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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Count Charles of Valois & Countess Margaret of Naples

5909702. Count Charles of Valois & 5909703. Countess Margaret of Naples

3/12/1270, Charles born in Valois, France, 2nd s/o 23640666. King Philip III & 11819396. Queen Isabella of Aragon.

1273, Margaret born in Naples, Italy, d/o 11819406. King Charles II of Naples & 11819407. Maria of Hungary.

5/1284, Charles named King of Aragon and Sicily by Pope Martin IV.

1284, King Philip and his sons, including Charles, entered Roussillon at the head of a large army on what is called the Aragonese Crusade [a failed attempt to put Charles on the throne of Aragon.]

1284, King Philip and his sons, including Charles, besiege the town of Gerona. The French forces fell to wide-spread dysentary and retreated.

9/30/1285, King Philip III’s retreating forces defeated at the battle of the Col de Panissars. Philip arranged with King James II of Majorca for himself and the royal family to retreat to France.

10/5/1285, Charles father died during the retreat; his brother Philip succeeding. By his father’s will Charles inherited the 4 lordships comprising Valois.

1285, Charles, Count of Valois, recognized by the Pope as King of Aragon under vassalage to the Pope in right of his mother.

1288, Charles’ father-in-law, Charles II of Naples, promised Charles £20,000 to renounce all claim to Aragon.

[––Charles & Margaret––]

1290, Charles married Margaret. [6 children.]

1290, Charles, having received his money, renounced his claim as King of Aragon and Sicily. In return Charles received Anjou and Maine as part of the dowry of his wife Margaret.

1294, At the onset of hostilities with England in Normandy, Charles invaded Guienne and took La Reole and Saint-Sever.

1295, After the invasion of Aquitaine by John of Brittany, Charles was dispatched to the area by King Philip. Charles managed initially to retake several towns in the Garonne valley.

4/8/1295, Charles retook Rions.

7/5/1295, An alliance was signed between Scotland and Fance by which Edward Balliol, eldest s/o King John of Scotland, was betrothed to Joan, eldest daughter of Charles of Valois. (S) The Political History of England, Poole, V3, P194.

1297, Charles, Count of Anjou by his brother Philip IV, attacked Flanders.

1299, Charles attacked Sicily for the Pope.                                                                   

1299, Margaret died.


1/6/1300, The end of a truce period, Charles starts a conquest of Flanders against Guy de Dampierre. Charles captured  Douai, Bethune, and Dam.

5/1300, Charles took the Flemish stronghold of Ypres, capturing Guy de Dampierre. [Flanders became a part of France.]

6/1301, Charles crossed the Alps at the request of the Pope.

9/1301, Charles arrived in Naples with a large army in support of the Pope to reduce “rebellious subjects of the Holy See.” Charles was appointed General-in-Chief of the Papal armies; and Vicar-General of the Empire of Italy until election of a new emperor.

11/1301, Charles captured Florence. (S) The Story of Florence, Gardner, 1902, P348.

1302, Charles married Catherine, Empress of Constantinople, d/o Philip de Courtnay, s/o the last Emperor of Constantinople. [4 children.] Charles hoped to ascend to that throne.

5/1302, Charles and Robert of Naples [heir & s/o Charles II of Naples] captured Termini, Sicily.

8/31/1302, Charles incursion into Sicily ended with the Peace of Caltabellotta which divided Sicily between the island and the continent [Naples.] Charles did not consult the Pope prior to making peace and returned to France.

8/18/1304, Charles supported his brother King Philip IV in winning the battle of Mons-en-Pevele; the mailed French knights broke the ranks of the Flemish pikemen. 6,000 Flemings fell to French swords.

1/14/1306, Pope Clement V wrote Guy de Plailly, bishop of Senlis and papal collector in France, announcing that Charles of Valois, Count of Anjou, and husband of the titular Latin Empress Catherine, was preparing to reconquer the empire of Constantinople from Andronicus II [who had captured the city in 1261.] Charles wrote a letter that was included with the papal letter granting those who with him in expedition against the Greeks the same benefits as those who crusaded in the Holy lands.

12/19/1306, The Venetians made a pact with Charles of Valois “for the defense of the faithe and the recovery of the empire of Romania, which is now held by Andronicus.” The Venetians were to supply galleys and transports.

10/12/1307, Catherine buried in Paris, France; Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Templar Knights was a pall bearer.

7/1308, Charles married Mahaut of Chatillon. [4 children.]

6/9/1308, King Philip IV wrote to Henry of Carinthia, King of Bohemia, to propose Charles of Valois as a candidate for the crown of Germany. [Charles was not chosen.]

7/6/1309, Charles informed the Venetians, who were upset with his delays, that he had spent a lot of time in Rome seeking more money for his crusade against Constantinople, and from his brother the King of France. [Both Charles and his brother Philip IV had been granted church tithes in France to finance the campaign.]

10/3/1310, Venice made peace with the Byzantine government, effectively ending Charles’ campaign.

1311, Charles represented the French at the conference of Tournai with Flanders; but was obstructed by Enruerrand de Marigny, his brother’s chamberlain.

3/18/1314, Charles opposed the torture of Jacques de Molay who was burned at the stake.                      

11/29/1314, Charles brother King Philip, “the fair”, died while hunting; his son Louis X, Charles’ nephew, succeeding [after Louis posthumous son died an infant].

4/30/1315, Enruerrand de Marigny, having been charged with receiving bribes and sorcery by Charles of Valois, was executed by Louis X.

6/5/1316, King Louis “the Quarreler” died without a male heir; his brother, Charles’ nephew, Philip V succeeding.

1/3/1322, King Philip, “the Tall”, died; his brother, Charles’ nephew, Charles IV succeeding [who died without a male heir.]

3/27/1322, Protection [in England] until Michaelmas at the request of Charles, king of France and Navarre, and of Charles, count of Valois, for the men and merchants of the town of Amiens … (S) CPRs.

8/15/1324, In support of King Charles IV, Charles, leading an army of 7000 against the English in Gascony, laid siege to La Reole, held by Edmund, Earl of Kent. [Part of the 6-week Saint Sardos War.]

12/16/1325, Charles died at Perray, Seine-et-Oise.

(S) Cathedra Petri, Greenwood, V6, 1872. (S) Encyclopedia Britannica, V5, P936. (S) The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571, V114, 1976.

Family notes:

·         When King Charles IV died without a male heir in 1328, Charles’ son Philip VI became the 1st of the kings of the House of Valois.

Children of Charles and Margaret:

i. King Philip VI, born 11/17/1292 in France.

5/29/1328 at Reims, Philip crowned King of France.

ii. Jeanne of Valois (2954851), born 1293 in France.

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