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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Count William I of Burgundy & Countess Etiennette of Vienne

 756441248. Count William I of Burgundy & 756441249. Countess Etiennette of Vienne

By 1024, William ‘le Grand’ born in Burgundy, s/o 1521882496. Rainald I of Burgundy & 1521882496. Adelais de Normandie.

By 1031, Etiennette, born in Vienne, Poitiers, d/o §§Archbishop Buchard of Vienne. [See Family notes.] (S) Encyclopedia Britannica, V10, 1910, P931.

8/20/1031, Etienne’s father died.

1032, King Rudolf III of Burgundy died; Burgundy incorporated into German Empire.

5/24/1040, William succeeded as count of Burgundy [northeastern part of the Kingdom of Burgundy, with a predominance of French culture.]

By 1046, William of age.

[––William & Etiennette––]

~1053, William married Etiennette

7/17/1054, Henry IV succeeded as King of Germany.

1058-1068, William in conflict with his brother Guy who attempted to depose him.

8/4/1060, Philip I succeeded as King of France.

9/30/1061, Pope Alexander II succeeded Pope Nicholas II.

1064, Knights and nobles from Burgundy, Normandy, Aquitaine, Italy … set out against the Muslims. [They captured Barbastro in August.]

3/20/1066, Haley’s comet appeard in the sky at its closest point to earth, and was interpreted as an evil omen.

1067, William attended the imperial court of Germany at Speyer when King Henry IV confirmed property of the churches of Santa Maria and Saint Paul, Besancon [capital of the county of Burgundy.]

Bef. 1073, William visited Rome and took an oath to Pope Alexander II to defend the Roman Church against its adversaries.

4/10/1073, Pope Gregory VII succeeded Pope Alexander II.

1074, King William I of England visited the abbey of Cluny in Burgundy.

1074, Pope Gregory wrote to William about the threat posed by the Saracens to the Roman church.

12/1076, William hosted King Henry IV of Germany at Christmastime at Besancon, who at the time was under excommunication.

1078, William succeeded as Comte de Macon when his cousin Guy entered holy orders. (S) FMG. [William installed his son Rainald into this possession.]

1086, ‘Wilelmus comes Burgundie’ names ‘Rainaldi et Raimundi filiorum meorum’ in his donation to Cluny. (S) FMG.

11/12/1087, William ‘Tete-Hardi’, count of Burgundy, died; buried at Besancon. [~30 mi. east of Dijon.]


Aft. 10/19/1088, Etienne died.

Family notes:

1101, Buchard became Archbishop of Vienne.

8/19/1019, Burchard and his brother Ulric donated land in the Genevois to the church of Saint Peter in Vienne for the sake of their parents' souls.

9/14/1023, King Rudolf III and Queen Ermengard granted the county of the Viennois Archbishop to Buchard. Buchard becoming count of Viennois.

1030, Vienne ceded to Archbishop Buchard, who divided it into 2 counties, each held by a powerful vassal.

Children of William and Stephania:

i. Rainald of Burgundy, born ~1055 in Burgundy. [Eldest of several sons.]

Reanud married Regina [Kuniza] von Oltingen.

1078, Rainald made Comte de Macon by his father.

1087, Rainald succeeded his father [his older brother Eudes dying before their father.]

By 1088, Renaud and Regina were separated.

1097, Rainald, leaving on crusade, appointed his younger brother Stephen as regent.

1101, Rainald died on crusade; succeeded by his brother Stephen [died 1102].

ii. Stephen ‘Tete-Hardi’ of Burgundy (159917968), born ~1057 in Burgundy.

iii. Pope Guy of Burgundy, born ~1060 in Besancon, Burgundy.

1088, Guy appointed archbishop of Vienne while underage. [Guy would normally need to be age 30 to be appointed. Guy’s older brother Hugh as archbishop of Besancon, and his brother Stephen count of Burgundy, were likely instrumental in his appointment.]

2/1095, Guy and his rival Hugh of Grenoble met with Pope Urban II at Piacenza.

1095, Guy ordered to be present by the Pope at the consecration of a new cathedral at Valence – which he ignored.

8/1095, Guy, with supporting militia, arrived at Romans.

1095, Guy became alligned with Pope Urban after the council of Clermont.

3/1096, Guy with Pope Urban at Tours.

4/5/1097, Guy’s brother Stephen, count of Burgundy, mortgaged ‘totum honorem quem habet in civitate Vienna’ to Guy, for 10,000 solidi,  for 6 years to finance his participation in the crusades.

8/13/1099, Pope Paschall II succeeded Pope Urban II.

5/27/1102, Guy’s younger brother Stephen died at Ascalon.

12/1107 at Leon, Alfonso VI called a council of Galician magnates to review his succession in Galacia. At the council Guy of Burgundy and Diego Gelmirez named as Urraca’s son’s guardians.

1107-09, Guy named as administrator of Besancon.

9/1112 at Vienne, Guy led the pro-papal opposition at the synod of the Lateran and had the Emperor excommunicated.

1115, ‘Guido Viennensis archiepiscopus’  addressed a letter to ‘nepoti suo Amedeo comiti.’ [Amadeus III of Maurienne,  his nephew.]

Bef. 1/21/1118, Guy created as a Cardinal by Pope Paschall II.

1/24/1118, Pope Gelasius II succeeded Pope Paschall II.

2/9/1119 at Vienne, Guy of Burgundy became Pope Calixtus II, succeeding Gelasius II.

10/16/1119, ‘Calixtus, Bishop [Pope Calixtus II], a servant of the servants of God, to his beloved sons, … ‘Pagano filio Johannis’, Bernard de Newmarch, … diocese of Llandaff, … plundered of its property … (S) Liber Landavensis, 1840, P562.

10/1119, The Council of Reims being held by Pope Calixtus II.

10/30/1119, Pope Calixtus excommunicated Holy Roman Emperor Henry V of Germany and his Antipope Gregory VIII.

11/1119, Pope Calixtus II condemned Henry for imprisoning his brother Duke Robert Curthose, and arresting Robert of Belleme.

3/20/1120, Pope Calixtus wrote a letter to the bishops, princes, counts, and knights of Spain in support of the rule of Alfonso, and against his mother Urraca.

6/3/1120, Pope Calixtus arrived at Rome.

4/1121, Calixtus besieged Sutri and forced the surrender of Antipope Gregory VIII.

9/23/1122, The Cordat of Worms negotiated between Pope Calixtus and Henry V of Germany concluded.

3/18/1123 in Rome, Calixtus II convened the First Lateran council which confirmed the Cordat of Worms [consisting of 300 bishops and 600 abbots.]

12/13/1124, Pope Calixtus II died; buried in the Rome Lateran church; succeeded by Pope Honorius II.

(S) Calixtus II, Stroll, 2004.

iii. Sibylle de Bourgogne (756472975), born 1065 in Burgundy.

v. Raymond of Spain (378220624), born 1070 in Amous, Burgundy. [Younger son.]

vi. Gisele of Burgundy (756441483), born 1075 in Burgundy.

vii. Clementia of Burgundy (3894121520), born ~1080 in Burgundy.

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