripts of the Dean and Chapter of Wells, V2, 1914, No.479.

11/5/1395, William, lord of the manors of Wheathill & Radstock, Somerset, died.

[––Post Mortem––]

1/17/1396, Writ for IPM of William Banastre. Somerset: He held the under-mentioned serjeanty, beadlery, manors and advowsons of Radestoke and Whethull and rent in Lovyngton. He held the other under-mentioned manors, advowsons and land in parcenary with Alice, Katharine and Elizabeth, daughters of John Wykyng, and John son of Henry Mountfort. Alestperet. The serjeanty, … Radestoke. The manor, with the advowson of the church … Whethull. The manor, with the advowson of the church … Lovyngton. 17s. rent from 2 messuages … Well Foreyn. The rent of a rose from the beadlery of the hundred … Estludeforde. The manor, with the advowson of the church … Fodyngdon. The rent of a rose from the manor, with the advowson of the church … Cherlton Adam. 40s. from a carucate of land, … He died on 5 November last. Joan wife of Robert de Affeton, aged 19 1/2 years and more, is his daughter and heir. (S) CIsPM.

4/28/1396, Order to escheator in the county of Somerset,—pursuant to divers inquisitions shewing that William Banastre held in his demesne as of fee (1) the serjeanty of Alestperet [east Perret] of the king in chief by the service of a sparrow-hawk or 2 besants yearly, and (2) the manor of Badestoke and the advowson of the church thereof, the manor of Whethull with the advowson of the church thereof, 17s. of rent issuing from 2 messuages and 40 acres of land in Lovyngton, together with the reversion of the said messuages and land, a rent of a rose issuing from the beadlery of the hundred of Well Foreyn together with the reversion of the said beadlery, the manor of Esludeford with the advowson of the church thereof in parcenary with Alice, Katharine and Elzabeth, daughters of John Wykyng, and John Mountfort, son of Henry Mountford, a rent of a rose issuing from the manor of Fodyngdon and the advowson of the church thereof in parcenary with the same parties, together with the reversion of the said manor and advowson, and 40s. of rent issuing from a carucate of land in Cherlton Adam in parcenary with the same parties, together with the reversion of the said carucate, of others than the king, and that Joan the wife of Robert de Affeton is William's daughter and next heir, and of full age,—to take the fealty of the said Robert, cause him and Joan to have full seisin of the said serjeanty and remove the king's hand from the premises not held of the king, delivering any issues thereof taken since William’s death to those to whom they belong. (S) CFRs.

(S) Hist. of Somerset, V10, 2010, Wheathill.

Family notes:

·         A contemporary ‘William Banastre of Yorton’, prominent in the counties Salop, Lancashire, and Staffordshire at this time.

Child of William and Elizabeth:

i. Joan Banastre (738679), born 6/1376 in Somerset, England.

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