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Friday, June 19, 2020

Baron Roger de Montgomery & Dame Josceline ?

1279328280. Baron Roger de Montgomery & 1279328281. Dame Josceline ?

~995, Roger born in France.

~1000, Josceline born in France.

By 1021, Roger married Josceline.

1022, Roger de Montgomery [a cousin of William the Conqueror] founded Troarn.

1031-2, Roger de Montgomery witnessed a charter of Robert I Duke of Normandy for the abbey of Saint Wandrille. (S) FMG.

By 1035, Roger de Montgomery restored to the Abbey of Jumièges the market at Vimoutiers which he had taken from the monks. (S) FMG.

1037, Roger de Montgomery exiled to Paris. [After his son William assassinated Osborne, the seneschal.]

1040, Alan of Brittany died; and wardship of William [the Conqueror] given to Gilbert of Brionne. [A succession of guardians died – William is said to have been raised by William fitz Osbern, Roger de Beaumont, and Roger de Montgomery.]

1045-48, The abbey of Jumieges paid Roger de Montgomery a horse worth £30, with a cuirass worth £7, for the land of one of his vassals who had become a monk. (S) Battle Conference, 1987, P77.

By 1048, Roger de Montgomery died.

Child of Roger and Josceline:

i. Roger de Montgomery (639664140), born 1022 in France.

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