Search for Carlow Ireland
4/16/1681, James born in Balinclash, Ireland, s/o 2448. James Lindley & 2449. Alice Walsmith.
1/2/1684, Eleanor born in Rathrush, Co. Carlow, Ireland; d/o 2450. Robert Parke & 2451. Margery ?.
4/14/1705 in Kilconner, Co. Carlow, Ireland, James, of Timsellen, Co. Wicklow, a “cutler”, married Eleanor of Rathrush, Co. Carlow. (S) MM Minutes of Co. Carlow, Ireland. [James’ parents are named.]
1713, James, Eleanor, and 5 children immigrated to America. [James is described in legal documents as a blacksmith and a yeoman.]
9/15/1713, James bought 200 acres in Chester Co., PA, in the Toughkenemon Valley, from William Penn.
1715, James 1 of 15 Irish Friends taxed in New Garden: 4s, 6d.
3/1722, James bought 400 acres in London Grove, an area West of New Garden.
1723, James became constable, and the 1st elected official, of London Grove. James had the largest tax of 19 shillings of any of the 43 taxable persons.
10/13/1726, James died in New Garden, Chester Co., PA. [Their son William died 13 days later.]
10/17/1730, Eleanor remarried to Henry Jones at Londongrove Township Monthy Meeting, Chester Co., PA. [Eleanor’s parents were identified.] (S) New Garden MM Records.
1739, Henry and Elinor members of the East Nottingham MM, Deer Creek, MD.
1739, Henry & Elinor Jones sold land to John Woody in Baltimore Co., MD.
Family notes:
• A quote from a letter to Mary Parke Valentine in England from her brother Robert Parke in October 1725, reads, "Unkle James Lindley and family is well and thrives exceedingly, he has 11 children and reaped last harvest about 800 bushels of wheat, he is a thriving man anywhere he lives, he has a thousand acres of land, a fine estate.
• The inventory of James’ estate: Purs and apparel 22 pounds 12 schillings; 7 Beds and Furniture thereto belonging; 1 Chest of Drawers, 2 Chests, 2 Boxes and 1 Looking glass; 4 Table Cloaths, 13 Sheets and 1 Warming pan; 2 Pieces of Stuff and 1 Sett of New Curtains;fflax, 1 hackle, Chains, Salt box, Iron pots and Candle sticks; 2 mens Saddles, 2 weomens Sadles, 1 Pillion and 2 Bridles; Wool Cards, Sole Leather, Pewter, Brass Tin and wooden ware; to Baggs. Mault, Indian Corn, Salt, Wheels, and a half Bushell; Irons in Kitchen, Coopers ware and Earthen ware and c; Dressed Skin, Books Iron, Steel 2 whip saws and 1 Cross; Carpenters Tools, Pincers, Hows, Plows, Harrows and Ox chains; Grinding Stones, Coles, Bells, Shovells, and forks and c; A Cart with the Gaers and Chains, hooks, and hors Shoes; Oak Boards, Scantling, 3 Guns and Bullet Moulds; Grubing Axes; Well Chain, Wolf Trap, falling axes and c; Sickles, Scythes and Doe troughs; corn in the Barn, and Corn in the Mill; Corn in the Ground, and Hay in the Meadow, 16 horses, Mares and Colts; Cows, Oxen and Young Cattle; 10 Sheep and Swine; Smiths Tools in the Shop; one Servant Man; 5 Bonds and one Bill; Book Debts; Plantation and Improvements.
Children of James and Eleanor:
i. Thomas Lindley (612), born 4/25/1706 in Ballyredman, Co. Carlow, Ireland.
ii. James Lindley, born 4/30/1709 in Ballyredman, Co. Carlow, Ireland.
iii. Mary Lindley, born 9/4/1717 in London Grove, Chester Co., PA.
5/21/1795, Mary died in Blount Co., TN.
iv. Elizabeth Lindley, born 8/4/1720 in London Grove, Chester Co., PA.
2/1/1775, Elizabeth died in NC.
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