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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sir Nicholas Carew & Joan Courtenay

1901392. Sir Nicholas Carew & 1901393. Joan Courtenay

9/21/1394, Thomas Carreu granted his father-in-law, Sir William Bonevyll, Kt., … if her should die in Ireland … to enfeoff Elizabeth his wife for the term of her life in the manors of … if Elizabeth his wife, who was then pregnant, should have a son … the feoffees should then marry Elizabeth and Margaret, his daughters, … (S) Proc’s Somerset A&NH Soc., V27, 1882, P162.

1395, Nicholas Carrewe born in England, heir & s/o 3802784. Thomas Carew & 3802785. Elizabeth Bonville.

1411, Joan born in England, d/o 1901308. Sir Hugh Courtenay & 3802787. Philippe l’Arcedekne.

By 1417, Joan’s mother died.

1425, Joan, age 14, coheir to her mother’s property after the death of her father.

5/14/1426, Grant to Thomas Carewe, knight , of the marriage of Joan, one of the daughters and heirs of High Coutenay, knight , deceased, tenant in chief, a minor in the king’s ward. (S) CPRs.

5/27/1426, Grant to Thomas Carewe, knight ; pursuant to the surrender by him in the Chancery for cancellation of the letters patent of 14 May last, the said letters being invalid since the said Joan is not one of the heirs of the said Hugh but is one of the daughters of the said Hugh and of Philippa his late wife and one of the heirs of the said Philippa, Hugh having held of the king in chief by the courtesy of England after the death of Philippa of the inheritance of the said Joan and of Eleanor, Philippa's other daughter and heir, who is likewise within age ; of the marriage of the said Joan, to hold the same without further payment therefor, as the said hundred marks were paid by him, in the time of the said late treasurer, for the marriage of Joan as ' one of the daughters and heirs of Philippa,' and not ' of Hugh.' (S) CFRs.

8/8/1426, Joan, by the death of her sister Eleanor, heiress to the families of Courtenay of Haccombe, and of Arcedekne.

By 1427, Nicholas married to Joan, “Carewe, Nicholas, esq, who took in marriage Joan, one of the daughters and heiresses of Philippa, who was the wife of Hugh Courtney, kt. Proof of age: Devon.” (S) UKNA.

8/28/1432, “Nicholas Carew, Knight” named in the will of his cousin 1901080. Nicholas de Carew.

2/12/1434, Commission to Nicholas Carrewe, knight, … to enquire upon the oath as to excapes of prisoners in [Devon]. (S) CPRs.

1434, … Roger Champernoun, knight, and Philip Cary, knight, knights of the shire for the county of Devon, commissioners to receive the oath of the following; - Philip Courtenay, ‘chivaler.’ John Dynham, ‘chivaler.’ Nicholas Carru, ‘chivaler’ … (S) CPRs.

1/18/1436, Commission of array in the county of Devon, to Thomas, earl of Devon, Philip Courtenay, knight, William Bonvill, knight, Nicholas Carreu, knight, John Dynham, knight, … Roger Chambernon, Thomas Carminowe, … [then Thomas also specified for Cornwall.] (S) CPRs.

1436, Nicolas Carew, of Mouns Otery, knight of Henry VI. (S) The Note-book of Tristram Risdon, P174.

11/25/1437, Michael Lerchedeakne, ..., querents, and Elizabeth, who was the wife of Thomas Carrewe, knight, and Nicholas Carrewe, knight, and Joan, his wife, deforciants. Nicholas Carrewe has acknowledged the manors to be the right of John Carnell', ... Michael, ... have granted to Elizabeth the manors of Mamehed', Weston' Peuerell', Andeport and Mollesford' and have rendered them to her in the court, to hold to Elizabeth, ..., rendering yearly 1 rose at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, and doing to the chief lords all other services, for the life of Elizabeth. And after the decease of Elizabeth the same manors shall remain to Nicholas Carrewe and Joan. (S) Feet of Fines, Devon, Hampshire, Berkshire.

7/26/1440, Commission to Richard Neuton, knight, John Sharp, mayor of Bristol, … complaint of John Martyn, master and merchant of a ship called la Marie of Bilbawe in Spain … relying on the king’s safe conduct … goods for England … ship was broken … put [goods] on le George … came upon king’s subjects in a barge of Nicholas de Carewe, knight, … who took the hulk the hulk … to Chepstowe in Wales, carried away the iron and goods … recusants to be imprisoned until they make restitution. (S) CPRs.

8/26/1443, Sir Thomas Arundel died. IPM: Thomas Arundell, knight, on the day of his death held no lands, rents or services in the county of the king in chief, in demesne or in fee, but held the manors of Estantony, … yearly rent from the manor of Elerky … after the death of Margery late his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Warin Larchedekene knight, of the in heritance of Eleanor wife of Walter Lucy knight (the 2nd of the daughters of the said Warin and the sister and one of the heirs of the said Margery), and Joan wife of Nicholas Carrewe knight (the daughter of Philippa the 3rd of the daughters of Warin and the kinswoman and other heir of Margery). (S) CFRs.

9/10/1445, Letter of attorney. Sir Nich. Carew and w. Joan, to Jn. To put Thos. Carew and w. Joan Emelyn in possession of £4 rent out of Tregynnow. (S) UKNA.

12/26/1445, Charter whereby the said Nicholas Carrewe knight granted to John of ‘Ile’ and Joan his wife for 6 and 20 years from Michaelmas 1446 a rent of £9 11s. 9d. a year. (S) CCRs. [Son Thomas borrowed 1000 marks from John of ‘Ile’ and his wife Joan in 1448.]

5/8/1447, Nichols died. (S) De la Pole’s Devon, P139. [Thomas Carrewe, esquire, was his son and next heir, aged 22 and more. Mentions Joan his wife.]


1448-50, Queen Margaret, about age 20, wrote a letter to Dame Jane Carew, widow of Sir Nicholas Carew about a suitor, Thomas Burneby. [Joan did not marry him.] (S) Letters Written in the Reigns of Henry V. and Henry VI., Monro, 1863, P96.

10/5/1450, Joan married 2nd Sir Robert Vere. [1 son]

1461, Sir Robert died.

11/12/1461, [Joan] wife of Robert Veer, knight, and -, widow of Nicholas Carew, knight. ... To deliver seisin of manors of Haccomb, Ryngmore, Milton ... Witnesses: John Dynham, Roger Dynham, his brother, John Boneville, William Champernon, Walter Ralegh, esqs. (S) UKNA.

By 1465, Joan disherinted her eldest son Thomas, dividing her lands among her other children.

Bef. 8/3/1465, Joan died.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P170.

Children of Nicholas and Joan: [5 sons, 3 daughters]

i. Thomas Carew (950696), born 1426 in England.

ii. John of ‘Ile’, born ? in England.

2/15/1448, Thomas Carrewe of Devon esquire, son and heir of Nicholas Carrewe knight, to John 'of Ile' and Joan his wife. Recognisance for 1,000 marks, to be levied etc. in Devon. (S) CCRs.

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