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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Viscount John Beaumont & Dame Elizabeth Philip

950710. Viscount John Beaumont & 950711. Dame Elizabeth Philip

8/15/1409, John born in England, heir & s/o 1901420. Henry Beaumont & 1901421. Elizabeth Willoughby.

4/9/1413, Henry V crowned king of England.

1413, John age 4 at the death of his father; becoming hereditary Lord Great Chamberlain [ranking beneath Lord Privy Seal, and above Lord High Constable]. [Held by the family from 1133 to 1526 except during attainders.]

8/12/1413, To the escheator in Lincolnshire. Order to take of Elizabeth who was wife of Henry de Bello Monte knight an oath etc., and in presence of the next friends of John son and heir of the said Henry, a minor in ward of the king, or of their attorneys, to assign her dower. (S) CCRs.

~1415, Elizabeth born in England, heir & d/o 1901422. Lord William Philip & 1901423. Joan Bardolf.

8/31/1422, King Henry V died; his son Henry VI an infant.

11/14/1427, John’s mother Elizabeth died.

11/20/1427, Writ for IPM of Elizabeth widow of Henry de Bello Monte, Knight. City of Lincoln: … She held the following in dower by endowment of Henry de Bello Monte from the inheritance of John son and heir of Henry. She held the following in dower by endowment of Henry de Bello Monte from the inheritance of John son and heir of Henry. … She died on 14 November last. John de Bello Monte is her son by Henry and her next heir. He turned 18 on 15 August last. Hampshire: … Leicestershire: … [long] … Lincolnshire: … [long] … (S) E-CIPM 23-99.

11/6/1429, Henry VI crowned king of England.

10/24/1430, To the escheator in Lincolnshire. Order to give John son and heir of Henry Beaumont knight seisin of the lands of his father and of those of his heritage held in dower by Elizabeth who was his said father's wife and by Katherine who was wife of John de Bello Monte father of the said Henry; as he has proved his age before the escheator, and for 1 mark paid in the hanaper the king has respited until his coming to England the homage and fealty of John the son, who is on the king's service in France. (S) CCRs.

~1432, John, 6th Lord Beaumont, married Elizabeth.

1/23/1431, Commission of peace … John de Bello Monte, knight, Leicestershire. (S) CPRs.

6/26/1432, Commission to William, bishop of Lincoln, John, duke of Norfolk, Henry, earl of Northumberland, John de Beaumont, knight, Ralph Crumwell, knight, … on complaint by the citizens of Lincoln … (S) CPRs.

1432-1439, John summoned to parliament.

7/27/1436, John created the Count of Boulogne in France. John had marched in the relief of Calais, which was under siege by the Duke of Burgandy with 30,000 men. The English force was about 10,000 under the Duke of Gloucester.

10/26/1436, Commission of peace … John de Bello Monte, knight, Leicestershire. (S) CPRs.

11/28/1439, Commission of peace … John de Bello Monte, knight, Leicestershire. (S) CPRs.

2/12/1440, John created viscount Beaumont, with a fee of 20 marks out of the revenues of co. Lincoln. [The 1st Viscount of England.] (S) CPRs.

4/1440, John created Knight of the Garter.

6/6/1441, Elizabeth’s father died.

8/10/1441, Grant to John, viscount Beaumont, of the keeping of all castles, manors, lordships, … which could descend to Henry son of the said viscount and son and heir of Elizabeth his wife, daughter of William Phelip, late lord Bardolf, … or to William, younger son of the said viscount and Elizabeth, or to any heir of his body, or to Joan, daughter of the said viscount and Elizabeth … (S) CPRs. [Multiple grants in 1441.]

Bef. 10/30/1441, Elizabeth died. [Grant of John identifies Elizabeth and her parents as deceased.]


12/14/1441, Licence for John, viscount Baumont, to found a perpetual chantry of two chaplains … and for the souls of Elizabeth late wife of the viscount, Henry late lord of Bello Monte, his father, and Elizabeth, his mother … (S) CPRs.

