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Friday, May 29, 2020

King Fernando I of Castile and Leon & Queen Sanchia de León

1512882500. King Fernando I of Castile and Leon & 1512882501. Queen Sanchia de León

1016-18, Fernando born in Navarre, s/o §§King Sancho III of Navarre (b.by996, d.10/18/1035) & Queen Munia Mayor de Castilla (d.1066).

~1017, Sancha born in Leon, Spain, d/o §§King Alfonso V of Leon (d.8/1028) & Queen Elvira Menendez (d.12/2/1022).

10/21/1022, ‘Sancius … rex’ recommended the rule of St Benedict to the monastery of Leire, subscribed by ‘Eximina regina mater regis, Regina domna Muma, Garsia et Ranimirus, Gundesalbus et Fernandus.’

4/17/1024, ‘Ranimirus proles regis, Garseanes frater eius, Gundisaluus frater eius, Ferdinandus frater eius’ confirmed the charter by which ‘Sancius … rex … cum coniuge mea regina domina Maiora’ donated property to the monastery of Leire.

4/21/1025, Fernando confirmed a charter of his father ‘por la que introduce la reforma de Cluny en el monasterio de San Juan de la Pena’.

1026, Fernando confirmed a charter of his father in favor of the monastery of San Juan de la Pena.

8/1028, Sancha’s father died; her brother Vermundo III became King of Leon.

1029, Sancho III installed Fernando as ‘Conde de Castilla’ in succession to his maternal uncle.

1030, Fernando confirmed a donation of his father to the monastery of San Juan de la Pena.

1031, Fernando confirmed a charter of his father in favor of the monastery of San Millan.

[––Fernando & Sanchia––]

12/1032, Fernando married Sanchia.

12/26/1032, Fernando confirmed a donation of his father to the monastery of ‘Leyre, del de San Juan de Petiella,’

6/26/1033, Charter of ‘Sancius Hispaniarum rex’ about to concessions to the monastery of Oriense confirmed by his sons ‘Ranimirus … Garsea … Fredinandus.’

4/14/1035, ‘Fernando I confirma en una donacion de su padre a Sancho Galindez de las villas de Centenero y Salamanga.’

10/18/1035, Fernando’s father Sancho III murdered.

1035, Fernando succeeded his father as Fernando I ‘el Magno’ King of Castile.

1036-7, With the help of his brother García V King of Navarre, Fernando defeated and killed his brother-in-law Vermudo III, King of León, in the Tamaron valley.

9/4/1037, Fernando proclaimed himself King of León and Galicia in right of his wife.

1037-8, Fernando ceded Ubierna, Urbel and La Piedra [northern Castile] to his older brother Garcia III of Navarre.

6/22/1038, at Santa Maria de Leon, Fernando crowned ‘imperatur.’

1039, In a diploma granted to San Pedro de Arlanza in Burgos, Fernando promised to be buried there.

1040, Fernando gave refuge to Dominic, prior of San Millan de la Cogolla [in Navarre] after being exiled by Fernando’s brother Garcia for refusing to surrender monastic property. (S) Holy People of the World, Jestice, 2004, P239.

1041, Fernando appinted Dominic as abbot of the monastery of San Sebastian de Silos, which needed restoration. (S) Medieval Iberia, Gerli, 2003, P288.

4/19/1042, Fernando appointed Ordono Ordonez as ‘alferez.’ (S) Aristocracy in 12th Century Leon and Castile, Barton, 2002, P249.

9/17/1042, ‘Fernando I y Sanch confirman en la carta de fundacion del monasterio de San Salvador de Villacere …’

1043Fernando I and Queen Sancha responded to a claim made by the Bishop of Leon by commissioning a legal investigation … in confirming rights they said ‘he who restores is more worthy than he who builds.’ (S) Building Legitimacy, Alfonso, 2004, P78.

11/30/1044, ‘Fernando I y Sanch confirman en una donacion de una tal Monian a Arlanza …’

1044-5, Fernando captured Coimbra [in Portugal.] (S) Military and Naval Encyclopedia, Wilhelm, 1879, P297.

4/13/1045, ‘Fernando I y Sanch confirman en una donacion del presbitero Gevoldo a San Vincente de Oviedo …’

1045, Ferdinand of Castile exacts tribute from his Moorish neighbors. (S) Great Events by Famous Historians, Johnson, 2004, P241.

10/1/1046, Fernando renewed his promised to be buried at Arlanza.

1047, ‘Facundus Beatus’ produced for Fernando I of Castile. (S) Prophet’s Ascension, Gruber, 2010, P98.

9/29/1047, ‘Fernando I y Sanch confirman en una donacion de Ansur Diaz … a Santa Maria de Leon … ’

3/2/1048, ‘Fernando I y Sanch confirman en una donacion a Sahagun …’

1048, Fernando supported he admission of 4 Castillian monks to the ‘riojan’ cloister. (S) A Bishopric Between Three Kingdoms, Carl, 2011, P35.

