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Friday, July 23, 2010

Sir Edmund de Dacre & Elizabeth ?

2954288. Sir Edmund de Dacre & 2954289. Elizabeth ?.

1291, Edmund born in England, younger s/o 5908576. Sir William de Dacre & 5908577. Joan Garnet.

~1300, Elizabeth born in England.

7/7/1307, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

1309, Edmund de Dacre obtained a charter of free warren in his demesne lands in Heysham. [Acquired through his mother.]

10/16/1313, Pardon to Edmund de Dacre, adherent of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, … whether on account of the capture, detention, or death of Peter de Gavaston, … (S) CPRs. [Edmund’s father and brother Randolph also pardoned.]

1314,Edmund de Dacre, plaintiff, John son of John de Tateham, deforciant, touching a moiety of the manor of Sedbergh, co. York. (S) CPRs.

8/5/1316, Commission associated with the collection of the 16th to fund footmen to go against the Scots. Edmund de Dacre in Lancaster. (S) CFRs.

By 1317, Edmund married Elizabeth.

By 8/24/1318, Edmund’s father died, his brother Randolph the heir.

1320, John de Tatham alienated Tatham to Edmund. (S) Hist. of Lancaster, V8, 1914, Tatham.

By 1320, Edmund knighted.

12/4/1320, Edmund de Dacre, knight, and Robert de Bristoll of London, 'seler,' acknowledge that they owe to John de Dallyng, the younger, and Nicholas de Causton £40; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lancaster. (S) CCRs.

1322, Edmund held the manors of Tatham and Heysham, which Lady Joan held at the date of the inquest taken after the death of Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, in 1297. (S) Lancashire Fines: 1-5 Edward III, 1902, P67-81.

1322, A Scottish invasion reduced the value of the rectory of Tatham by half.

8/22/1323, “Assize taken at Preston in Amunderness before William de Herle and Geoffrey le Scrope, Justices assigned to take the assize in the Co. of Lancaster, … to recognize if Edmund de Dacre unjustly, etc., disseised Nigel, Prior of the church of the Blessed mary of Lancaster, of his free tenement in Heysham, … And Edmund comes and says that he and a certain Robert, son of Thomas de Heysham are lords of the vill of Heysham, and they hold the pasture and wastes of the same vill in common. …, and that the aforesaid Edmund is lord of 2 parts, etc. And that the same Edmund appropriated the aforesaid moiety of an acre of pasture, ….” (S) Materials for the History of the Church of Lancaster.

1323-4, Lawrence son of Lawrence Travers recovered land in Over Heysham from Juliana daughter of Alice de Heysham and Edmund de Dacre, Juliana giving warranty. (S) The parish of Heysham, A Hist. of the Co. of Lancaster, V8, 1914. [Edmund de Dacre was lord of twothirds of Heysham and the Prior of Lancaster of the other third, though Edmund asserted that one Robert son of Thomas de Heysham held jointly with him.]

1324, Edmund de Dacre held Tatham by the old rent of 18s. to the lord of Lancaster.

1326, Edmund granted free warren in Tatham.

3/5/1326, Commission of oyer and terminer … on the complaint of Edmund de Dacre that William de Querneby and others had carried away deer from his park. (S) CPRs.

1/27/1329, Ranulph de Dacre, querent, and Thomas de Heppiscot' and Robert Parvy[ng'], deforciants. A moiety of the manor of Overton' in the county of Westmorland and the advowson of the church of Prestecote in the county of Lancaster. Plea of covenant. Thomas and Robert have granted to Ranulph the advowson .... And besides Thomas and Robert granted for themselves and the heirs of Thomas that the moiety - which Edmund de Dacre held for life of the inheritance of Thomas on the day the agreement was made, and which after the decease of Edmund ought to revert to Thomas and Robert and the heirs of Thomas - after the decease of Edmund shall remain to Ranulph ... This agreement was made in the presence of Edmund, and he did fealty to Ranulph de Dacre in the court. (S) Feet of Fines, Westmorland, Lancashire.

4/20/1331, Edmund de Dacre, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bristoll', citizen of London, £48; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster. (S) CCRs.

2/10/1332, Edmund de Dacre, executor of the will of Eustace de Godesbache, chamberlain of Scotland of Edward II, and to take a fine from Edmund for the account of Eustace … he having made petition showing that all the rolls and memoranda touching that account were taken by the Scots at the time of the taking of Berwick upon Tweed. (S) CFRs.

1341, Edmund died. The advowson Edmund possessed of the Tatham church was valued at £3 6s 8d. (S) Hist. of Lancaster, V8, 1914, Tatham. [Heir, son Thomas, age 23.]


1341, Elizabeth widow of Sir Edmund de Dacre, kt., was plaintiff against Alexander Waleys respecting a tenement in Nether Heysham.

(S) Tatham, A Hist. of the Co. of Lancaster: V8, 1914. (S) A Hist. of the Co. of Lancaster: V8, 1914, Heysham.

Family notes:                                                          

·         2/20/1405, Exemplification, at the request of Thomas de Dacre, kinsman [great grandson] and heir of the under-mentioned Edmund de Dacre, … manor of Sedbergh, co. York … remainder … Edmund son of William de Dacre … (S) CPRs.

Child of Edmund and Elizabeth:

i. Thomas de Dacre (1477144), born 1318 in England.
