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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sir Warin de Lisle & Alice Tyeys

5909752. Sir Warin de Lisle & 5909753. Alice Tyeys

1270, Warin de Insula born in Berkshire, England, heir & s/o 11819504. Gerard de Lisle & 11819505. Alice de Armenters.

~1286, Alice born in England, d/o 11819506. Lord Henry Tyeys & 11819507. Hawise ?.

1287, Warin Lord lisle, heir to his father of Kingston Lisle, Berkshire.

7/11/1290 at London, Warin de Insula, knight, and Alice (11819505) widow of Gerard de Insula. Warin has granted to Alice the custody of Warin (5909752), son and heir of Gerard de Insula, her late husband, with the lands and holdings which were of Gerard when he died in the vills of Kyngeston and Mundeford, until the full age of Warin; for 310 marks. (S) UKNA.

10/20/1297, Warin a witness of a quitclaim from Bennet, son and heir of Bennet de Blakenham, to Hugh de Sancto Philberto and his wife Alice, Bennet's sister.

1298, John de Insula v. Warin son of Gerard de Insula. Concerning lands in Magna Saunford; Parva Saunford; Bovereye; Heydon, and Parva Cheshull. (S) Review of Final Concords of Common Law, Palmer, Univ. of Houston.

[––Warin & Alice––]

By 1303, Warine married Alice.

1/10/1303, Sir Warin was accused, with others, of theft and assault in Berkshire by Ralph de Monte Hermerii, earl of Gloucester and Heretford. (S) CPRs.

7/7/1307, Edward II became king on the death of his father.

4/10/1308, Warin appointed a conservator of the peace in the town and University of Oxford. (S) CPRs.

7/1308, Warin appointed Keeper of Windsor castle, the favorite home of King Edward II. [20 miles west of London in Berkshire. Records every year until 1319.]

8/15/1309, To Warin de Insula, constable of Wyndes[ore] castle. Order to repair the houses, tower, walls, and bridges of the castle, together with the stable and wall of the king's garden without the castle, the houses and pools of his park there, together with the paling about the same, and the houses and walls of the manor of Kenyngton with the paling and wall about the park. (S) CCRs.

10/15/1310, To Warin de Insula, constable of Wyndsore Castle … (S) CCRs.

11/16/1310, Warin son and heir of Gerard de Insula; and Sir John de Insula, knight, the elder, Warin's brother, and Maud his wife. (S) UKNA.

1/28/1312, To the sheriffs of Oxford and Berkshire, for Wyndesore castle, for 50 quarters of wheat, 6 tuns of wine, 40 quarters of malt, 100 quarters of oats, 20 carcases of beef, 20 bacon-pigs, 2000 of herrings500 of stockfish, 20 quarters of salt, and 10 cartloads of hay, to be delivered to Warin de Insula, the constable. (S) CCRs.

7/20/1312, at Westminster, Enrolment of grant by Lucy de Twenge, daughter and heiress of Robert de Twenge … Witnesses: Nicholas de Segrave, John de Crumbwell, Warin de Insula, Thomas de Dufford, Ralph de Crumbwell, John de Argentayn, Gerard Salvayn, Andrew de Hartcla, and John de Weston, knights. (S) CCRs.

1/1/1313, To Warin de Insula, constable of Wyndesore castle. … (S) CCRs.

1315, Sir Warin a commissioner of oyer and terminer in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

1315, Warine de Lisle the lord of the vill of Beedon, Berkshire.

12/13/1316, To Warin de Insula, constable of Wyndesore castle. … (S) CCRs.

10/6/1319, Grant during pleasure to the king's yeoman, Oliver de Burdegala, of the keeping of the castle of Wyndesore and the forest there, to hold as Warin de Insula held. (S) CFRs.

9/2/1320, Warin accused of incitement to assault and murder, and of protecting the assailants at his manors of Kingston and Beedon in Berkshire. (S) CCRs.

12/9/1320, Warin de Insula acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Cock of London £50; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. (S) CCRs. [Likely to pay a fine for incitement charge.]

1321, Alice heir to her brother Henry Teyes, Lord Teyes who was executed.

1321 at Shirburn, Warin joined with Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, and others against the King’s most hated favourites, the Despensers; allied with the monarch’s chief opponent, Thomas, Earl of Lancaster.

8/1/1321, Roger Gacelyn, lord of Catmere, acknowledges that he owes to Warin de Insula, knight, £40; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. (S) CCRs.

3/16/1322, Sir Warin a knight banneret at the Battle of Boroughbridge, northwest of York, fighting for Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, against Edward II. The rebel forces of about 700 knights and men-at-arms, against about 4,000 in in the royal forces. An effective use of longbow against calvary. [Rebeling barons lost and retreated to Tutbury castle.]

1322, Warin executed at Pontefract, Yorkshire; dragged by horses and hanged; buried in the Church of the Black Friars.


1322, Alice heir to her brother, Henry, Lord Tyeys, executed after the battle of Boroughbridge.           

12/10/1326, Alice had a grant of the custody of Kingston Castle and other of her husband’s manors. (S) CFRs.