1049, Fernando visited Sahagun; where he heard charges against his servants. (S) Crsis in the 12th Century, Bisson, 2009, P102.

1049-50, Fernando in battles with the Moors at Saragossa and Toledo.

8/31/1050, Ferdinand I King of Castile confirmed the union of the monastery of San Martín del Río with San Pedro de Cardeñas subscribed by ‘Sanctius prolis regis, Adefonsus filius regis, Garsea filio regis, Urraca filia regis, Tegridia filia regis.’

8/20/1051, Fernando I made a donation to Gomez, bishop of Najera and abbot of San Millan. (S) A Bishopric Between Three Kingdoms, Carl, 2011, P35.

3/4/1052, ‘Fernando I y Sancha Y todo su concilio ven el pleito entre Cipriano, obispo de Leong, … a Santa Maria de Mazaneta.’

1/12/1053, ‘Fernando I y Sancha, haviendose trasladado a Portugal, a su villa …’

9/3/1054, King Fernando defeated and killed his older brother García Sánchez III, King of Navarre, at Atapuerca, acquiring the the Bureba district on the west bank of the upper Ebro River.

1055, Fernando advanced on the western frontier south of the Duero [into future Portugal.]

10/6/1055, Fernando sponsored the Council of Coyanza.

Aft. 1055, Fernando I King of Castile, established an annual rent of 120 ounces of gold in favour of the Abbey of Cluny in Burgundy.

1/1/1056, ‘Fernando I y Sancha confirman en una venta de Teresa Ovequez, …’

1056-7, Fernando allied himself with Ibn-Hud to attack the Taifa Kingdom of Toledo, from whom he forced the payment of a large tribute [‘paria’, which became the established way of raising revenues for the Christian kingdoms.]

4/17/1057, ‘Fernando I y Sancha confirman la donacion hecha por la condesa dona Elvira al monasterio de San Salvador del Nogal …’

1057, Fernando invaded the territory of the Aftasids of Badajoz.

11/29/1057, Fernando captured Lamego.

1058, Diago Lainez, father of Rodriguez Diaz de Vivar [El Cid], killed. El Cid, age 15, taken to the court of King Fernando where he became the ward of Fernando’s son Sancho II. (S) Events That Formed the Modern World, Thackeray, 2012.

7/25/1058, Fernando captured Viseu.

1058-59, Fernando attacked Santarem, forcing its ruler to pay 5,000 dinars a year to maintain a truce.

12/31/1059, ‘Fernando I ve un pleito en Palencia entre los presbiteros del monasterio de San Martin de Soalhaes, Alfonso Y Juan, con Garcia Munoz, representados …’

1060, Fernando exacted annual parias from Zaragoza.

5/27/1060, ‘Fernando I estando en Castrojeriz aprueba la cesion al monasterio de San Millan, …’

8/19/1061, King Fernando donated property in Compostella to Celanova.

1062, Fernando gave the relics of Sts Vincent, Sabina and Christeta [which had been at then deserted Avila] to Arlanza.

1063 at Leon, Fernando had the relics of St. Isidore of Seville translated to the city. Fernando assembled magnates and bishops and announced he his intention to distribute his dominions to his sons.

5/8/1063, Ferdnando routed the Aragonese, led by Mohammed ben Abad, at Graus and affirmed Leonese supremacy in the region. ‘El Cid’ proved his military abilities in this battle.

1/1064, Fernando began a 6-month siege of Coimbra.

7/25/1064, Fernando captured Coimbra.

1064, A great council meeting agreed to a division of King Fernando's territories, as well as the rights to annual parias from the Taifa kingdoms, between his sons.

3/10/1065, ‘Fredernandus … Legionensis rex … cum coniuge mea regina dna Sancia et filiis meis’ confirmed the privileges of Santiago de Compostela, subscribed by ‘Sancius filius regis, Adefonsus filius regis, Garsea filius regis, Urraca filia regis, Geloira filia regis.’

1065, Fernando campaigned to the south, reaching Valencia, when the King of Zaragoza refused to pay tribute. Fernando became sick and had to return to Leon.

12/25/1065, Fernando placed his crown and mantle on the altar of San Isidoro de Leon and took the garb of a penitent.

12/27/1065, Fernando died; buried in Leon.

11/7/1067, Sancia died; buried with Fernando.

(S) Foundation for Medieval Genealogy. (S) History of Medieval Spain, O’Callaghan, 1983. (S) The World of El Cid, Barton, 2000. (S) Catilla y Leon, Candeira, 1999.

Children of Fernando and Sancha:

i. Urraca de Castilla y Leon, born 1033-4 in Castilla.

[See charters of her father.]

1064, As part of the partitioning of her father’s lands Urraca and Elvira granted all the monasteries of the kingdom in which they might live, for their lifetimes, without the bond of a husband.

