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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

John Charlton Jr & Elizabeth Robinson

250. John Charlton Jr & 251. Elizabeth Robinson [Ireland, PA, VA]

1729, John born in Co. Derry, Ireland, only s/o 500. John Charlton and 501. ? Harvey.
1738, Elizabeth born in Ireland, d/o 502. Thomas Robinson.
1745, John ran away from home, and came to America when he was 16 years old. He was displeased about his mother’s remarriage after his father’s death. He was accompanied to America by a cousin, John Craig.
1745, Capt. William Harvey, living in Phildelphia, takes in his nephew John Carlton Jr, who had just immigrated from Ireland.
~1749, John & his cousin were about to be sold as slaves, and immediately looked up John’s uncle, Captain William Harvey of Philadelphia, whom his mother had written to anxiously about her son. John never returned to England. He relinquished all his property to his mother’s children by her second marriage.
1750, John married Elizabeth.
1763, John and Elizabeth moved to VA. Their home was 7 miles SW of Christiansburg, VA, on Route 110, on the W side of the road; a double log house, with two chimneys. The old house stood until a few years ago. One of the chimneys was only recently torn down, and the rocks used to repair the highway. Meadow Creek ran on the south side of the house; the north and west waters of Robinson Spring and also the waters from the neighborhood springs ran past the house giving the home some protection from Indian raids.” (S) VA WPA Historical Inventory Proj., researched by Emily M Allen, 1937.
1768, John owned 68 acres near Fort Lewis.
1773, John owned his land when Montgomery Co. was formed.
1786, John listed on a survey on Plum or Plumb Creek, just south of son-in-law George Taylor’s place on Crab Creek.
1790, John died in Montgomery Co., VA. In his will: “To oldest daughter Mary, wife of George Taylor, 1 English shilling.” He left his land to his son Francis. (S) Montgomery Co., WB-B, P167.
1792 “M” list, indicates that the Charlton families lived on the west bank of the New River.
1808, Elizabeth died in Montgomery Co., VA.

Family notes:
• The Charltons were French people. They were given land in Deery, North Ireland for their services under William the Conquer. (These lands were afterwards confiscated).

Children of John and Elizabeth:

i. Mary Charlton, born 1750.
Mary married widower George Taylor, born 1738, s/o Issac.
1768, Hildebrand’s map of Montgomery Co. shows George Taylor taking land on Crab Creek, near the New River.
8/12/1789, George Taylor recorded two tracts of 400 & 270 ac. on Sinking Creek, acquired from John Withers, [in what was to become Montgomery Co. in 1790 and Giles Co. in 1806]. These parcels are recorded in Botetourt Co., DB- 4, PP149-50.
1800, George wrote his will. (S) Montgomery Co., WB1, PP96-98. His wife was to have the plantation, cattle and horses. A codicil was written in 1801.
1804–1814, George died.
1805, Mary signed a deed associated with the conveyance of 225 of 1300 acres to her son-in-law Heny Trout.
Jacob Taylor.
Adam Taylor.
Nancy Anna Taylor, born, ~ 1768.
10/7/1797, she married Henry Trout.
James Taylor, born, ~ 1774.
9/8/1801, he married Nancy Hewitt.
George Taylor, born, circa 1797. He married Mary “Polly” LOWER, Aug 1801.
Susannah (Sarah) Taylor.
7/7/1801, she married John Reynolds.
Joseph Taylor.
Elizabeth Taylor.
Mary (Polly) Taylor.
She married Frederick Young.
Woolrick Taylor.
John Taylor

ii. James Charlton, born 6/3/1752 in Lancaster Co., PA.
9/9/1777, brothers James, John & Francis were sworn to Captain Trigg’s Company.
4/19/1778, James married Abigail Bowles in Montgomery Co., VA, d/o William & Hannah [Moore].
1780, James Charleton was a member of Capt. Isaac Taylor’s regiment which was sent up the James River to search and arrest Tories.
1782, James owned 200 acres of land on south side of Meadow Creek & 100 acres on north fork of Connaley’s Branch.
1783, James served in Captain Davis’ Company and was in the Rev. War battle of Point Pleasant under Colonel William Fleming.
1783, James patented a parcel less than a mile northwest of Isaac Taylor’s land in the forks of the Roanoke near present-day Lafayette.
2/1792, James signed the bond for his brother Francis’ wedding.
1792, James was appointed one of the first trustees of the town of Christiansburg.
1809, James purchased 247 acres known as “Seven Miles Tree Tract” from James Robertson, locted 6 miles NW of Christiansburg, VA, on Route #660, (S) DB-D, P648. Their house was on the N side of the road. “It was an eight room log house and at that time was considered a large house. The two large stone chimneys are the beauty of the place. The chimney of the old kitchen still stands, and is used for outdoor cooking. The old pot hooks still remains.” (S) VA WPA Historical Inventory Proj., researched by Emily M Allen, 1937.
1813, James was appointed sheriff of Montgomery Co. [He served again in 1814.]
Bef. 1821 Abigail died.
1821, James married 2nd Hannah Siglar.
1825, James died.
[James was a large slave owner. His slaves were all freed in Smythe Co. Court in 1831.]
James Charlton Jr., born ~1780.
1811, he represented Montgomery Co. in the Legislature.
1812, he served in the military during the war.
William B Charlton, born 3/18/1792.
A grandaughter of William has a scarf that was given to James Charlton, Jr., by a British Officer to whom he gave a drink of water when he lay dying on the battle field of Lundy’s Lane. The scarf has bullet holes and blood stains.
1812, he served in the military during the war.
1839, William appointed to Circuit Superior Court of Law & Chancery for Pulaski Co., VA.
2/14/1867 in VA, he died.

iii. John Charlton III, born 11/11/1754.
9/9/1777, brothers James, John & Francis were sworn to Captain Trigg’s Company.
3/31/1781, John, a private, on Captain Daniel Trigg’s Miltia roll.
1/11/1787 John married Nancy Carty/Carter.
5/91833, John applied for a Revoltionary pension in Davidson Co. TN.
Bef. 1840, John died in Davidson Co.

iv. Susannah Charlton, born ~1756.
5/31/1798, Susannah married James Caldwell.

v. Francis Charlton, born 2/3/1759 in PA.
9/9/1777, brothers James, John & Francis were sworn to Captain Trigg’s Company. When Capt. Isaac Taylor’s regiment was sent to NC, Francis was in his unit.
3/31/1781, Francis, a private, on Captain Daniel Trigg’s Miltia roll.
2/3/1792 Francis married Sussanah Akers/Acres.
5/30/1833, Francis appointed attorney for heirs at law of Capt. Abram Cole.
8133, Francis applied for a Revolutionary War Pension in Montgomery Co., VA.

vi. Jane Charlton, born ~1763 in VA.
Jane left a home with her mother and Francis in her father’s will.
10/9/1786, Jane married Thomas Williams in Henrico Co., VA.

vii. Elizabeth Charlton ( 125), born ~1765 in VA.
