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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pierre Gamache & Marie Genevieve Belanger

452. Pierre Gamache & 453. Marie Genevieve Belanger

1/13/1698, Pierre born in Cap St Ignace, New France; s/o 904. Nicolas Gamache & 905. Elisabeth Ursule Cloutier. (S) Institut Généalogique Drouin, Parish of Cap St. Ignace, New France. The next day Pierre was baptized. His godfather was Pierre Richard, his godmother Louise Cloutier, wife of Eustache Fortin. Eustache was Pierre’s 1st cousin, son of his aunt Genevieve Gamache. [Pierre Richard was married to Pierre’s older sister Elisabeth.]

Pierre’s mother and father both died before he was 2 years old.

5/27/1710, Genevieve born in L’Islet sur Mer, Canada; d/o 906. Jean Francois Belanger & 907. Genevieve Thibault.

8/11/1734, in Cap St Ignace, Pierre married Genevieve.

3/2/1748 in Cap St Ignace, Pierre and Genevieve present at the baptism of their son Aubin. Godparents: Pierre Gamache and Marie Marguerite Gagne.

1763, by the Treaty of Paris, Canada east of the Mississippi river became the British territory of Quebec.

8/26/1769, Pierre died at Cap St Ignace.

1/12/1790, Genevieve died at Cap St Ignace.

Children of Pierre and Marie:

i. Marie Genevieve Gamache, born 6/7/1735 in Cap St Ignace, New France.
6/8/1735, Genevieve baptized; her godfather was her uncle Ignace Belanger, and the godmother Marie Genevieve Richard, neither knowing how to sign.

ii. Marie Rose Gamache, born 3/13/1737 in Cap St Ignace, New France.
11/3/1763, Marie married Jean Baptiste Fournier, s/o Ambroise & Genevieve Guillet.

iii. Pierre Gamache, born 2/9/1739 in Cap St Ignace, New France.
7/22/1774, Pierre married Marie Catherine Gagne, d/o Etienne.

iv. Paschal Gamache, born 4/13/1740 in Cap St Ignace, New France. [Died an infant.]

v. Lazare Gamache, born 1/7/1744 in Cap St Ignace, New France.
11/25/1776, Lazare married Marguerite Boule, d/o Paul & Claire Miville.

vi. Marguerite Ursule Gamache, born 1/31/1746 in Cap St Ignace, New France.

vii. Aubain Gamache (226), born 3/1/1748 in Cap St Ignace, Montmagny, Quebec, Canada.

viii. Marie Anne Gamache, born 12/27/1749 in Cap St Ignace, New France.

ix. Jerome Gamache, born 10/24/1753 in Cap St Ignace, Canada East, United Provence of Canada.
11/4/1777, Jerome married Veronique Simard, d/o Etienne & Barbe Dufour.

x. Augustin George Gamache, born 7/7/1757 in Cap St Ignace, New France.

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