6/25/1066, ‘Urraca Fredenandi principis filia’ donated property ‘in valle de vice territorio Portugale’ to Santiago de Compostela.

1/18/1070, Urraca’s brother Sancho donated property to the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla, subscribed by ‘domna Urraca soror regis, domna Elvira soror regis.’

1071, ‘Adefonsus rex’ donated "hereditates quos ganabit pater meus de comite Flagino Fredenandiz …’ to ‘soror mea domina Urracca prolis Fredenandiz.’

1072, Urraca, Queeen of Zamora, rebelled against her brother Sancho II [who had sent their brother Alfonso into exile.]

10/7/1072, Urraca’s brother Sancho died [her brother Alfonso eventually succeeding to all of Spain.]

1074, ‘Urraca et Elvira Ferdinandi Imperatoris magni filiæ’ transferred the church of Auca to ‘ecclesiam S. Maride Campo de Gamonare.’

5/22/1077, ‘Urraka [et] … Gelvira sorores mihi’ consented to a donation to Cluny by "Adefonsus … princeps.’

8/17/1077, ‘Urraca soror regis, Gelvira soror regis’ subscribed the charter of agreement between Bishop Diego Peláez and the abbot of Antealtares, San Fagundo.

3/14/1099, ‘Urraka Fredinandi regis et Santie regine filia’ subscribed the charter under which Alfonso VI King of Castile donated the monastery of Santa María de Algadefe to the monastery of Eslonza.

1/25/1100, ‘Adefonsus … Toletani imperii rex’ donated the churches of ‘Sancti Facundi et Sancti Primitivi … in vita sua dederam uxori mee Berte regine’, to Cluny, confirmed by ‘Raimundus totius Gallecie comes et gener regis, Urraca soror regis, Urraca regis filia et Raimundi comitis uxor, Enricus Portugalensis comes, uxor ipsius Tarasia filia regis.’

11/13/1101, The deathbed charter of her sister Elvira suscribed by ‘Urraca soror eius.’

ii. Sancho de Castilla y Leon, born 1036 in Castilla.

5/8/1063, Sancho defended Graus agains the Moors.

1065, After his father’s death, Sancho II, king of Castille, received Castile and the parias from the Taifa state of Zaragoza.

1067, Sancho invaded Navarre beginning the ‘war of the three Sanchos.’ [Defeated by Sancho Ramírez, King of Aragon, he negotiated an advantageous peace, acquiring Pancorbo and Oña.]

7/19/1068, Alfonso VI defeated his brother Sancho II of Castille at the battle of Llantada. [Not a decisive victory.]

1071, Alfonso VI with Sancho II, by battle, took control of the lands of their younger brother Garcia.

1/1072, Sancho defeated his younger brother Alfonso VI, in battle at Golpejera, sending him into exile in Toledo. ‘El Cid’ a commander in the battle.

1/12/1072, Sancho crowned king of Leon at Leon.

10/7/1072, Sancho murdered at Zamora, buried in the monastery of Ona.

iii. Elvira de Castilla y Leon, born 1033-4 in Castilla.

[See charters of her sister Urraca and of her father.]

1067, The bishops of Pamplona, Calahorra, Burgos and Castilla la Vieja confirmed the privileges of the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla in the presence of ‘regis Sancii, filii Fredinandi regis, domna Elvira germana regis.’

12/10/1068, Elvira, Queen of Toro, donated property ‘in Lemabus villam … in Triacastella … et … in Valle Carcere’ to Santiago de Compostela.

4/25/1087, ‘Geloira Fredinandi principis filia’ donated the monastery of Piloño to Santiago de Compostela.

3/14/1099, ‘Giluira Ferdinandi regis et Santie regine filia’ subscribed the charter under which Alfonso VI King of Castile donated the monastery of Santa María de Algadefe to the monastery of Eslonza.

11/15/1101, Elvira died, buried at Leon.

iv. Alfonso VI of Castile and Leon (756441250), born 1038-40 in Castilla.

v. Garcia de Castilla y Leon, born 1042 in Castilla.

1064, In the partitioning of his father’s lands, Garcia received Galicia and the parias from the Taifa states of Seville and Badajoz.

1065, Garcia, king of Galacia.

1066, Garcia consolidated his power in Portugal by forcibly requiring García Múñoz, a powerful Portuguese noble, to donate his territories.

1069, There were rebellions in Galacia against Garcia.

1/1071, Garcia defeated and killed conde Muño Menéndez at Pedrosa Fen.

1071, Garcia defeated and captured by his brothers Alfonso and Sancho. Dispossed, Garcia went into exile in Seville.

10/7/1072, Garcia’s brother Sancho assasinated at Zamora; Alfonso the heir of the reconstituted kingdom of their father.

2/13/1073, Meeting with his brother Alfonso, Garcia again captured.

3/22/1090, Garcia died at the castle of Luna; buried in Leon. [Supposedly bled himself to death.]

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