1/20/1327, Edward II abdicated in favor of his son, Edward III.

2/10/1327, IPM of Warin de Insula. Norfolk: Mundeford. The manor, including a fishery at the mill-weir and in the pond, and 2 water-mills, … Gerard, his son, aged 23 years, is his next heir. Northampton: Stowe. The manor … Kislingbury. The manor … Berks: Kyngeston. The manor … Fauelore. The manor … Budene. The manor, … Alice, his wife, was jointly seised with him, for her life, of all the said manors and tenements. (S) CIsPM.

3/30/1327, Commission … to recover for Alice de Insula all the good of Warin de Insula, her late husband, and Henry Tyeys, her brother, in the county of Norfolk … county of Leicester, … county of Northampton, … Kyngston, late of the said Warin, and of Chilton, late of the said Henry, in the counties of Wilts, Oxford, and Berks. (S) CPRs.

11/19/1327, Commission to … William Trussel, … goods and other property … granted to Alice de Insula, late belonging to Warin de Insula, her husband, and Henry Gyeys, her brother … counties of Oxford, Berks, Wilts, Northampton and Leicester, and to compel delivery … (S) CPRs.

1328, Petitioner: Alice de Lisle (Insula), widow of Warin de Lisle. 1) She asks for the restoration of the manors of Kingston Lisle, Beedon, Hidden and Lambourn, and their issues, which she held jointly with her husband and which had been taken into the king's hands following her husband's execution on a false judgment.2) Alice requests the restoration to her of the lands of her late brother, of whom she is the heir. These lands are also in the king's hands following a false judgment against Henry. On the first petition, let it be sent to the Chancery … On the second petition, because the process against Henry, examined in full parliament, is shown to be erroneous and has been repealed by common assent of all present, let the heir be restored to her heritage by due process. People mentioned: Warin de Isdle (Insula, Lisle), late husband of the petitioner; Henry Tyes (Teyes, Tyeys), brother of the petitioner. (S) UKNA.

3/21/1330, General pardon to Alice late the wife of Warin de Insula, which Warin took part in the quarrel of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster. (S) CPRs.

4/25/1332, Alice obtained a charter for markets and fairs at Penzance and other manors in Cornwall. (S) Gaz. of Markets and Fairs in England and Wales to 1516.

Bef. 1334, Alice her to her mother of the manor of Draycot, Wilts, which had passed to her father in 1285, then to her brother, then to her mother, then to the crown, then restored to her.

2/5/1334, Alice requested leave to transfer Warin’s body, and that of her brother, Henry, to Chilton in Wiltshire where her ancestors were buried. Alice was supported in her request by William de Montagu, earl of Salisbury. (S) Cal. of the Bishop of Worcester, 1996.

1336, Alice granted a charter of free warren at Chilton, Wiltshire, and Kingston Lisle, Berkshire.

1/19/1346 at Chilton Foliat, Alice widow of Warin de Insula, knight, and Henry Tyeys, knight, her son. Alice has granted to Henry all her goods and chattels in 2 parts of her manor of Shyrebourne. (S) UKNA.

1/19/1346, Alice widow of Warin de Insula, knight, and Henry Tyeys, knight, her son. Alice has granted to Henry 2 parts of her manor of Shyrebourne, and the reversion of the third part held in dower by Margaret widow of Henry Tyeys for her life; to him and his issue, with remainder to Warin de Lile her son and his issue, and her own right heirs. (S) UKNA.

8/2/1347, Alice died, leaving Noke, Oxford, which she had inherited from her brother Henry, to her younger son Warin.

4/20/1350, IPM of Alice Tyeys, late the wife of Warin de Insula: Yorkshire. (S) CFRs.

11/22/1350, Inquisition made by late escheator, showing that Alice late the wife of Warin de Insula, alias Alice Tyes, held in her demesne as of fee on the day of her death 2 parts of the manor of Brakene, co. York, together with the reversion of the third part of the said manor which Margaret late the wife of Henry Tyes held in dower, of the heir of William de Roos of Hamelak, late a minor in the king's ward, … Alice died on 2 August, 21 Edward III, and Margaret on 20 May, 23 Echvard III , and that Gerard de Insula, 'chivaler,' son of the said Alice, is her next heir and of full age,—to meddle no further with the said manor, delivering to Gerard any issues taken. (S) CFRs.

 (S) The Complete Peerage, Cokayne, 1929. (S) A Hist. of the Co. of Berksire, V4, 1924. (S) A Hist. of the Co. of Wiltshire, V9, 1970.

Children of Warin and Alice:

i. Gerard de Lisle (2954876), born 1304 in England.

ii. Warin de Lisle, born ? in England. [Younger son]

1361, Warin, knight, of Oxfordshire, died; his heir Warin de Lisle, his nephew by his older brother Gerard. (S) UKNA.

iii. Henry de Tyeys, born ? in England.

1/16/1345, Henry Tyeis son of Warin de Insula, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Lyle of Bourghle £12 6s. 8d.; to be levied etc. in co. Berks. (S) CCRs.

1/19/1346, Alice widow of Warin de Insula, knight, and Henry Tyeys, knight, her son.

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