John married 2nd Katherine, d/o Ralph Neville, 1st Earl Westmorland. [No children.]

10/1443, Account of daily expenses of the household at Epworth (Lincs.) of John Viscount Beaumont and Katherine his wife. (S) UKNA.

9/16/1444, Commission of oyer and terminer to Humphrey, duke of Buckingham, William, marquis of Suffolk, John, viscount of Beaumont, William Lezouche, knight, … in Northamptonshire … (S) CPRs.

3/12/1445, Grant to John, viscount Beaumont, and his heirs male of the seat and place before and above all viscounts and the heirs and sons of all earls, and immediately after the earls of the realm in parliaments, councils and other places in the king’s presence and elsewhere. (S) CPRs.

6/1/1445, Commission to John, viscount Beaumont, and others to raise a loan in Lincs, with [nil] return endorsed. (S) UKNA.

11/13/1446, … a decree of John, viscount Beaumont, constable of England, and executor of a sentence at Rouen [France] against … (S) CPRs.

2/1447, John, Viscount Beaumont and the Queen’s Steward, arrested Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester [youngest s/o Henry IV], for treason against Henry VI, at his lodgings in London. [The Duke died, apparently of natural causes, soon afterwards while in custody.]

3/12/1447, John Viscount Beaumont named in the will of King Henry VI. (S) Testamenta Vetusta, V1, 1826, P22.

3/12/1447, John given possession of Elizabeth’s mother’s lands on her death.

7/27/1447, Elizabeth, Lady Deincourt, died, her brother John, Viscount Beaumont, knight, her heir. (S) IsPM, Henry VI, 491.

8/4/1447, Grant for life to John, viscount Beaumont, for his lodging in Westminster palace, of a chamber called ‘Marcell Chamber’ within the king’s chamber called ‘Peyntedchamber,’ so that he be not disturbed by the king’s chamberlains, ushers or other officers. (S) CPRs.

11/1449, At parliament, …  the possessions, profits, revenues and commodities of your town of Calais and of GuĂ®nes, and of the marches there, to be fully taken and received by your treasurer of Calais at the time for him to use them for the payment of the soldiers there and for … execptions … shall not extend or be prejudicial to … The heirs of the late Lord Bardolf. … John, Viscount Beaumont, who married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of the said William, Lord Bardolf, … (S) Parliament Rolls, 2005.

5/6/1450, Grant for life to John, viscount Beaumont, of the office of chamberlain of England, with the usual fees, profits and wages. (S) CPRs.

Bef. 3/24/1451, John and Elizabeth’s eldest son Henry died without heirs. (S) CPRs.

6/7/1451, Grant for life to John, viscount Beaumont, of the office of steward of Boston, co. Lincoln. (S) CPRs.

7/17/1451, Commitment to John viscount de Beaumont, … of the keeping of a certain tenement called ' Le Newe Inne,' in the parish of St. Benet in ' Thamis strete,' London. (S) CFRs.

2/1452, John one of many magnates in the army of Henry VI marching against the Duke of York.

3/1/1452, John and the King’s army faced the Yorkish forces at Welling in Kent. [The battle was averted through negotiations.]

1453, Petitioners: Henry Beaumont, knight [John’s brother]; … petitioners state that Joan Beaumont who had made a lawful contract of marriage was abducted by Edward Lancaster and many others, and married despite her early lawful contract. Lancaster and others then proceeded to make assaults on Joan's servants, and her and her family's goods and property. …, and that Joan Beaumont be handed over to the archbishop of York and [John] Viscount Beaumont so that she can sue them … Viscount Beaumont, brother to the petitioner. (S) UKNA.

Bef. 8/20/1453, William Waynflete, Bishop of Winchester, John Beaumont, Viscount Beaumont, Ralph Cromwell, Lord Cromwell, … request letters allowing the incorporation of a guild to the Virgin Mary in the parish church of Coningsby which they have founded, … [Lincolnshire]. (S) UKNA.

