243382592. Baron Robert de Neville
Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.
Robert born in England, s/o 11817120. Geoffrey de Neville & 11817121.
Joan de Monmouth.
9/29/1242, Robert’s father died.
1246, Robert
did homage for the lands of his paternal grandfather.
1251, Robert
de Neville and his brother, Geoffrey, taking venison in the forest of
Galtres for the King's Christmas larder. (S) Ancestry of Chamberlain Grant,
Henderson, 2000, P272.
1253, Ebor …
Dominus Eadwardus filius domini regis. Robertus de Vertri Ponte. … Willelmus de
Ros. Robertus de Nevill. Rogerus de Mubray. … Johannes de Warenna. … Petrus de
Brus. Henricus de Percy. … Willelmus de Stotevill. … Adam de Everingham, …
Simon de Steyngrif. … (S) Survey of the County of York, 1867, P432.
1254, Robert
Neville paid into the Queens garderobe £15 6s 3d for his relief.
1255, Robert
give free warren in his lands in York.
Exemption for life, at the instance of Robert de Nevyle, of William Haket … .
Licence for life for Robert de Nevyle to hunt with his own dogs the hare, the
fox and the cat through the forest of the county of York.
Protection for Robert de Nevyle, going on the king’s service into Wales.
Whereas the king requested Robert de Ros that in the instant war and
disturbance of Scotlan, he should commit to Robert de Nevyle, sheriff of
Northumberland, his castle of Werk, … and to receive the said Robert and his
men … the sheriff to deliver back the castle immediately after the conclusion
of the war.
The king has committed to Robert de Nevill W. bishop of Durham’s castle of
Norham for the war in Scotland … [Robert
also receiving the castles of Baunburg and Newcastle upon Tyne.]
Robert a signer the Provisions of
Oxford; an agreement between King Henry and the barons over governement reform.
Grant to Robert de Nevill, keeper of the castle of Baunburg, of 500 marks for
expenses in going several times to Scotland on the king’s service.
Safe conduct for the king of Scotland and his queen the king’s daughter, …
coming to England … the king has sent to the said king and queen his special
messengers … Robert de Nevill, Hugh de Bolebek, William le Latymer … to ask
them to come to the king, and to come with them personally.
Robert appointed justiciar of the forests beyond the Trent. [Receiving 100 marks a year.]
Appointment of Robert de Nevill, Hugh de Bolebek, … to go on eyre for pleas of
the forest in counties Nottingham, York, Northumberland, Cumberland and
Simon de Montfort returned to England to lead a rebellion of young barons.
Commitment to Robert de Nevill of the castle of Devizes with the town, the
manor Rudes, and the forests of Peusham. [Given to Philip Basset, justiciary of
England, the next month.]
6/12/1263 at
London, Robert appointed King’s Captain in the county of York. (S) CPRs. [The
next day Robert given the co. and castle of York.]
Commitment, by the counsel of the magnates, to John de Eyvill, of the castle of
York; Robert de Nevill to deliver it. [Two days later Robert had to deliver to
John de Eyvill the forests beyond Trent.]
John de Eyvill to deliver the keeping to the castle of York back to Robert de
Mandate to the mayor and citizens of York to be counsel and aid to Robert de
Nevill, … as the king has heard tha John de Eyvill detains the said castle from
him by force, …
Robert de Neville to munition the castle of York with victuals, to remain to
the king unless they are spent by reason of war.
King Henry captured at the battle of Lewes, “at the Mill of the Hide”. Simon de
Montfort effectively ruled England.
Mandate to John de Eyvill, keeper of the peace, and Robert de Nevill, to
deliver the county of York to William de Boszeall.
Robert de Neville and other barons of the north, “to repair to the King, having
been drawn for the liberation of Prince Edward.” (S) Old Yorkshire, Wheater,
Lord Edward escaped captivity by feigning participation in a horse race.
Lord Edward defeated Simon de Montfort at the battle of Evesham; ending the barons’
Robert de Nevill to deliver the forests beyond Trent to Roger de Leyburn.
Mandate to Henry son of the king of Almain, John de Balliolo, Robert de Brus,
Peter de Brus, Robert de Nevil, and the rest of the barons and knights with
them in the north, to come with horses and arms to Northampton towards the
castle of Kenilwurth to attack the king’s enemies and take that castle.
Robert appointed governor of manor and castle of Pickering.
King Henry began the siege of Kenilworth castle [lasting almost 6 months, the
largest siege in the country of England.]
Grant to Robert de Nevill, to whom the king lately committed the castle of
Bramburgh, … his expenses …
Kenilworth castle surrendered.
Commission to Robert de nevill, Roger de Sumer and John le Bretun … award of
Kenilworth shall be fullfilled … appointed them as justices to do and complete
the inquisitions … counties of Lincoln, Northampton, Leciester, Warwick,
Rutland, Oxford, Berks, Buckingham and Bedford.
Commission to Robert de Nevile, … justicies of oyer and terminer, touching
pleas of lands … county of Warwick …
Wheras A. king of Scotland, and Margaret, queen of Scotland, his consort, the
king’s daughter, are coming to England … to enjoy themselves with the king …
Edmund the king’s son, and Robert de Nevill to come, stay and depart at their
own will … the king them and the men they bring with them into his protection.
Grant to Robert de Nevill of the marriage of the heirs of Henry de la Vale who
held in chief.
Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert de Nevill, … trespasses committed by
Roger de Lancastre, … against the king’s son A. king of Scotland, …
King Edward I ascended to the throne while on crusade.
1273, Robert
married 2nd Ida de Bertram, d/o Roger.
Thomas de Prendewik came before the king, … against Robert de Nevill and Ida
his wife. (S) CCRs.
1273, William
of York brought a case against Robert de Neville and Elias de
Rylleston. (S) Early Yorkshire Charters, V7, 2013, P158.
Robert de Neville did homage to King Edward at his coronation. (S) Making of
the Neville Family, Young, 1996, P54.
4/21/1275, …
Master Gilbert de Tuwe was amerced before Robert de Nevill and his fellows …
(S) CFRs.
1275, Robert
held the castle of Bamburg for the King.
Order to Robert de Nevill to deliver to Thomas de Normanvill the demesnes and
town of Bamburg with the receipts thereof. (S) CFRs. [Thomas receiving
stewardship of many properties of the king after the death of Edmund, the
king’s brother.]
Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert de Nevill, … disputes between the
mayor, citizens, and bailiffs of York …
Commitment during pleasure to Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward, of the
castle of Baunburg, saving to Robert de Nevill, to whom the king committed the
castle of late, his own goods therein. Order to the said Robert to deliver the
castle to him. (S) CFRs.
Commitment during pleasure to Robert de Nevill of the castle of Scardeburg. (S)
Protection with clause volumus for Robert de Nevill, going beyond seas.
1279, Robert
de Neville a justice itinerant in the palatinate of Durham. (S) County Palatine
of Durham, Lapsley, 1900, P176.
Robert died.
Order to the sheriff of York to take into the king's hand the lands late of
Robert de Nevill, deceased, tenant in chief.
Order to assign dower of the knights' fees that belonged to Robert de Nevill,
tenant in chief, to Ida, late the wife of the said Robert.
(S) Old Yorkshire, Wheater, 1885, P243. (S)
Calendar of Patent Rolls.
of Robert and ?:
i. Robert de Neville (121691296), born by 1240 in
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