1455, John given a petent of precedency over any future Viscounts.

1455-60, Letter of John, Lord Lovell, to his father-in-law, Vicount Beaumont. ‘Right worshipful, and my most best-beloved lord father, ... forasmuch as ye desire the stewardship of Baggeworth for your well-beloveed Thomas Everingham, ... by the advice of my council, shall give it him in writing, ...’ (S) Original Letter, Fenn, 1840, P76.

1456, John wrote his will. (S) UKNA.

1456-57, Lincolnshire: Inquisition concerning franchises in the Manor of Benniworth, held by John, Archbishop of York, and John, Viscount Beaumont. (S) UKNA. [John held 17 courts, and 2 great courts.]

1458-59, John, Viscount Beaumont, and Katherine, Duchess of Norfolk, his wife to John, Abbot of Medmenham, and Geoffrey Pole, esquire : Demise, indented, of one third of the manor of Medmenham … (S) UKNA.

9/1459, John a commander under King Henry IV was part of a force of over 30,000 that faced off against Yorkist forces at Worcestor. The Yorkists withdrew to Ludford.

10/12/1459, Many Yorkist forces deserted and King Henry offered to pardons to those that surrenedered. The leaders of the Yorkist army had escaped in the night.

5/1460, John and other magnates named in a letter to the Archbishop of Cantebury accusing them of preventing access to the King.

6/1460, The papal legate, Francesco dei Coppini, with Warwick, Salisbury, and March, had a bull stating that the Pope had excommunicated Wiltshire, Shrewsbury, and Beaumont [John] and all others who opposed the Duke of York.

7/10/1460, John, a Lancastrian, slain at the battle of Northampton. Yorkist forces numbering over 20,000 faced a smaller royal army with their backs against the river Nene. The main cause of the defeat was the defection of the royal forces on the right flank commanded by Lord Edmund Grey of Ruthin. The battle lasted less than an hour. 300 Lancastrians were killed. John was killed attempting to defend the King [who was captured.]

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P64. (S) The Wars of the Roses, Weir, 1995.

Children of John and Elizabeth:

i. Henry Beaumont, born 1434 in Lincolnshire, England.

11/4/1441, IPM of William Philip, knight [maternal grandfather.] Henry, son of John, Viscount Beaumont, and Elizabeth lately his wife, daughter of William Philip and Joan, is kin and next heir of William, and aged 7 and more. (S) IsPM, Henry VI, 481.

Bef. 3/24/1451, John and Elizabeth’s eldest son Henry died without heirs. (S) CPRs.

ii. William, viscount Beaumont, born 4/1438 in Lincolnshire, England. [Heir]

1460, Beaumont, William [Beaumont], kt, Viscount Beaumont and Lord Bardolph, son of John, late Viscount Beaumont, and the late Elizabeth [Phelip], his wife. Proof of age: Lincs. (S) UKNA.

7/10/1460, William captured at the battle of Northampton; attained; later pardoned.

11/1470, William’s lands restored by Henry VI.

1471-74, William allied with John, earl of oxford, against Edward IV.

8/23/1485, William fought against Richard III at the battle of Bosworth Field.

11/7/1485, William’s lands and titles restored by parliament.

12/19/1507, William died without heir.

[Brass at church of St. Mary, Essex: ... shield of arms quarterly; 1 – Beaumont; 2 – Earl of Buchan; 3 – Phelipp, 4 – Bardolf. Feet on an elephant, his back on a triple-towered castle – descent from John de Brienne, King of Jerusalem, and Infanta Donna Berenguela, sister of St. Ferdinand III, King of Castile and Leon. Broom-cod – descent from Eleanora, d/o Henry Plantagenet, Earl of Lancaster.]

iii. Joan Beaumont (475355), born 1441 in England.

iv. John Beaumont, born ? in England.

1452-53, Account for marriage portion of Joan d. of Humphrey, Duke of Buckingham, to John, s. of Viscount Beaumont. (S) UKNA.

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